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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Stranger Things Season 2 Monster Was Inspired By H.P. Lovecraft (Of course, it was obvious in season one the kids were actually in a Call of Cthulhu scenario, despite the 80's retro-D&D vibe...)
  2. Seems the prolific RPGNet reviewer Antonios S really enjoyed Khan of Khans!
  3. Seems the prolific RPGNet reviewer Antonios S really enjoyed Khan of Khans: "Khan Of Khans is simple, addictive, accessible to everybody, entertaining, and is bound to become a staple amongst short duration and filler games. I won't be particularly surprised if it receives nominations for major gaming awards next year, and even less if it wins them all. Good fun all in all; the Gloranthan backstory is just icing on the cake... Review Summary: If Khan Of Khans wins game of the year in a few months' time, you read it here first." https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/17/17268.phtml
  4. MOB

    Nomad Gods PDF

    We are looking at possibilities for having the map and counters also available to download.
  5. And the Nomad Gods PDF is now available on general release at the Chaosium website too: https://www.chaosium.com/nomad-gods-rule-booklet-pdf
  6. MOB

    Nomad Gods PDF

    The 72 page rulebook for Nomad Gods is now available in PDF from the Chaosium website.
  7. "I still can't believe that a product like the Call of Cthulhu The Coloring Book actually exists. Yet, not only it does, but it wins awards too. It's magnificent; it's mesmerizing; it's complex; it's engaging; it's deeply rewarding. Irrespective of whether you buy it for yourself or for a younger target group, it's money well spent." —sez RPGNet reviewer Antonios S.
  8. You can ask Susan, our board games line editor, directly...
  9. MOB

    Troll wind Lord.

    It's the troll's One Unique Thing. “Each character should have one unique feature you invent for him or her when you create the character. Your one unique thing is an unusual trait that sets your character apart from every other hero. The moment when all the players sit down together with the GM to create their characters’ one unique thing is often the moment when a campaign comes to life.” —p.31, 13th Age Core Rules.
  10. Latest KS update: 13G layout is proceeding well... and here's some more cool art from the book:
  11. Fantasy/Sci Fi author Kate Elliott (Crown of Stars, Court of Fives) recently tweeted this, adding, "the boots, the jeans, and the tank top I was wearing are all clearly rendered in the painting, lol". https://twitter.com/KateElliottSFF/status/910393249944104961It's an awesome cover, by Jody Lee—she also painted the splendid cover of Pendragon 1st Ed.
  12. Yes, when the printed book becomes available we'll send out the discount code to everyone who purchased the PDF from Chaosium.com.
  13. We'll be running The Necropolis at PAX AUS this year, 27-29 October in Melbourne, Australia. Along with The Dead Boarder. Chaosium will have four dedicated tables to run games from close to finish, and we have recruited 20 Keepers to run the sessions. Many people who attend PAX Aus have not played a RPG before, and we hope to introduce many of them to Call of Cthulhu with these sessions.
  14. Your corrections are greatly appreciated, as are the others! Now is the best time to get the text right, before we put it into print.
  15. Here's why we're calling the new edition RQG: https://www.chaosium.com/blog/rqgnew-runequest-edition-to-be-known-as-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha The new edition of the iconic roleplaying game RuneQuest will be formally known as RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, or 'RQG' for short, Chaosium announced today. First published by Chaosium in 1978, over the ensuing decades the RuneQuest game has gone through a number of editions with different publishers and licensees. The new edition returns to Chaosium where it started and where, in its heyday, was second only to Dungeons & Dragonsin terms of sales. RQG is built off the chassis of the acclaimed RuneQuest 2nd Edition (1980). This enables RQG to be compatible with RuneQuest Classic, the updated reprints of the RQ2 line which Chaosium recently kickstarted to great success. "Fans had been referring to the new rules variously as 'RQ4' and 'RQ7'", said Chaosium creative director Jeff Richard, "But our new game is simply not a layer atop the Avalon Hill edition (RQ3) or the Mongoose variants that came after that. Nor is it built from the version Design Mechanism produced under license (RQ6). So, rather than try to give the new edition a number, calling it 'RQG' neatly avoids any confusion."
  16. Chaosium’s first-ever release was a board game, Greg Stafford’s epic wargame White Bear Red Moon, back in 1975. After some twenty years, we’ve returned to making board games and card games again, If you’ve got a proposal in mind for us, our board and card game submissions guidelines tell you what we’re looking for. https://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-board-and-card-games-submissions-guidelines-released
  17. Andrey Fetisov has gone and colored in all his pictures from the Gold ENnie award-winning Call of Cthulhu the Coloring Book - fortunately he stayed inside the (non-Euclidean) lines. And now you can get these Lovecraftian masterpieces on t-shirts, posters, notebooks and the like from the Chaosium Redbubble store!
  18. Our friends at TYPE 40 now have their licensed Call of Cthulhu leather document wallet available for pre-order via Backerkit. If you missed the successful Kickstarter and still want in, now's your chance... https://call-of-cthulhu-leather-document-wallet.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
  19. Horsechester never got published. If the original author is interested, they would be most welcome to bring this out under the licensing arrangements.
  20. Infinity Engine have launched their Kickstarter for the adversaries from the RQ Quickstart's "Broken Tower" scenario (http://bit.ly/2fgCobY). Two Sprul-Pa, a Dream Weft, three Menhir and the Stone Woman. And two iconic Rock Lizards! There are backer levels from cardboard stand-ups right through to fully-painted sets where you can customise the colors! The Kickstarter runs until October 9—check it out at the link:
  21. Infinity Engine have launched their Kickstarter for the adversaries from the RQ Quickstart's "Broken Tower" scenario (http://bit.ly/2fgCobY). Two Sprul-Pa, a Dream Weft, three Menhir and the Stone Woman. And two iconic Rock Lizards! There are backer levels from cardboard stand-ups right through to fully-painted sets where you can customise the colors! The Kickstarter runs until October 9—check it out at the link:
  22. A great time to launch all the goofy Ian O'Toole artwork from our new Khan of Khans family game because it's 20% off everything in the Chaosium Redbubble store for the next 18 hours (expires September 18, 2017 at 11:59pm PT). (Plus the assorted Call of Cthulhu, Glorantha and Chaosium t-shirts, mugs, wall art and the like - it's all 20% off) Use code SAVE20 at checkout.
  23. "The main point of HeroQuest is that characters have traits that they use to solve problems in the game... the trait does not indicate how good you are at doing whatever it is that is covered by the trait. Rather, the number represents how well you can use it to succeed in your goals. It can be a subtle difference at times, but it’s an important one." Some interesting insights about the HeroQuest RPG in this article: https://andrewjluther.com/2017/09/17/heroquest-rpg-not-just-for-glorantha/
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