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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Passing $145K, all original Stretch Goals have been unlocked. That's 27 bonus dice and a dice bag, on top of the original Metal Dice—all now part of your pledge! Q Workshops now says brace yourselves for the new ones coming... just over a week to go in the Kickstarter. http://kck.st/2nwdN2g
  2. Runeblogger and Beornvig, both of you will be getting what you seek in the new RQG. One of the biggest sins of RQ3 is that it was eight years after the core rules were released before any new scenario material set in Glorantha appeared (Sun County, 1992). We won't be doing that.
  3. The new edition of RuneQuest will be formally known as RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, or 'RQG' for short. Rather than try to give the new RuneQuest edition a number, calling it 'RQG' neatly avoids any confusion... RQG is due out for Christmas 2017 (and it won't be Kickstarted). More details at the link: http://bit.ly/2oMh1PZ
  4. A new RuneQuest Design Note from Jeff—there's been a lot of progress on RuneQuest made, including some very big decisions on the product schedule! TLDR: New RuneQuest will be out for Christmas—and will not be Kickstarted. http://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-13/
  5. Metal Dice Kickstarter has shot past $115K—backers now receive the Azathoth dice set in their pledge too (That's in addition to the Metal Dice, the Nyarlathotep dice set, and the dice bag, so far - more stretch goals with more bonus dice to go!) 11 days left... http://kck.st/2nwdN2g
  6. Now that the Call of Cthulhu Metal Dice Kickstarter has reached $100k*, from now on, it's all about adding free stuff to the basic pledge. Check out the new stretch goals for the campaign's final 12 days... *it's actually just passed $112K
  7. You can run it in public on Roll20, Twitch TV or whatever as well, all from the comfort of your home...
  8. "...we're also talking to Q Workshop about offering a turkey bacon option for our many kosher and halal devotees", said Trumble. A tofu version was also considered, but the dice just kind of forlornly stuck there in the tray. "Besides, Cthulhu might be green, but he's no vegetarian, no way", Trumble said, apparently speaking from experience. More here: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/bacon-of-gaming-to-get-dice-tray-made-of-actual-bacon
  9. BTW, your FLGS doesn't necessarily need to be participating in Free RPG Day for you to run a game there that weekend, we'll still send you the PDF of the Quickstart.
  10. We welcome Ian and Sue on board the team! (Sue O'Brien is the new Boardgames line editor) "Sue and Ian both bring a much needed range of skills, experience, and a passion for all that is Chaosium. They game every week. They have been a part of our tribe for many years", said Rick Meints, Chaosium President. More here: http://bit.ly/2no9sg8
  11. We welcome Ian and Sue on board the team! (Ian Cooper is the new line editor for the HeroQuest Glorantha RPG) "Sue and Ian both bring a much needed range of skills, experience, and a passion for all that is Chaosium. They game every week. They have been a part of our tribe for many years", said Rick Meints, Chaosium President. More here: http://bit.ly/2no9sg8
  12. We have exciting plans for RQ organized play that will be revealed in due course. The first offering is the RQ Quickstart. We'll be putting out a call for GMs on Free RPG Day to run the Quickstart scenario in game stores. If you commit to do so, you'll get a PDF copy of the Quickstart the week before the big day.
  13. Only 20 hours left to get on board this awesome licensed Call of Cthulhu adventure. The 7 day Kickstarter seems to be a very successful format for from our friends Golden Goblin Press, which is at over $18K on a $7K goal:
  14. July 1st, 2017. If you commit to GMing the Quickstart in a store on Free RPG Day (June 17), you'll be able to download the PDF a week beforehand. That is the finished pic, we're not changing it any further.
  15. With 16 days to go, the Metal Dice Kickstarter is closing on $96K (191% funded), with 1107 backers so far. The two playmats coming up at $100K look pretty awesome and will help avoid getting your table dinged by the metal dice, which are heavy. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/q-workshop/call-of-cthulhu-metal-dice-set-by-q-workshop-and-c
  16. The new rock lizard is grey with greenish tinges, to keep everyone (un)happy it seems
  17. Andrey has just finished a quite beautiful full page color pic of a dark troll wandering through the Vale of Flowers, with some trollkin in the background riding on giant bees etc. This is for 13AG.
  18. We upgraded our rock lizard for the new RQ Quickstart cover!
  19. We're taking the new RuneQuest Quickstart scenario through its paces again tonight here in Bellevue, WA .(Some of the party might know a thing or two about RuneQuest , but the GM for tonight's playtest of 'The Broken Tower' is a RQ and Glorantha newcomer, and doing an awesome job!)
  20. Awesome close up of the D6 shows teeth and tentacles:
  21. OK, Q Workshop might call them "Call of Cthulhu Metal Dice", but given they have fanged mouths surrounded by tentacles, I could see them being used in Krarshti gambling dens all over Glorantha... On Kickstarter now: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/q-workshop/call-of-cthulhu-metal-dice-set-by-q-workshop-and-c
  22. The Kickstarter has met its 50K goal, so now the Stretch Goals are being unrolled... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/q-workshop/call-of-cthulhu-metal-dice-set-by-q-workshop-and-c
  23. This is likewise the case with the new Chaosium edition of RuneQuest, currently in development. Rules-wise, it is certainly less complex/crunchy than RQ 3rd or 6th editions (it is somewhat more complex than the 2nd on which it is based though, in that introduces runes and passions into the game mechanics.) Which we will also do for the new edition of RQ.
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