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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. I don't think Yelmalio is Antirius. Antirius is a more fiery god capable of giving out sunspears. I derive Antirius from Ent - Turos, (Right Turos, cf Entekos). In other words, Antirius is a manifestation of Turos as the upholder of Righteous Order. There is an association with the Sun Dome Temples and Antirius (Avivath sees the first Sun Dome temple to Antirius in Kestinaddi) but that's a style of temple and one that does not proceed directly from Antirius. It was used for Daysenervus in Saird because Saird was a place of the Amalgram deities in which various religious influences were imported and synthesised Daysenervus' magics would be related to what Daysenervus did at the Sunstop. Ourania is known to the Arirae as FerNa (cf the Entekosiad p59 - the tears give it away) where she acts as a Creatrix. She doesn't wield any bows there and so I find it difficult to see her acting as the Starbringer or the wielder of the Meteor Bow. Conceptually Yelorna is about as far removed from Ourania as you can get. Lastly Yelorna first appears in Tarinwood according to http://www.glorantha.com/docs/safelster-in-the-first-age/
  2. I thought she would have been better identified as the Hunter constellation making her an equivalent of Lestakus/Saggitus (Dara Happa Archer God), Hensarava (Eastern Isles) or Jumo (Kralorela).
  3. This current situation, I feel, has arrived in Sun County after a long period of trial and error testing. In Dragon Pass, I note that the High Priest is also the Count (Wyrms Footnotes #15) indicating that the Yelmalions there have not the institutional wisdom to keep the twin powers of count and high priest separate.
  4. The Byzantines (whom MOB borrowed for their political stories which he then pumped full of steriods for use in Sun County) had a Patriarch and an Emperor who belonged to the same faith. There was serious political rivalry there. The absence of the High Priestrs list proves my point. The High Priests are more august than the Counts and so should be reckoned as the real heads of state in Sun County. Despite this, the kids are *not* being taught their names. My feeling as to why there is no list is that many of the High Priests were declared of damnable memory and expunged from the record. People can only get a hint of what might have happened through additions to the lists of Prohibitions over time (5th edition No smoking Hazia! No wearing Red! No multiple marriages!)
  5. The terrain being talked about not only sustained the Teshnans, it also sustains Corflu (a recent settlement but still 1000 strong) and sustained Feroda (which is bigger than Corflu but not as big as New Pavis - Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p304) and Kitoy in the Dawn Age (Pavis and Big Rubble p17). It is unsuited to nomads but not to sedentary farmers. Teshnos in particular has several inhabited swamps - such as the Tesho Marsh. The region is being shown as controlled, not merely explored (the territory searched and explored by Selenteen would be far larger even if it would be encounters like: Selenteen: Have you seen or heard of a Red Sword? Nomads: No, we have not. What is this Lost Calm you speak of?). On other maps, the territory is shown as being controlled or under the influence of the EWF and the Empire of Sheng Seleris. If the Teshnan merchants are described as being seen in Boldhome then that's significant trade (note: significant trade does not mean major). They are mentioned in the same sentence as the Tanisorans who have a known trade-route to Boldhome then and whose presence would not be controversial. The fact that Teshnan merchants are making it across the Wastes in the absence of a central authority granting them safe passage indicates the route was doable. Selenteen's Landing was around 1250 ST and gone by the arrival of the Selerans who arrive in the region as early as 1362 ST. In that time (1313 ST to be precise), a blue-skinned demigod swims ashore at Kethaela and overthrows the Only Old One. Now it just so happens that the Teshnans were originally settled by the Loper People, a blueskinned tribe from Fonrit. Little to no evidence? That's quite a claim.
  6. Obviously the Priests who created and maintained the Light List are willing to undermine the Counts by pointing out the bad deeds of their successors. You can't find any similar list about the more worthy High Priests, can you?
  7. In the map on the Guide to Glorantha, Selenteen's Landing is quite expansive in territory reaching as far as the Five Eyes temple and the Senitel on the shore. It's significantly buigger than the Uz-controlled Rubble whereas Sun County is not even shown as an independent state. Judging by area alone, it Sun County has 19,000 people then Selenteen's Landing should be over 30,000. As for how it was settled, coastal sea travel remains a possibility (hell even Sheng Seleris was brave enough to send a fleet which almost made it to Vormain). Given that Teshnos was trading with Sartar in Saronil's time (King of Sartar p190 has Teshnan merchants in Boldhome in 1535 ST - a good half century before the Opening), I wouldn't be so dismissive about there being no trade or travel between Teshnos and the west before the Closing.
  8. Sorry for misspelling Selenteen. As for there being no sign of any significant Teshnan contact, that falls in the same category as the curious incident of the dog in the night time. It's just down the river! My guess is that the Solitude of Testing is an artefact caused by the deliberate forgetting of large periods of Sun Dome history considering that it's embarrassing to the current priesthood (betrayal of fellow light worshippers, Teshnan debauchery and a nightmarish occupation). Only in the lists of the High Priests would one find hints at the real story.
  9. Its a wee bit more complicated than that. Circa 1250 ST, the Pure Horse Tribe gets destroyed. Yet the Sun Dome Temple continues intact - there's no change in Count or anything. In 1361 ST, the Praxians submit to Sheng Seleris at the Huck Sheng Hills and their submission continues until his death in 1460 ST - they were sending troops to aid in an invasion of Vormain as late as 1452 ST, yet there's no sign of this on the Counts list. My thinking is that originally the Sun Domers were allies of the Pure Horse Tribe. Then came Seleteen and the Sun Domers switched allegiances from the Pure Horse Tribe to the Teshnans. Bereft of their walking allies, the Pure Horse Tribe gets wiped out. Some Sun Dome prohibitions could conceivably be traced to a backlash on Teshnan influences - the wearing of red or disguising oneself as a women. The Teshnan influence lasts until the arrival of the Seleran Empire. I'm of the opinion that the Selerans used Jaldon Toothmaker as a focus for their authority. The Teshnans seem to be destroyed by the Selerans with the Sun Domers making another shift of allegiances to ensure their survival. Their geases may stem from this time as a slavish emulation of Seleran virtues. After the collapse of the Seleran Empire, nomad interest in worshipping Sheng Seleris declines rapidly and they no longer have a need to control the Sun Dome temple.
  10. It appears in RQ2 (p124 of the classic PDF).
  11. I made a joke in the glorantha: intro about Jaldon using this river to leave Dragon Pass during the Dragonkill and ended up getting eaten by a passing red dragon. He would have thought it was the Creakstream River which at that time flowed into the sea near Karse. But this is quite a geographical blunder to make and I doubt one that is plausible (especially in light of Joerg's remark how anybody would remember it). There is in 1609 a Praxian raid of Dorastor (WF #15 p53) which has gone otherwise unremarked (the Praxians go via Aggar). Another possibility might be that in an effort to get rid of Jaldon Toothmaker, Lunar Magicians wove a complicated plot to encourage his spirit to raid Dorastor in a hope to get himself dead for good. Since Jaldon is stuck on a mental map of Dragon Pass that has the Creakstream River following near Karse, the Oslir is the only river that remotely looks like how the Creekstream River is supposed to be. So Jaldon goes northwards from Dragon Pass in an attempt to find Prax. Hence the name.
  12. The emptied aren't quite new. They were extant in Hero Wars to explain those people who had joined the Sword Brothers and were unable to speak to spirits.
  13. metcalph


    One possibility about the morokanth chariots that has not (I think) been mentioned so far is that they are not for religious, magical or military purposes but to unnerve humans through gestures of dominance. I would give numerous web literature on how such chariots might work but the material that I can find is not quite what I was talking about....
  14. Even worse, some cultures (Malkioni, Dara Happans, Kralori and Vithelans) actually number the Godtime in years. Their estimates are all contradictory though. The idea of a sequence in the God Time goes as far back as Cults of Terror which has a Golden Age followed by the Lesser and Greater Darknesses. There were human civilizations in the God Time that experienced sequentially as far as can be seen. At the same time, there are known places in the God Time where there is aan apparent error in the sequence. The Malkioni for example have two first crities. Orlanth has a famous journey west of which points the God Learners determined did not exist in the same age.
  15. metcalph


    They run on four legs, I assume, being as speedy as any other steed in Prax.
  16. Not so. There are 700 Newtlings in the Rightarm Isle settlement of Serid Yarkasa according to the Guide p708. The best reference to Ducks before the Modern Age is the statement that the Orlanthi have surrounded them since Time began (Guide p107) Bottomland is inhabited by Adult Newtlings (Guide p251). Little room for Durulz.
  17. Ganderland is referred to as Keetela in Revealed Mythologies and that exists outside the Monomyth of the God Learners. It was sunk by the Togaro and the surviving Keets made their way to the Eastern Isles pursued by the Bezarngay Boil.
  18. I think the Ducks look intentionally stupid to such an extent that gloranthans themselves believe they look stupid and despise them for this. There's no one history of ducks. There is a history of the Keets but the history of the Durulz is quite obscure before the Human Resettlement of Dragon Pass - to such an extent there's a theory going around that Delecti made them. The ducks of Dragon Pass are known as Durulz. The Ducks of the Eastern Isles are Keets. There is an extinct species of Duck known as Umbakko. It's not known for certain. The Keets did fight against the Sea God Sshorg who later warred against Genertela. A duck-like hero called Imarja appears in Esrolia in the Storm Age. Further west, Zzabur *boils* an invasion of Umbakko ("Beakies") who were accompanying a sea god. Hence the suggestion is that some of the Ducks sold out to Sshorg and other sea gods and willingly became his toadies in an invasion of Genertela and the West. While that does not sound like the Keets who are a kind and gentle folk, it does describe the Durulz to a t. They share a common ancestor as far as I know.
  19. metcalph


    There is a map on p92 of History of the Heortling Peoples
  20. There are considerably more than seven stars in the Broken Ring. There are currently seven orange stars plus the green Dragon's Head. The Guide says there are between one and three additional stars (two disappeared during the Sunstop and returned when Gbaji was killed while a third vanished during the Battle for Castle Blue - Guide p651). After the Dragonrise there will be ten orange stars and one green one. The ten stars brings to mind the constellation of Yelm, Entekos and the Eight Sons on the Copper Tablets. So it's really IMO another variation of the original Celestial Court rather than the Lightbringers. Among the Orlanthi, the Broken Ring would be identified as Orlanth, Ernalda, Elmal, Humakt etc with Flesh Man and Ginna Jar not counted among them. The current Lunar belief about the Broken Ring is that it is to be mended Fortunate Succesion p63.
  21. Since Aerlit is associated with Seshnela and the father of Damol (Guide p411 and 417) I doubt that long-ago statements about Malkion's descent from Aerlit and Warera are even correct. Otherwise Damol would have had a considerably far more exalted status as Malkion's brother something which isn't mentioned in the sources.
  22. Both the Piscoi (Malasps, Yssabau) and the Cetoi (Ludochs, Ouori) breath water. The ancestors of the fish-like Piscoi fought the storm gods while the Cetoi ancestors welcomed them. The ancestors of the Black-Lagoon-like Gnydrons who defeated the storm gods and so breathe water. The Zabdamar and the Dwerulans are also air-breathers but they have a different origin. There are underwater cities of Ludoch such as Deeper in the Holy Country. The merfolk there have special magics to create a bubble so they don't have to swim to the surface. The principle is the same as the Fish Roads. I expect similar cities in the Mournsea. Hence I don't think it odd at all that the Merfolk have deep underwater cities (I would prefer different methods of doing so in each merfolk cultural zone - Jrustela/Dashomo, Masloi/Marthino, Eastern Isles & Southern Genertela - the Ouori don't have a civ as far as I can see) The merfolk in glorantha say close to the surface because that is where most of the food is. The deeper zone between 200-1000 yards is somewhat scary and full of menacing creatures while below 1000 yards is Cthuloid territory which even the merfolk fear.
  23. In a series of articles that were once published on glorantha.com, the missing phalanxes were Diamond Phalanx of Yuthuppa, destroyed by the Mad Sultannate. Slate Phalanx, destroyed by the Carmanians Onyx Phalanx, devoured by the Dragons. Emerald(ite) Phalanz, destroyed by Sheng Seleris. Because the article has been removed and that much information elsewhere in the series has since been made non-canonical, I don't considere the above names to be canon. EDIT: Just did a search. Emeraldite appears to be an obscure name for Green Tourmaline..
  24. I would say less than 1%. People under compulsion would be most (but not all) of the movers and shakers in Afadjann plus a few fanatical servants.
  25. Ginkizzie are Openhandists and Apostates. I don't see any evidence for Individualists among them. Their founder was Flintnail (a rock dwarf) not Isidilian (a quicksilver dwarf).
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