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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. p88 in the Argan Argar Atlas on the south LHS.
  2. My guess as to Ompalam's hostile depiction is that the Vadeli have revealed the horrible undeniable secret about him (ie chaos) and the Fonritans have been coping poorly with this ever since. Tentacle, for example, might be an attempt at providing a non-chaotic justification for cosmic slavery. But the old ways of Ompalam still endure and Fonrit is still speeding towards a chasm.
  3. Predecessor Chaos God. Mentioned in the Guide p555 (A Fonritan Prophecy) and elsewhere. Seems to be a Fonritan God since the only in-gloranthan reference we have (other than God Learner) is Fonritan.
  4. I just assume they trade such goods to the civilized world at large. Thus even in Sog City, you would get copper from Dragon Pass, Dye from Kralorela, Glass from Teshnos (more highfalutin' that the Ralian garbage), Incense from Teleos etc at the local markets.
  5. Dijaar and his Five Friends are shown on the map as being active circa 940 ST. source: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-decline-and-fall-of-the-ewf/
  6. Or because those are Pelorian Goddesses where they never ventured.
  7. Had the Prosopedia for a week now and there's a lot of interesting tibits under the surface. Some of thiese may just be imaginery on my behalf. Alakoring wears the Iron Crown. First time, I've seen this in print despite the Iron Crown existing as a far back as Griffin Mountain. It still seems that he's not the subject of the Iron Crown epic for that hero was killed in a horse nomad ambush while Alakoring was hit by an elven HIMARS. Artmal no longer has the Fate Rune. This could be that he's recently been freed. Balazar is depicted as a Golden Spearman. This might be that the Cult of the Golden Spearman that the Elmali brought to Aldachur (WF #15 p41) was Balazar. Beatpot's revolt seems to be the same revolt that Duke Raus got sent to Prax for. The writeup kinda gives him a Yevgeny Prigozhin vibe (cook...worked his way up into a position of trust.. gets relatively mild treatment). Ethilrist's history appears to have changed back to the second age. I kinda get the same vibe about the descriptions of the Glorious Ones and the New Gods as if they had the same mythical basis. Food for thought.
  8. The subject is the map in the Guide p469. Goon Orta's castle does not correspond to one of the unlabelled trade centers.
  9. Fronela: Sog City. Seshnela: Nolos Ralios: Kustria, Estal and Syran (guesstimate) Maniria: Handra. Kethaela: Nochet. Dragon Pass: Furthest and Boldhome. Peloria: Elz Ast, Raibanth and Mirin's Cross (Raibanth could have been Good Shore but that's not large enough for a major trade center IMO). Palbar. Kralorela: Lur Nop and Jangi-Shar. Teshnos: Dosakayo. Jrustela: Crandress. Teleos: Iskisdar. Umathea: Garzanz, Arvanor, Nikosdras and Tortirica. Fonrit: Garguna, Dindanko, Tondiji, Kormani, Dunmanaba, Goan and Delerenkos (possibly). Maslo: Westela and Charth (according to the text, this is rarely visited by othsiders. Yanchi is more probable). Eastern Isles: Champaya, Mirivarea, Dalanamadury and Lugash.
  10. A possibility is that the the town grew out of a worker's camp to build the arch ordered by some bygone Count or another. But the necessary stone never arrived (perhaps the coins for the quarry got diverted? Who knows). So scribes at the Sun Dome temple might be under the impression there's an arch there but the locals are baffled when you ask them about it.
  11. "Got" might be more accurate. Krarsht's Sense Law was based on the Cults of Terror conception of her as the anti-Storm Bull which was kinda silly.
  12. But the Vadeli actually ally with the Mostali in the Hero Wars (Guide p502, sidebar).
  13. Shipping not available in Oz. *Grump*
  14. Unfortunately the Vadeli have special magic which makes them invisible to Dwarven revenge. Moreover the Gods War has seen several collaborations between the Mostali and the Vadeli against other Malkioni (and that was *after* the Vadeli stole from the dwarves and caused them to mistrust all humans).
  15. Available here: https://www.chaosium.com/the-guide-to-glorantha-slipcase-set/
  16. Gresham's law - the bad currency drives out the good. Guilders will be hoarded while Lunars will be freely spent in order to be rid of. Besides coining a lot of silver coins for the new regime will take time.
  17. Given that Elassi the Stifler cut off an ear rather than an eye, I would say yes.
  18. Except the Cult of Silence still exists.
  19. The Cult of Silence was a revolt against existence. I imagine in the beginning it was a belief popular among the human rulers. Why it was so popular is probably things weren't going all that well for them. It mutated into a cult of drugged crazies who enforced their silence upon the population (who whispered when they weren't around). Since mention is made of psychic surgeons and magical communication, I think the cult's magic is sorcery (ie Speak to Mind as Mindlink no loner exists). I think most cultists would have just communicated with Sign Language and the thing about magical transmissions was to communicate with people who were not Silent. The more hardline cults would have just refused to allow mental sounds into their heads and demanded that the others learn their signs if they had anything to say. In terms of RQG magic, most Silenced would have had Silence being analogous to the Malkioni Rightness (I'm just spit-balling here), with various silent magics being the equivalent of Malkioni caste magics. The Stiflers would have taken a variety of drugs that increased their Silence but also increased their intolerance for Sound (or some other limitation). As for the origins of the Silence, it is either the Theist origin of Glorantha or the Silence that came from the Constellation of the Whisperers (Guide p650) which afflicted even Zzabur in Cults of Terror. I suspect, we'll learn a little more in a couple of days.
  20. Gods of Glorantha: Cults Book p12 RQ3 Book 5 p11 Due to the great age of these sources, it's probable that the expansive nature of the cult is no longer true (I'm still put out by the "three savage kings [...] claim huge empires" RQ3 Book 5 p8 being downgraded to three small islands) with the possible mention of the Feofaxian elves Guide p546 being a relic of this period.
  21. A Rune Lord of Himile is described in the Smoking Ruin and Other Stories p181-p182 and he has the Runic Affinities of Darkness, Disorder and Stasis. Chill, a specific cold magic, is described with the Darkness Rune which is also the case in the Red Book of Magic p28. The Cold Rune only appears for Valind and Himile in AH Gods of Glorantha, published nearly 40 years ago
  22. I'm not seeing the evidence for water-borne trade in slaves. If the Solanthi had a port then possibly but they don't. I'm extremely skeptical about the long-distance traffic in slaves, especially to places like the Lunar Empire. There's too many lawless and hostile areas in which human transport is extremely risky. For example, the Solanthi have some Esrolian slaves which they seek to sell in Lunar Markets. How are they going to get them into the Lunar Empire? The first country they go through is... Esrolia. You see the problem? The Trans-Atlantic trade was far simpler in that you had a big boat going most of the distance. The main sources of cargo vessels in Maniria are the Esrolians and the Seshnegi, neither known as slave-traders. The Wolf Pirates might be willing to dump their excess in Handra and Fay Jee but such places would be far more likely to convert the slave price into a denture ("we freed you now pay us") rather than have a sizable population of slaves. The Fonritans and Vadeli might but neither are present in Maniria in large numbers. Pimper's Block was significant because it was a traditional trading place and also because the Lunar Empire had a huge need for captive labour to build the Temple of the Reaching Moon. I'm not seeing a similar motivation for widespread slave trade in Maniria other than prisoners of war taken by the Solanthi and Pralori.
  23. The slaves quote was about the Manirian Road. Both Fay Jee and Peelo are not on the Manirian Road. As near as I can make out, the Road extends from Highwater to Yolanda. It's not likely to go through Ryzel so will probably go to Selgos, where Castelain is buried, and then to Ferry, the Temple of Peace and Solanthi lands proper. Slaves would probably be bought in there, perhaps Yellowstone, as that's where most of the war captives would be. It seems odd for the Solanthi to ship their captives to be sold at places outside their control.
  24. Slaves are likely to be Solanthi captives as Greymane's been raiding for a while.
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