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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Pretty sure Humakt would be hostile to Yanafal what with the business of being kerb-stomped by his devoted warriors at the Battle of the Four Arrows of Light. I think any relationship between Irrippi and Lhankor are best explained by Sayre's Law ("Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low.")
  2. I really don't think that changes in the Green Age result in universal changes. At the most they should be confined to the Heroquester. There's a visit to the Green Age in the Eleven Lights which doesn't mention the extreme reactions you suggest.
  3. I think the Golden Age begins with Yelm. Even in the Yelmic Cosmology (Glorious ReAscent), the First Era is the Timeless Period of the One while Yelm rules the Second Era. There's no intermediate reign of Aether Primolt who is instead one of the Glorantay.
  4. I imagine unspecialized shrines (ie to the Seven Mothers as a whole) and specialized shrines (ie a single Seven Mother is so honored) exist. Unspecialized shrines would teach Reflection, while specialized shrines would teach Regrow Limb (Deezola), Madness (Jakaleel) and Mindblast (Irrippi Ontor). Yanafal's Truesword would be awesome but it's only available to Chief Priests and higher so wouldn't be taught at a shrine. She's an associate of the Seven Mothers, not one of them.
  5. Seriously? I was offering my opinion (the posts starts "I think...") and did not say 100%. This isn't the place for hostile nitpicks as the following post makes clear: Err. I offered an in-gloranthan reason as to how the Malkioni might explain this difference. That's allowed to be different from the real truth and not a sign of inconsistency,. You are quite free to state your own opinion without using the platform of adverse commentary of another person's post.
  6. Can, not will. IMO the Shaman blame Zzabur for not being able to summon Zzaburi Ancestors. Nothing to do with Malkion at all
  7. Again this is too dogmatic. Every culture has misfits and people who screw up, with the taboos being so restrictive and all that, so it's simply not plausible to say "nope, the Grazers never fall afoul of their taboos". Even King of Sartar has hints of the process when it talks about the Wanderers among the Grazers leaving the tribe p91 and p93. Now since the Grazers explicitly worship Yu-Kargzant, the question then is what do they think about plain Kargzant? Having him as the patron of the impure (who would still be a tiny minority) makes loads of sense to me. Can I trouble you for a source on that? Just getting a bit annoyed that you make all these statements and don't bother to support them,. Yelmalio doesn't have any special association with riding Eiritha beasts than he does with Phalanx fighting. The Praxians would worship him not because he's a good rider (or even fighter) but because he's an excellent survivor. I daresay he's popular among the Impala because everybody else is bigger than them.
  8. They are culturally diverse as King of Sartar describes. Religion isn't demographics. And why so dogmatic about the Pure Horse not having any connection to Kargzant? He would be an ideal god for those Grazers who have lost their connection with Yu-Kargzant but still struggle to for the light. There is no Praxian version of Yelmalio save that worshipped in Sun County.
  9. Their founder was from the Dundealos but he acquired many survivors from the Pure Horse Tribe (KoS p98 and p166) after the Battle of Alavan Algay. KoS p109 makes note of their Praxian intake.
  10. I think those who master sorcery have an intense sense of individuality that prevents them from entering Solace and being re-incarnated. (Yes, there's a huge tension here within Malkionism). Others who have learned some find themselves confined to the Citadel of Thought until their knowledge decays and they are finally able to be free to await reincarnation. That is why Malkioni ancestors that can be contacted have no sorcery or Rightness.
  11. I think the term used was subservient deity, which means that the minor (tribal) temple to Orlanth can obtain Elmal's runespells. This means they don't get HYyalor's Command Horse (but you really don't need to be worship an associate of the Horse God to be good at fighting on horseback - just ask the Malkioni) but they do get Sunbright or Catseye which would be good fighting in the Dark.
  12. That's two runespells and still far too many. Elmal doesn't need a helping hand from Orlanth Thunderous in addition to Orlanth in general. Insofar as Jeff was once talking about variations of Yelmalio (Kargzant, Elmal etc), Orlanth was providing him with Shield.
  13. I don't think Hyalor is an associate of Orlanth while Foundchild definitely is not. And just postulating a anonymous tribal founder that hands out Truespear is kinda heavyhanded. As ex-Grazers, the Pol Joni would be more likely to worship Kargzant or Yelmalio. Some of that will spill over back into the Sartarite tribes.
  14. Orlanth doesn't even provide his fellow lightbringers with that many rune spells!
  15. Orlanthi heroes could still use basic magic which is a (rough) equivelnt of RQ's spirit magic. I think Baroshi is still alive. He was active throughout the Great Darkness when Ernalda was dead. A mere Windstop's not going to stop him, no? Whether he still provides Earth Rune Magics is a decision for the GM.
  16. No Rune Magic from Orlanth. No Rune Magic from Ernalda. Whether other gods can use Storm or Earth Rune Magic is debatable but I think not (Storm Bull could use a Berserk Spell for example but not a Command Sylph). Spirit magic is not from the gods so works normally.
  17. They would have some pelorian elements in their culture (both social and material) - not consistently but from a wide variety of Pelorian cultures. Even the traditionalist Old Tarshites who scorn the Lunars would have northern ways that would startle the southerners. Tribal kingships might be dominated by aristocratic families to a much larger degree than in the rest of Sartar.
  18. Lodril lies between the surface world and the underworld (some apocryphal material has called this Earth world) and volcanic regions are places where he hasn't burned himself out.
  19. In Pent is the Hot Lake, a large inland sea, which probably is caused by volcanic activity. But geological activity in Pent is more like lands of the dead bubbling up from the Underworld (like Senbar) than vulcanism.
  20. Probably. There's some theological issues with it. Not as bad as some of the other cults but still raises the question of "how could that even happen?"
  21. There's a picture in Wyrms Footprints p42 about death-hounds carrying the Sun down to the underworld and mentions this is part of Orlanth's Sword Story. It's not that much of a leap to identify Telmor as carrying down the Sun.
  22. Methinks you are misinterpreting what that statement is about. It's not what cults you can join but what worship ceremonies you can attend if you are a member of certain cults. A worshipper of the Seven Mothers cannot attend a worship ceremony of Pavis because the cults are neutral to each other and they have no friends or associates in common. In order to do so, the Lunar has to join his cult or that of the Zola Fel (other cults listed in Cults of Prax p50 are possible but rather improbable for a Lunar). No special permission is or has ever been required and the rules do not make any mention of such a thing. There is no problem with a Telmori worshipping Humakt in Dragon Pass (they could have a problem in Ralios or Fronela) and it is absurd to suggest otherwise. The RQ:G rules say no such thing. Given that you are making assumptions *and* saying that they are what the rules say, I'm out of here.
  23. My original response to you was that the actual question was whether they could *join* neutral cults. I've been over that before and pointed out the the section about membership in multiple cults. All that it stipulates there is that the cults be *compatible* (Cults of Terror allowed members from neutral cults to join and there are plenty of examples in the literature of this -for example, Lunars worshipping Pavis) I am not seeing anything from you as to why Telmori cannot worship Humakt other than this just below: Humakt's holy days are Windsday in Storm Season, Waterday in Sea Season, Fireday in Fire Season, Clayday in Earth and Freezeday in Dark Season. Since Full Moon falls on Wilday in Prax and Dragon Pass, I'm not seeing the problem for the Telmori werewolf. That's not what Cults of Terror p89 describes and assuming a special permission is needed is something that not been seen before. From who would the Telmori need the special permission? The local Humakti priest in his tribe? I've a feeling he would be little more than a rubber stamp. Telmor doesn't have a history of stealing stuff from Humakt. Telmor isn't even Humakt's kin so there's no kinship relation to even *sever*. Why can't the Telmori have a humakti brotherhood which functions as the local temple? Cults of Prax speaks of "holy and magical swords" counting as "mobile altars or shrines" (CoP p33)
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