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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. I think Harpies are no more Beast People than Wind Children are. IMO Harpies are Wind Children thta have become corrupted by Chaos.
  2. Why Black Arkati and Sorcery? There's an actual canonical Argan Argar Runespell - Become Other (Red Book of Magic p16) that does pretty much the same thing with much less effort.
  3. Flamal is worshipped at the Clearwine Earth Temple p13 (RQ Gamemaster Screen Pack) and also has a number of shrines throughout the tribe. His worshippers aren't that influential.
  4. Started by a post of Jeff (https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-origin-of-belintar/ The origins of Belintar. Belintar was Artmal. He was buried at the Blue Man Hills in Fonrit. Many people had spoken to him then, seeking the secrets of the lost Artmali Empire. The God Learners planned to restore him to life but either abandoned the project because they did not like what they had learned or they were killed before they could begin. When the Red Moon rose, Belintar finally became alive but he was still trapped in his tomb. The Yranians freed him in return for his power, which they used to set up a Mighty Empire. The newly freed Belintar decided not to help the Yranians but to seek out the source of the Red Moon. Since the Oceans were closed, he swam (via the Celestial River). He landed in Kethaela and set up the Holy Country. The Yranians did not understand the power they had wielded and used too much of it. Because oif their mistakes, Belintar was able to reclaim his lent power and used them to create the first Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death.
  5. The maximum CHA for Tusk Riders is 7, not 6 (max of d6 plus 1 per die used). They are not. Look at the magics of the Cult of the Bloody Tusk. They get spirit magic and magic points (via Death Binding) from the people they have killed (Bestiary p71). And since it's their victims' spirits casting the magics, the chances of success are higher.
  6. The mythlet of Shargash's end (source: the Story of Our Goddess, called Rufelza) Eons end Shargash the Destroyer Slew Life Slew Death Even Himself Shargash is the God of Destruction. When Yelm was slain then Shargash began to destroy everything which was an enemy to him and Yelm. Then Shargash slew everything he didn't like. Then he slew everything else, and finally even himself.
  7. Opossums are maruspials and are mentioned in the Guide p19 (among the Pralori and a distinct nation of Hsunchen). The Smoking Ruins and Other Stories has encounter featuring a duck-bear p30, which is really a Giant Platypus. although that's really a monotreme. The SR&OT also has an opossum spirit p27.
  8. That's a political question really. The Queen of Greenstone would be happy with the arrangement but the Malani King will not. Every now and then, he summon the thane, issue rebukes for dereliction of duty etc until the thane acknowledges his authority.
  9. metcalph


    I do have the idea that instead of casting spells, Dronars of whatever school (okay, the mainsteam ones) would have knowledge of a Philosophical Form, such as a sword.. With the knowledge in mind, they can create the object repeatedly to the same level of craftsmanship with very little variation compared to other crafters (e.g. Orlanthi and Pelorians). In addition, when other Malkioni use these Ideal Weapons, they get a bonus. Thus the westerners use archaic weapon and armour styles that distinguish them from their neighbours who do not care for such things. Malkioni crafters acquire their knowledge with the help of a friendly wizard (probably goes on the to hero plane and sees such things being made). For complicated pieces of equipment, like say a Turtle Barge, crafters learn a specific part of shaping that when put together becomes a coherent whole. The crafters of God Forgot are a bit more magical in their crafts. Not for them the tilling of the soil or the gathering of fish. Instead, they make a variety of magical servants that do those jobs for them. Such servants are temporary and wear out within a season to a year so their whole life is one of making servants, supervising them, cursing them when they stop working, gathering the raws to make new servants etc. There's no stockpile of magical servants and artifacts for outsiders to loot. Leonardo is unique in that he does make enduring artifacts. But for them to endure, he only makes one of them. Thereafter he visits the hero planes, accessible from within Howl's Moving Castle his laboratory, to find a new invention to make.
  10. The Feldichi of Dorastor are alive today in God Forgot...
  11. Depends on where you would be sailing. I expect the following sea-faring nations: Loskalm Quinpolic League Mirrorsea Islanders (ex Holy Country) Wolf Pirates Melib Vormain Haragalan Commonwealth Flanch Golden Kareeshtu Nikosdros Orange Guilds (Vadeli) Slon (Dwarves) Waertagi (Edrenlin/Sog City) Exotic ships from nations like Kralorela or Malusoll (Dark Trolls) would be rarely encountered. There's no need to create a homeland. Just describe the ship, its likely crew and combatants and its attitude to people they encounter - Pirates will probably try to seize all, Haragalan Commonwealth probably try to seize half etc. The following merfolk: Ludoch Malasp Yssabau Likewise the Zabdamar, the Ouori, the Dwerulans and the Gnydrons would be unusual rather than commonplace.
  12. The aim is to send Orlanth to hell so he can become illuminated as the Red Goddess was. Or so I've been told.
  13. I think Leonardo's lab is a De Vincified version of Howl's Moving Castle. It moves around God Forgot between selected places and is even a non-descript building in Talar's Hold.
  14. Ducks are renegade Keets rather than a vile species in their own right.
  15. It is the most favoured rune _in Dragon Pass and Kethaela_ as the spell list represents the spells known there rather than worldwide.
  16. Protection is available from several of her associated cults. If there's a Storm Bull in the party, the Ernaldan can learn protection from his temple.
  17. Orthodoxy is defined as adherence to the decisions of the Decamony, the likes of which was set up by the World Machine itself. To say that the Decamony is wrong is tantamount to saying that the World Machine is wrong. I don't think Individualists live forever as they have embraced their own mortality to become True Individuals. They attach great importance to the claim that dwarves have souls which live on after death, which wouldn't be necessary if they were unaging like the other dwarves. Isidilian is not a Dwarf Hero but a True Mostali, a demigod if you will. People claim he is Openhandist but I think he predates Openhandism. He is a relic of the days when Stone was Alive. He has no suspicion or distrust of outsiders because he was made in the days when there was no suspicion or distrust and he cannot deviate from that without repudiating the World Machine. Openhandism is a philosophy that came after as inferior dwarves tried to emulate Isidilian's behaviour to survive the Gods War with limited success. Openhandism is simply the observance of an obsolete code ill-suited to the Modern Age. If there were more heretical and apostate dwarves than orthodox dwarves then the definition of Orthodoxy will not change for only the Orthodox keep contact with the Decamony, in the saqme way that the Brithini are vastly outnumbered but tehir ways are still True. Isidilian is a Quicksilver Mostali. Flintnail is a Rock Mostali. Flintnail was the product of the same age as Isidilian but is far less flamboyant. Like Isidilian, he is willing to work with outsiders and strangers but he does not inspire the dwarves around him to similar acts of free-thinking. Greatway fell because it allied itself with Dorastor only to suffer the assassinations at the hands of treacherous elves. They admitted error when contacted by the Decamony and sent troops to march against Dorastor. Their successors proved themselves incapable of maintaining orthodoxy and lapsed. That is why Greatway has fallen.
  18. Law is sorcery. If I were to hazard a guess, its magic is only understandable through runic knowledges rather than inspirations and worship of the Gods. Lhankor Mhy knows the Law Rune through Sorcery. The techniques of Command, Combine etc. are derived from the Law Rune.
  19. Travelling physically to the Styx is I think a HeroQuest and so there is no difference I'm not sure what you are asking here. A Quester takes a vial of water to the Styx, dip it in but take care that it is not in contact, and wonder whether it has now become Styx Water? Why would the Quester do this? Why not take an empty vial and just fill it up?
  20. The history of Ramlia is fairly dynamic according to the Guide. Around 1220 St, there was no Ramalian Kingdom but Valekos. It was not extant in 1100 ST. In the next map, the whole region is simply Ramalia. Ergo, once Valekos became organized, they become part of Kingdom of Ramalia. This meshes with Baranwolf the Imposter who offhandedly mentions Ramalia in 1203 ST as a placename. I did once have a theory about how the Ramalian Nobility were cursed by the Book of Secrets but the chronology and geography no longer makes this tenable (the Book of Secrets was at Thanor now in the Mournsea. The Ramalians weren't conquered by the Slontans fleeing the Deluge from the east but by the Valeks from the West which was comparatively untouched). So why is it the Kingdom of Ramalia and not Valekos? My guess is that Valekos was always a bit of a nasty place but one of the many noble families therein resorted to the use of the Mraloti of Ramalia as a source of troops in their wars against the others. In becoming King, he has cemented his authority over the Mraloti. As a result, the Kings of Ramalia quite happily use both the Valeks and the Mraloti to oppress each other. As for the future, I think that Ramalia has foreknowledge of the Reforestation and has contributed to it in return for being granted dominion over all conquered humans within its lands. The Elves of Tarinwood are too out of touch with Humanity to be aware that this will be a Bad Thing.
  21. I would have expected Ramalia to figure far more significantly in the Manirian Hero Wars. The Players Book: Genertela described them as one of the two "Enemy Kingdoms" (the other was the Kingdom of War).
  22. Basically if they used trade as a rune, it would crimp the style of the RuneQuest:Glorantha Rune rules (which allows for only powers, elements and forms). Condition Runes (of which Trade is) are special cases. Further rules may have the Trade rune as a thing but not now.
  23. It's unlikely that Rudolf would be tranported long distances to feed the Bat in Heartlands, considering that is where the Thanatari being discussed in this thread are based.
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