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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. There's also a city called Erenplose which is probably also known as Herilia the Sweet City and Porlufta
  2. Kaxtor's parentage is kinda irrelevant as to who he was in life. There is after all a Seshnegi tradition about Aerlit being Malkion's father. At this point in time, there is no bright line between the Malkioni and the pagans. A Malkioni at the time is best understood as one who practices sorcery rather than being the larger community that supports them and who would identify as Entruli, Wenelian etc. Thus I do not htink it likely that Fodalor was exiled for religious reasons. Another possibility is that Kaxtor originally worshipped and was a hero of Lhankor Mhy who in his lifetime taught students of Zzabur or Enroval (the philosopher). In the Imperial Age, Kaxtor's barbarian origins were quietly forgotten and he became seen as a great teacher of Malkioni Wisdom.
  3. It's possible that the dates in the History of the Heortling Peoples and the Guide are correct and that different types of Krjalki are meant - the original dragonewts and the latter being chaos. Jeff recently on FB spoke about Nysaloran forces fighting Gbaji forces and only the priests on both sides survived. Looking at the dates, there's a rebellion in 387 by Arbaga who've been in the region since 378. Palangio doesn't get there til 401 or so. That's an extraordinary long period of time for the Bright Empire to send troops to aid a rebellion. What if the main target of Palangio's army was not Herlalia but Arbaga's forces?
  4. If I were to do the Waertagi in Skyfall Lake, I would say that the mysterious Green Glass City at the bottom of the lake (and rises to the surface from time to time) is actually a Dragonship which arrived here during the Inhuman Occupation. Its crew will be refeshed by the rising of the Boat Planet as more Waertagi find it and in 1656, there will be enough water for it to sail free of the Lake.
  5. Yet. Whether there will be rules for a rune-level sorcerer (there have been in past RQ and HW/HW incarnations) remains to be seen.
  6. The way Jeff describes it it would be one sorceror doing nothing but cast Enhance INT on the other sorcerors who then cast biiger spells etc.
  7. But you would allow Storm Bull DI to lower INT?
  8. Androgeus has a child named Goldtooth (Guide p642). Not yet established whether this is Jaldon or not AFAIK.
  9. In terms of gloranthan metaphysics, I doubt that a tweaked Logician will be as effective (ie reduced effectiveness rather than cannot happen) for non-Lore spells. That's because Logician is apparently derived on the Malkioni concept of a mental unity with the One Mind (c.f Neo-Platonism) whereas weapon skills, trickery etc would be rather inferior knowledge polluted by the physicality of gross matter etc. Likewise using Logician as a basis to teach or enhance the skill to others would not be as effective as one might expect. That's because to learn sorcery, one has to have experienced the One Mind as opposed whereas someone who has no experience with the study of sorcery would be all to confused as to what's being imparted.
  10. Given that the Grazers flipflop on alliances, the problem wasn't with the rulers but those that were skeptical of the Lunar Alliance. Perhaps the rulers decide to launch a wave of repression using tarshite soldiers pretending to be bandits. Their targets sought the aid of Ironhoof which ended the threat.
  11. Much of the problem comes from a differing expectations of sorcery, stemming back way back to Cults of Terror There one could read of the Knights who were mortal enemies of the Wizards, and so reason that they must have access to sorcery that would make them awesome in combat. From there, it was easy to postulate a low sorcery that every Malkioni used and a pure sorcery that Sorcerers excelled in. Impeccable reasoning with one tiny flaw - Greg never thought it was the case. The evidence was right there when he wrote about the God Learners supporting the cult of Diros or having Wachaza as their war god. Likewise with the argument that sorcerers should be adept with spells that would make them the equal of shamans and rune priests in combat. Again that isn't how Greg thought off them. Just because Sorcery is one of the main magic systems of glorantha does not make it as versatile as spirit or rune magic. I always think of Sorcerers as being the equivalent of heart (or brain) surgeons - they are awesome in the operating theatre but kinda crap outside it.
  12. The spell was a success but the patient died.
  13. Really this discussion would be better off in the glorantha group. Identify only works on Active Magics. See Rune Magic is about looking into the type of Rune Magic a person has, i.e. the contents of his divine bank account so-to-speak stored with some distant god on the other side. So what may look like to you to be a small step is actually quite a massive one.. Arguments based on utility are neither here or there.
  14. If it wasn't sect-exclusive then it would be in the general sorcery rules methinks. I doubt that Rokari and other people actually know the spell because the Arkati are infamous for worshipping the Gods in place of Henosis with the Invisible God that other Malkioni do. As such it reflects their special insight into the relationship between man and the gods. They are also a school of illumination and the Black Arkati do not teach sorcery to non-illuminates. So IMO unless a Rokari Horal casts a known rune spell in font of a Zzaburi or a Talar or a snitch, he's probably safe
  15. They probably don't regard themselves as hsunchen and may be rather quite unhsunchen but I think that the Talars and the Zzaburi will habitually think of them as hsunchen.
  16. I think most fisherfolk in Dragon Pass and Prax would be river-based rather than sea based (save for the Mirrorsea). Only the Vadeli would would brave the open seas to fish.
  17. Presumably magic-points-by-numbers sorcery spells would still be limited by one's read/write. This would mean that only the lettered are expected to be taught and cast such spells
  18. I suspect Treetop Mountain is probably related to the location of the Great Tree of Eston (Guide p709) and would be at the junction of the Bwerrow and the Bilini River (making it a mountain in name only)
  19. Oh no, the test has upper and lower case letters, punctuation, consistent text direction and spacing! My bronze age immersion experience is utterly *ruined*!! Still looks awesome.
  20. There is an ACM in the Jonstown Library (distinct from the Catalog Wheel). Likewise for Pavis
  21. Strictly, it's Lhankoring's access to foreign (ie Malkioni and God Learner) sorcery. Lhankhor Mhy has his own Sorcery which is fine by comparison. I think the Alien Combination Machine to be still around but mainly confined to the Holy Country (where there are Lhankorings and Malkioni). It could be used against Lunar Sorcery but there's the stigma of chaos there. I think from the nature of its construction, it was actually invented by the Machine City and looted after Steelfall. I've made a suggestion before that the Kralori have a similar device which Godunya supposedly invented when he was in Dragon Pass.
  22. Or to use a more recent example between Victoria and New South Wales at Albury Station https://www.smh.com.au/national/a-track-to-the-future-20040110-gdi4qj.html
  23. metcalph


    Okay. 1581 - the Lunar Empire attacks Sartar for the first time. Wot's Belintar's problem with them that he feels the need to support Sartar?
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