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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. According to the Eleven Lights, Jomes was commanding Boldhome during the Dragonrise. He then fled the city and retreated to Wulfsland. He didn't take part at Battle of Dangerford. He may still be at Stonegate as the surrounding tribes find having a proven wolf-killer useful against the Telmori (the uprising of Jogar Sog was is still fresh). In my opinion, he's retreated to AldaChur to shore up the Lunar authorities there but hampered because the Far Placers see him as a Lunar oppressor and the Tarshites see him as an Aggarite bumpkin.
  2. IIRC other units reportedly include Dads Square (the square for retired Templars), the Young Pikes (Cadet Templars), the Tenth or Perfect Square (the Best of the Best), the Showers of Gold (an Archery square) etc etc.
  3. Except when there are "political" considerations such as: The nobility worshipping their ancestors The warriors worshipping barely-disguised hsunchen cults. The wizards don't like that these aberrations exist with their reactions best characterized by the Kuber-Ross model.
  4. Which is not canon and the current thinking about Malkioni has changed radically (or at least towards the thinking that was in Cults of Terror)
  5. Many cultures have different answers to that. In the God Learner Monomyth they are the same entity but others disagree. Daka Fal is not a God because he died. Because of this, he's sulking about his worshippers joining other gods. Other ancestor worshipping traditions don't have a chip on their shoulder about such matters. Depends on what you mean by contact. Summon Ancestor only allows the summoning of ancestors with Daka Fal rune magics.
  6. I had forgotten Atrox but doubt his existence (He's mentioned in the Esrolia: the Land of 10K Goddesses p45 if you want evidence that he exists). In any even, I don't think the Black Horse Troop worships him and the word from Jeff has been that they are Hrestol worshippers (not Hrestol as an ascended master but as a god). More details here:
  7. They do? You should be careful in the sources you are using. I have no idea whether you are happy with Trotsky's work or just want modern thinking on the matter. Ordinary people are ignorant of sorcery because it requires literary and intense study. There is nothing the Zzaburi can say or do to change that regardless of their attitude towards their inferiors.
  8. Mumble about an appointment with hairdressers.
  9. The ordinary people of the West do not believe in the Invisible God, who does nothing for them. They believe in the *Wizards*, who work wonders for them.
  10. Because that's not what Saints and Masters are all about. They become saints due to important philosophical discoveries, not petty mundane concerns. Think the Theory of Gravity or the Discovery of Phosphorous. People in charge of crafts and trade would be Heroes rather than Saints. There is a obvious counterpoint that some people on the lists of Saints do not appear to qualify as Saints (i.e. Gerlant, Talor and Snodal). That is because they don't. They are important Heroes who have been worshipped as Saints for politcal purposes. Fortunately the Rokari have put an end to such nonsense.
  11. Because it was redundant with the publication of the Guide to Glorantha.
  12. I think there's was something called the Ervuthan lava beds. This was mentioned as erupting in the Dawn Age (Glorious ReAscent p38) but has since disappeared.
  13. I've seen Yelorna as a goddess of the Celestial Hunt mainly coz of her rune spells (Shooting Star and Silver Track). I've heard suggestions that she comes from Ourania's Star (one of the Big Three in the Celestial City) on the grounds of her "purity". SAhe could hail from the Evening Star as her runes are Sky and Death (but she's not red, is she?). If she were to be one of the planets (like Yelmalio comes from Lightfore) then her home would be Moskalf (White and Earth associations) But it's possible that's her cult is all of these, being compatible myths spread throughout the stars and planets.
  14. Hrestol - the First Saint. Tomaris - A follower of Hrestol and one of the first Men-of-All. Probably founded the cult in Fronela. Gerlant - King of Seshnela and Man-of-All. Known for fighting against Gbaji. Arkat - Great Hero and Traitor. Talor - King of Loskalm and Man-of-All. Known for fighting against Gbaji. Halwal - God Learner wizard who taught their enemies in the Sorceror's War (MSE p24 and p28+) Tryensaval - King of Loskalm and Man-of-All who expelled the God Learners. Snodal - Hero who saved Loskalm in the Modern Age. Siglat - Half-Altinae King of Loskalm who perfected Loskalm during the Ban. Xemela - Mother of Hrestol and Healer. Presumably a Goddess rather than an Ascended Master. The Rokari don't have saints although Rokar would qualify. Around Seshnela there is Yomili of Pithdaros who fought for the Kingdom in the Sorcerors War The Arkati worship Arkat and the Gods although Paslac the last Autarch is noted as being a Saint in Gods of Glorantha. The Carmanians would have Carmanos and Alijiyah (Fortunate Succession p90) The Middle Sea Empire also mentions: Pascandal p35 - a basic martyr against the God Learners. Personally I think his story makes more sense if he was a follower of Arkat the Loser/Savior. Manodvar p35 who fought the Book Duel against Karsmandikor proving that the Abiding Book was corrupt (the text calls it the shielded abiding book but I think the distinction is spurious) Castelain p37. Personally I believe he's an Issarite Hero rather than an Ascended Master. The philosophy of the cult of Ashara is rather tepid. Banklou p39. A founder of a monastic order of which a member was Giorgos, a critic of some God Learners movements. The only other detail about him was that he was a strict Makanist. The God Learners involved in the Abiding Book project would qualify as Saints but their names are for the most part not known.
  15. I think the mother of Zzabur's kid is... ...Uleria. There's a mythlet in Revealed Mythologies p12 about the Five Secret Assassins of which Uleria is specifically named. Coupled that with a mythlet in Cults of Terror p13 about Uleria impregnating herself and it seems to me that Zzabur is warring against the surviving members of the Celestial Court. Judgment is specially mentioned as one of the Five Emotions that Zzabur overcame with his logic which seems rather odd until one remembers that Acos made a ruling and found himself to be unjust.
  16. Lords of Terror gives Bolthor becoming King in 1622 ST. There is a period of neglect which lasts several years until he's forced inot Halhgim's war which lasts three years. A future history section, which is stated as one historian's version, says that Oddi provoved Ralzakark into invading the Empire in 1629 with him joining it. He then kills Ralzakark after the failure of the invasion and the demise of the Bilini. I think the 1622 date is kinda tight myself as for Bolthor to have drifted for many years and a three years Halhgim's war plus whatever years oddi ruled, we are blowing well past 1629 ST. The Guide has Bolthor launching Halhgimr's war in 1623 (Guide p344) which gives Oddi ample time for a reign at the expense of Bolthor supposedly letting things drift.
  17. Primal Chaos "Worship occurs on any day of the year, begun either at sunrise or sundown." Cults of Terror p25. Krarsht "The cult deliberately aligned its ceremonial days to conflict with those of the Storm Bull. Thus its holy days are during Stasis week of each season: on Freezeday in Sea-season, on Waterday in Fire-season, on Clayday in Earth-season, on Windsday in Dark-season, and Fireday in Storm-season. The cult high holy day for the year also is Wildday, Stasis week, Storm-season." Cults of Terror p78 Krjalk "There are no days particularly holy to Krjalk." Lords of Terror p58 Pocharngo: "Holy Days are impulsively determined by the priest, who notifies the cultists of the next worship service at their discretion. This is usually once per season. Services are held in different locations each time, selected by the priest. There was once a high holy day for the cult, but it changed and so was lost." Lords of Terror p66 The reasoning for Krarsht's holy days doesn't really make a lot of sense to me and I think the writer got hung-up on Krarsht being the anti-Storm Bull.
  18. The goss I heard many years ago, which may or may not be true, was that Hezel comes from Pamaltela, being part of a big bad plot for somebody else to become the Big God of Chaos. As such, traditional ralian chaos fighting magics were to be wholly ineffectual against him. But since he doesn't rate a mention in the Black Dragon Mountain Pictographs, Ethilrist's turgid prose etc, I've a feeling that the plot, if it still exists, was a damp squib.
  19. Even among the Orlanthi, performing an execution is not a dishonorable act.
  20. There are four in the Eleven Lights p138
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