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Vorax Transtellaris

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Everything posted by Vorax Transtellaris

  1. This would go great with Devil's Gulch and/or the BRP supplements for Aces High.
  2. I'm planning on picking up the two Aces High books in print. Have the errata mentioned in this thread been put up for download somewhere? Also, how well would you guys say Devil's Gulch combines with Aces High and does it actually add anything useful?
  3. Looks pretty neat! Pity there's no print option. Did you post about this on the Savage Worlds forums yet?
  4. You mean this, right? OpenQuest 2 Basic Edition - D101 Games | OpenQuest | DriveThruRPG.com
  5. I bought the original Savage North in print back in March 2010 when it had just become available. Would it be possible to get to see the upgraded/expanded parts without having to purchase the book again?
  6. Seneschal, the BRP pulp supplement Astounding Adventures may be of use for this.
  7. Sounds pretty cool. An early wild west game set during the California Gold Rush might make for a fun follow-up to this.
  8. Yeah, I think they should point this out more clearly on their website. Perhaps if you asked, you could get your pdf money back...?
  9. I think Cthulhufnord is specifically inquiring after rules bits in Clockwork & Chivalry that may not be in Renaissance Deluxe.
  10. Off the top of my head, Renaissance Deluxe is "strictly" - it still covers quite a long historical period - black powder era/age of sail including period-appropriate magic, so no gaslight. The Clockwork & Chivalry line might be labeled clockpunk, for lack of a better term, and features clockwork contraptions but no steam technology AFAIK. Dark Streets is 18th century London + Cthulhu Mythos so no gaslight stuff there either. I'm personally perfectly fine with this, as I'm not particularly fond of steampunk, though I can appreciate the more subtle Victorian sci-fi of games like Space: 1889 or Terra Incognita, which some may refer to as steampunk as well. That said, a Renaissance version of Airship Pirates would probably make d100/BRP-minded steampunk afficionados very happy.
  11. Looks very interesting! So, how long will it stay at the printers?
  12. Also, if you buy any print product at Mongoose's webstore they're happy to provide you with a free pdf. Some people may have already been aware of it but for me this was new.
  13. The Kickstarter has experienced some delay due to the colour illustrations taking more time than estimated. The pdf release for KS backers is now tentatively set for august, print-on-demand about a month after that. I still am of the opinion that people who do a Kickstarter should just add at least a standard 6 months to their estimated release date, probably closer to a year. Nobody is going to complain if a product releases earlier than "expected".
  14. I went and created an account on the Mongoose forums. I found that K Peterson also posted Deus Vult-related questions there. So, here's a final follow-up. Apparently the Deus Vult books are all digest size, so they match the Legend rulebook. Currently only the GM and Player guides are available in print and only throuh the Mongoose webstore, but starting November they're going to start putting out all the Deus Vult material in print and distributing it more widely.
  15. While A!C's setting has a very pulpy feel to it, if you use the CoC 6E rules it will still be quite a gritty affair. So the difference is mostly in the tone and focus of the setting material, not the level of deadliness. I don't use WWC myself, but I'd say mixing and matching elements from both should be easy enough.
  16. First edition C&C was MRQ2. Legend is currently the generic rulebook for this system. Second edition C&C uses the OpenQuest-based Renaissance system. Renaissance Deluxe is the generic rulebook for this.
  17. deleriad, are you familiar with BareBones Fantasy and Covert Ops from DwD Studios? You may find their d00Lite system to your liking. I own a d5, i.e. a d10 numbered 1-5 twice and have used it for determining criticals/impales (20% of your current skill percentage) in CoC: on a success roll de d5, on a 1 you get a critical. Most of my players don't mind figuring out what 20% of their skill level is and don't take a lot of time doing it, but those who do I allow to use the d5 instead. The advantages and disadvantages are something that's (optionally?) been included in the upcoming CoC 7E, by the way.
  18. Thanks for the info. It sounds very interesting. I'm definitely going to pick up a copy though it may be a while before I actually place my order. I was just curious how easily the two could be mixed. Seems like they're not *that* similar that you could just port BRP monsters straight into a MD game, for example.
  19. Might the separate parts eventually get compiled into a (POD) book?
  20. I don't have an account there. Anybody else perhaps?
  21. That does look interesting! Mixing and matching with Cakebread & Walton´s Pirates & Dragons game should be easy enough.
  22. See? It's a bit confusing, even on Mongoose's own website. As far as I have been able to figure out, the two core books are available in print and pdf from the Mongoose webstore. The print versions aren't available in (m)any other places, though. Amazon lists them as "currently unavailable" and none of the online gamestores I usually order with has them in stock. The supplements *seem* to be pdf-only, currently, though I'm not sure if there are plans for print versions. There's no mention of the books' dimensions on Mongoose's site or Amazon.
  23. Can anyone give me an idea of the differences and similarities between the rules used in Maelstrom Domesday, and the lighter variants of the BRP-family (OQ, Renaissance, Legend, CoC)?
  24. Yeah, I thought so too, but the titling is somewhat unclear so I wasn't quite certain. It does look cool. I'm not particularly medieval-savvy but this would probably mix well with Chaosium's Val-du-Loup monograph (10th or 12th century), which I'm still waiting for them to make available in print-on-demand, or even Arion Games' Maelstrom Domesday (11th century).
  25. I'm a bit confused with regard to the current state of the Deus Vult line. If I understand correctly the old MRQII Deus Vult core book has been replaced by a Legend version. Which are the core products currently available that I need to be able to play the setting?
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