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Rob Darvall

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Everything posted by Rob Darvall

  1. With an added layer of the virtuoso use of echo and space. Frex Not the pitch but the reverb. So your throat singer boucing the sound off rocks etc.
  2. Or adapt the archaic Scots "Ilk". So Lothar ilk Kangbran, or possibly Lothar Kangbrans Ilk/ Kangbranilk.
  3. Part of honour, IMO, lies with the individual's concept of themselves. Is the combat "an embarrassing and demeaning waste of fist" (Prattchett, T. 2002)?
  4. Mine get bored and mock their PC allies. One IS a PC who can shift between his Rhino host and a sacred Rhino Horn Knobkerrie when his PC ally uses the sacred formula "Jo-kyu I choose you".
  5. Given Ragnaglar's place in the pantheon, maybe it is a sacred place to Orlanth. Just a negative one.
  6. Absolutely. This was the use that first drew me to Martin's work. The illustrations are worth the outlay by themselves. "You see a group approaching dressed like this, with one of these riding slightly ahead and to your left"
  7. My son just suggested he'd accidentally invent Extention 6 just as he cast Become Female.
  8. And have it fail at the worst moment.
  9. And yet "Her husbands or lovers vary, and there are some ghildren (sic) as well." Wyrm's Footnotes 9 And works well with Jane's myth of Humakt and the Earth Tribe (which is now part of my variant canon; /makes desperate lunge for topic relevance.)
  10. Which could also account for the Orlanthi dislike of dogs. They're too close to Prax and the myth and attitude has seeped in.
  11. Adelaide habit. Southerners, no accounting for them.
  12. By that line of reasoning there's no reason for Ernalda having Earth powers, or Orlanth any sky affinity. The Greater Darkness can be handwaved away. It's ALL because Chaosium said so. Chaos is part of Thed's nature just as Air is of Orlanth. Rape is part of Thed's nature*, just as Movement is of Orlanth. Remove one of those and they are no longer that god. This is the basis for the hero wars. Sedenya/Rufelza/whoever-she-is-this-wane trying to replace Orlanth's Air. To say that the gods are what they are because Chaosium says so is both true, and useless. The nature of the gods has to form the premise for the argument or else we're back to "it's just a game". Here the gods' natures are part of the rules that delineate the game. This argument singles out one god/rule for exclusion because of (purported) disagreement with the outcome of that rule. *And has been so for as long as I can remember playing.
  13. One quibble here. Thed is the mother of Wakboth by Ragnaglar (yes I do use the Edwards essay). The mythology of their position IS internally consistent. Yes because Chaosium/Greg "made" it consistent at least (but also more than) for the reasons you state, but it is consistent. Horrible acts by 21C liberal secular humanist standards do not have to carry the same moral weight in other cultures, and we are "playing the other" here, even if we are imposing our own veneer. Cannibalism (as enthusiasticly embraced by the player of our BG) has a role in the mythos BUT can slide into chaos. Rape starts as chaos and slides from there. NB The Gore Hag and possibly Cacodemon feature in the BG's future. Yes I would argue that for certain degrees and types of murder. But not here as this is my safe space. I acknowledge that I am inconsistent with what I will argue. Think lines and veils. Or one of the Gors with divine ritual as justification/shield. Both Ana and Maran Gor have legitimate and mythically neccessary places in the cosmology. Little happy dance. This kind of in depth thinking is why I come back here (OK I'm a nerd) Conceptually, what was done and by whom in the god time. Both Shargash and Zorak Zoran went on murder sprees to preserve the world from chaos. "Who cares about a little collateral damage" IIRC.
  14. Good luck with that. This place can get VERY "Digesty" very quickly. (Not that this is a bad thing. I quite enjoy it, but it can lead to rabbit-holes at 2am) Before you know it there are windmills everywhere.
  15. My players have the scribe tracking the holy days and adventure time and will abandon loot oportunities to bolt for the nearest temple just to regain those RP. We play out the worship services. Faltikus is becoming their bete noir as he blocks Orlanthi power gains when he can.
  16. I'm against it. 1) It complicates an already slow system. RW combat is fast; whether it be a bar brawl or the blosfechten they do at Swordfish. The third minute of table flipping (the book kind. Flip-the-table is a different sort of excitement) loses the audience/players. 2) RQ combat is stated to be an abstracion of all the feints, binds, mastercuts, parries, blocks, pommel throwing,and ripostes the fighter used to land the blow. Blow by blow detail loses this. 3) It's been tried and found wanting. By many people. Largely because it slows the game but also because it means that combat pulls focus. The game already has a combat system notorious for its lethality, but also primed to create dramatic hooks. Your shield strap breaks. The tension of the fight ratchets up. Whereas another round of "I strike and special so now we're going into the bind, my opponent has countered that" actually bores my audience of 10yo boys (the natural demographic for gore-filled combat). 4) It dumps more book-keeping on the GM once again detracting from narration. 5) I'm one of the "many people" I mentioned at #3. Creating the rules was very satisfying. Applying them was a complete pain; to the point where I came to dread combat because it brought the story to a complete halt while we rolled endless dice. That said if tracking all this floats your goat and entertains your players, go for it.
  17. Stolen. And it is the same fire that Kindled/was Kindled by Oakfed when he defeated [insert name of enemy here] in the [ Godtime, Green Age, Darkness?], which we have kept burning ever since.
  18. EH? That would shock my players who go into battle with bagpipes playing for the augment. So much so that the piper is now over 100% in bagpipes and not teaching only because the Lunars have banned them within the walls of New Pavis; classing them as a weapon. His music has often been the difference between heavy and light casualties.
  19. Based on my experience of fencing one (and he well past his prime) they're well over. They can make a lesser fencer (me) put their sword wherever they want, openning up any line of attack they choose.
  20. Add triplets from a Bless Pregnancy. Cue Benny Hill chase music.
  21. In my first year of uni there were 4 Robs in a cohort of 25. My son in a class of 21 had 2 other Connors. Just on my anecdotal experience ( and more of the same as it repeated in most of the uni classes I taught) I'd expect 3 to 4 Vargasts in any cohort of around 20. More if the clan is less cosmopolitan than Melbourne in the early 2000s (pretty much a given). And mine is a society in which given names carry very little to no mythic significance. Compare the prevalence of Patrick and Michael among early 20th C Irish populations. Even then they did not have various ancestors dropping in to potentially take offence at the current naming practices. conclusion: Vargasts are able to multiply to the extent that confusion is required in your game. If it serves to have them be the same, then they are. If it serves better that the PCs be confused, then they are. (now I have an idea for a Eurmali casting Create Illusory Nomenclature. "Can we call you Bruce to save confusion?")
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