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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Prospedia answer: "This ancient hero was a grandson of Hyalor Horsebreaker. He was the first to shoot arrows from a galloping horse."
  2. "His hands are deadly weapons!"
  3. Who proceeds to beat the trickster as punishment, but that doesn't help you a lot if you're the healer.
  4. Missed that, that's really weird. Making people stop fighting seems right up CAs alley.
  5. Demoralize would be a safer bet than Sleep in poorly controlled situations - the target can still defend (so you’re off the hook for protecting the helpless), and having people try to stop fighting and withdraw from combat is just what you like them to do.
  6. It's also easy to imagine that it's people on the outskirts of tolerable society, weirdos, and people with unusual ambitions who tolerate the city better. I.e. PC material.
  7. If they do it on opposing sides, I would say it's almost mandatory. But they might not recognize each other.
  8. Upside: it could potentially not be as firmly attached to the rest of his body as most toes are, if the current body is getting ripe.
  9. The concept of Integration remained in HQ1, like how you could have integrated passion spirits, and disease spirits integrated themselves with you. But it’s fair to say that it was downplayed.
  10. Even instinctive behavior is something you can sometimes count on. "Large Fire Elemental and run" should often work if you're fine with collateral damage.
  11. Our Kolat shaman handles a Medium one with particularly high POW, even (the Rune Point economy becomes quite good with a bag of winds, and he likes that it's a steady source of POW checks even at high POW).
  12. It was a thing in the HW/HQ era.
  13. CA vs. Eurmal is a very interesting situation, as telling the Eurmali that something is an important rule is like asking for it to get broken. It’s a borderline cult duty! Mere accidents happen though - if the damaged one can get healed, it probably comes out as unfortunate but not disastrous. Moderate penance and purification seems reasonable.
  14. To be fair, that happened long ago. I can find ”The World Is Made Of Everything” sourced from over 20 years ago. This was never really a thing outside the Otherworlds.
  15. Just use Research instead, it's explicitly allowed and unless you're swimming in money, more efficient when learning something brand new. It has to be a Rune that can be trained though, which is definitely a limitation.
  16. I think this is the difference between breaking cult rules and "merely" taking a hit to your honor. The occasional -5% is likely going to be alright. If we compare with Pendragon, you're only ejected from Knighthood at Honor 0. Some unknightly behaviour now and then is something you can manage (and may often be a good idea if the alternative is likely death).
  17. Humakt isn’t remotely about even fights, though. Cutting down poorly armed peasants (while claiming it’s dishonorable for them to gang up on you!) is perfectly alright. It’s not your fault that guy you tossed the knife to wasn’t good enough with it!
  18. Toss them a knife. Anyone catches it on instinct, you have a few seconds to kill them before they realize what just happened.
  19. Humakt seems to only care about the deaths of people (anyone with personhood). What you suggest here is typical for hunter cults, though, which also tend to pack the Death Rune.
  20. I think that’s the point - Death Itself is uncaring of these things, and many weilders of Death are dishonorable. It’s just that Humakt isn’t, and Death ended up primarily with him. Presumably, things could have gone differently.
  21. This is how HeroQuest handled it. It makes every sense to me that you can make a spirit journey to find Waha or Storm Bull without going into the Gods World. (There were also crossover cases like Storm Bull being a great Spirit and Urox being a god, but clearly the same transcendent entity.)
  22. Also how Rokar treated the Abiding Book - take away stuff until you’re happy with what remains. (Similarly, Marcin of Sinope was said to have edited the Bible ”with a scalpel”.)
  23. ”I’m back, victorious… wait, why are all the cows painted blue and why does everyone wear their underwear on their heads?”
  24. Does the ”Mineral Lore” box serve a purpose, given that the skill is already in the Core rules? Was it supposed to update it in some way, or was it just something that slipped through editing?
  25. Ygg used to be a son of Valind and not of Vadrus, correct?
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