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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I keep giving my players opportunities to attempt to solve things through dueling, but they’re not biting. May have something to do with no-one having a combat job...
  2. I think this makes a lot of sense, and it’s what I’ll be doing, but it’s not the official rules. See Mago’s elemental.
  3. I was thinking of knowing what to ask for, maybe even by name, or other ways to navigate the bureaucracy.
  4. "With this spell, the caster asks the deity to send a cult spirit of some type." "For example, Chalana Arroy cultists can use this spell to summon a healing spirit with a 1-point variant of this spell, and Engizi cultists can use a 2-point variant of this spell to summon a naiad of the Creekstream River."
  5. Basic elementals are basically mindless, though - it's okay to command them (for reasonable tasks), just as it's okay and not disrespectful to command an animal. Abusing them would not be okay.
  6. It's also easy to see how even a completely legit duel could turn into a feud when emotions run high (and this being Orlanthi society, when don't they?). Maybe you're supposed to respect the outcome, but hey, no-one can make you do anything and violence is always an option...
  7. One issue I wonder about is whether you're allowed external "pre-buffing", like someone else casting a huge Rune spell on you beforehand. It's easy to say that you can't, but then what about a spell like Bless Champion, that seems specifically to be about doing this?
  8. I believe this exact situation (duel, elemental) in mentioned in Travels of Biturian Varosh?
  9. My reading of RAW is that the caster gets pick the type, but yours is probably the MGF way of playing it.
  10. I would like to know this as well. Common sense says both (and it helps spread the plowing and sowing a bit over the year), but Runic associations might suggest a single cycle with harvests only in Earth Season.
  11. It’s an interesting question what - if anything - makes up DF Cult Spirits, though. It’s not obvious.
  12. Spirit cult of some CA-adjacent spirit?
  13. Go and find a spirit that knows the Rune spell?
  14. True, but it would mean that in most places, you would experience gravity at an angle compared to the flat ground (as though you always stood on a slope). We can tell that this isn’t the case in Glorantha in any number of ways.
  15. I would probably say that you can get up if you use an entire round for nothing but defensive actions (like when you make a Disengage). If you’re both Prone and Grappled, it will be worse.
  16. I would also consider it a difference if the healer is in the back, saving the lives and limbs of the wounded that get dragged there, or if she’s running around in the front, getting warriors up on their feet in the line (making a direct contribution to the ongoing fight). In HQ at least, there was the Bevara Combat Medic Ernaldan healer subcult, who packed a shield for that kind of frontline healing.
  17. This raises the question whether anyone is born left-handed, or if it’s acquired when you do dragon stuff.
  18. ”I will not cut for stone, even for the patients in whom the disease is manifest”. It probably includes gall stones. Although it’s fine to leave it to the experts; the notion seems to be that it’s just too difficult and dangerous to the general practitioner.
  19. I don’t know the details, but was that accomplished through DF magic, or did they merely Hero-worship an ancestor?
  20. I would not allow the Ancestor spells to handle (capital H) Heroes (let alone gods). They’re outside the scope of the spells, IMO - it’s what Hero cults are for.
  21. Now I can’t remember the name of the SF story I read long ago that was essentially this for a semi-human race.
  22. Troll family history would be amazing! I hope any RQG Trollpak will include it.
  23. I think I have an explanation for the weird Bladesharp text. The Bladesharp text appears almost verbatim in RQ3, but in RQ3, Dullblade merely subtracts damage, without reducing hit chance. Hence, it's a perfectly sensible comment in RQ3 - it clarifies that first Bladesharp adds both hit chance and damage, but then Dullblade merely removes damage rather than the other possible interpretation, that it negates the whole Bladesharp spell in its entirety. (RQ3 Magic Book pp 19-20.) When the Bladesharp text is applied unchanged to RQG while Dullblade has been (sensibly, in my mind - symmetry is good) changed to now reduce hit chance as well, it stops making sense.
  24. Is Loko Moko depicted as Chaotic and not merely as bad news?
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