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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. As the title says, I finally have no unanswered questions in the RuneQuest Core Rules Questions . YAY! Does this mean I now know everything?
  2. Hey, @Runeblogger Though Hungry Jack is first mentioned in WF 1 a search tells me that the first mention of Jack 0’Bears is in Geedunk Dungeon (listed as RUNEQUEST SCENARIO PACK #0) by Warren James in WF 5 on page 17.
  3. Not often I burst out laughing, well done! And once again thank the Gods for Graham, John, Eric, Terry, Terry, and Michael!
  4. Follow the gourd to illumination! Oh, thank the gods for the Python crew!
  5. Oh please, you have been the epitome of niceness long before I ever "chipped in" and would have spoiler-ooed that bad boy all on your own, even if I never existed.
  6. I just noticed that I chose a good Gloranthan image for my post, isn’t that a Helering in the middle, or perhaps a Waertagi?
  7. Move over Kung-Fu Panda. Yes, definitely cool.
  8. (Holding up a skull and peering into the empty sockets) Alas, poor Ruric! I knew him, Thaz, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy, ’til the "final" day he met a trollkin! No, never played it, until recently, that is. Reading the dailys and digests kept me going until rumours began to be floated of a new RQ, numbered the sixth, began to appear on my radar and all was good again in the land. Still, despite never playing it, it kept my fave cube of earth floating on the middle sea in the dark times until RQ G came out.
  9. Then here is my thanks, during the dark times, this was my only Glorantha Solace!
  10. Fantastic and thank you sir, for that insight. I look forward to more firefights in the streets of Stalingrad and eventually moving on to the hedgerows of Normandy and then— Berlin! PS Yes, I believe Panzerblitz was my gateway drug into AH.
  11. And yes ma’am, for that matter! Although I have always liked Star Trek’s take of calling a Captain sir, regardless of gender!
  12. Three things that come to mind in no particular order that I would need... BRP rules Great writing Great art
  13. This barbarian celebrates equality and women in gaming and urges all who play Chaosium games to do likewise. Chaosium always has! Cheers!
  14. I have yet to hear a Tool song I did not like (the guitar is awesome as a bit of a shredder on my good days on rhythm guitar, I wish I could go there). Unfortunately, he is all too correct/accurate in his lyrics. Thanks.
  15. Sorry to leave BRP briefly, all, as said I was so excited to hear the thought of Squad Leader stuff I do not have, I will admit to peeing myself. I will now thank sgtscott658 and return to my usually ranting about all things BRP. Cheers
  16. One last query if I might, if I buy one item would it be DASL at a mighty 100 bucks?
  17. @Trifletraxor, if this is a problem sir beetle breeder, fell free to make it disappear with my profound apologies, I just got so excited to hear that there was still ASL to be had,
  18. So as not to cases a stink here, (Off topic, not BRP) I have a series of questions about this and I am hoping we can get away with them In Alastor’s Skull Inn. Look for a new topic, and if we get booted from there I would love to ask more in PM. Thanks in advance. So as promised, How do you rate MMP @sgtscott658? Are they good company to go buy from? You say buy now, is there a serious time limit (publishing rights vanish with the last game. When I had heard Hasbro had bought AH I figured that was it, no more ASL, so this is of incredible interest to me. Cheers
  19. So as not to cases a stink here, (Off topic, not BRP) I have a series of questions about this and I am hoping we can get away with them In Alastor’s Skull Inn. Look for a new topic, and if we get booted from there I would love to ask more in PM. Thanks in advance.
  20. C’est possible, mais comme mes amis japonais peux dire, honto, kureijī!
  21. Can’t say I have had many reasons to disagree with you and this is a minor quibble for a disagreement but still here goes. Sheer enjoyment, priceless. I have got every dollar back from investments in Chaosium products and then some Good gods Rick, that is not dabbling, my good man! My gaming collection would take up five of those shelves and consists of most of the material released for RQ 2 and 3 and all the hardcovers released for RQ G. That is dabbling! On my wargaming shelf with Cross of Iron and the original SL!
  22. You are a running dog lackey of the imperialist capitalist regime comrade, report to KGB for reprogramming immediately.
  23. Well, sacred time is sacred time and if the occupation has any relevance to sacred time (hero quest-y) situations...munchkins being munchkins...
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