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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Follow this link to a great topic in Alastor’s Skull Inn for even more tricks.
  2. It is really very simple, choose the text you wish to quote and a rectangular box shows up that says quote selection. Click it.... Just llike that! That is the point why quote 500 words to say yes?
  3. @Glorion please do not quote large blocks of text when you only need one sentences to be on topic, It makes points almost impossible to see. impossible to follow and makes navigating the threads to search for points all but impossible. When this happens several times on a page it makes me want to go away and read other threads. This is not hypothetical, I have just spent 20 minutes trying to track something down to make a good point and now I leave dejected because I kept running into walls of quotes from you. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
  4. The only time I would not give a tick for a skill roll is if I am getting a roll for the purpose of throwing the players off the scent of what I am really doing. Sometimes the sheer act of asking for a roll will throw the players into a frenzy of preparation for an event the meta-players realize is coming, but the adventures living on the lozenge would have not way of knowing about. To help keep the power playing munchkins from ruining the surprise there are times when I will ask for a roll and not tell them what they are rolling for. I scribble down some notes (either harreck the handsome detects a foul smell which he can not identify but tips him off, oh and Jane got a skill check), and I rattle this off as part my initial area description. That Jane (harrek the handsome’s player) would have no way of knowing that this was a critical roll vs sense smelly assassin is a fact and I use it in game but I do not tell her until later. Or I might scribble down, ’Remember, the missus wants to you pick up some milk and a loaf of bread after the game.’, and then look at the party with a knowing grin and then continue my description as if nothing had happened behind the screen. You know, “Move along, these are not the droids we are looking for...” when I want to deceive the players and keep the suspense mounting. This is just an example, and a silly one at that, but I hope I was able to make my point. This does require a bit of paperwork (having the germane skills of the adventures pre-written on the GMs side of the screen and a note pad to record when the skill check made is actually relevant and not a red herring) but if it makes the story stronger and does not open the 4th wall revealing holes in the world and an audience and ruining the "theatre of the mind" I am trying so hard to create I call it a good thing. Cheers
  5. Phil,. yer such a munchkin, but I love ya! Now unless the spell has changed in RQG, note that the boot can not be moving when the spell is cast. Checking... no still applies. But that guard that is almost falling asleep, cast it on his boot and the foor, steal the gold plated McGuffin cast your hallucinatory door and kick him in the butt as you flee into the wall after miming opening a door, McGuffin safely tucked under an arm. see above... again the guard would have to be half asleep but...
  6. It's the complete Acme Catalog that Wiley Coyote owns.... Anvils not included.
  7. I have not played Call of Cthulhu this century, but I have played it and ran it and enjoyed it immensely. It is a game best played in a cabin near the mountains without electricity and a good wind howling (I know from personal experience). But that is not he point of this post or topic. So, to the point, then eh? Tonight, I was taking a break* and watching a film from 2005 that I missed entirely during its run: The Illusionist. Truly brilliant and one that every CoC keeper and player must see. The pacing is brilliant, the actors led by an ensemble cast of Ed Norton, Paul Giamatt, Rufus Sewell, and Jessica Biel rock and the cinematography: evocative. Though the time period of Imperial Austria at the end of the 19th century places it well within the realm of Cthulhu by Gaslight, I felt it should inspire any inventive keeper to up his game. Give it watch and see if you agree. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443543/ I know IMDB says 2006 but the end credits say 2005. *The break was being taken from editing a fantastic project: a new monster of the month by @Crel. It is truly a joy to work on, and I recommend you employ your library skills and seek it out at Drivethrurpg in a few days... it will be done soon, honest, but an editor has to have a break, no?
  8. I will confess to not being an expert on the new modules, I wish to play them first, so have not torn them apart to parse them. I am relying on what I have read from the higher ups and they have said (yes contradicting the old canon as Jon Hunter notes) what I paraphrased; that the players are exceptional. The fora are the wrong places to start trying to prove what I have read, quite deep and quite disorganized and the rules as written give the impression that all initiates are well on the road to what was known as super hero back in the day. If the modules are showing 3 RP and a whack of cult spells to go with (I assume), so be it. But I wish the powers that be would agree with the rules that be.
  9. Salut Loïc, et bienvenue! Sometimes I think I got into being a tech and a musician from my love of RPGs... other times.... well you get the drift. As you say I think it was mutual.
  10. Agreed! This is the thing that everyone is missing. You give her cows (which you are good at i.e. have a skill with a good percentage) and she blesses you, and yours (which she is good at i.e. has a rune with a high percentage) and bob is your uncle.... you know, community. Cheers
  11. You do realize this is your interpretation, and Jason, and Jeff have both said this is not the case. The NPCs written about are mostly like the PCs, incredible. The common spells are not common to all initiates, just the exceptional (like PCs}. So while all initiates must have 1 RP this could well mean one spell.
  12. A little listen to Loggins and Messina’a House at Pooh Corner will make it all feel better
  13. Or p’raps, Marilyn Manson, feeling a bit rumbly, grumbly in the tumbly?
  14. Love your topic Richard and the last posting explains why. I love your imagination Monty Lovering, though there is very little here I would use in my game, that does not matter. I would love to play in your unique vision of Genertela because of the creativity you employ to make it yours. Cheers!
  15. Well, I am putting in my 2 bolgs worth to pushing Glorantha forward, with a couple of friends to help fans. With luck and perseverance there might will be a new Gloranthan Podcast! I will release more info as time moves closer. Perhaps I will find away to push fan advertising forward here on Valind’s Glacier as well. If we succeed that is.
  16. I do not know if I home ruled that or if it actually existed in RQ2 and 3 but I have always used that for every fumble roll (though I seem to recall that if it was an actual rule It only happened the first time you fumbled) If special note I allowed a great/impactful action on critical roll for an attribute roll to do the same for attributes (very def a home rule)
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