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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Your first paragraph, while logical, irked me in a railroad-y kind of way. I got the point and agreed with it, but did not like the arbitrariness of it. Note the problem with the thought was mine not yours. Now the paragraph above redeemed the bad I saw and made it a strength. Kind of like a judo move (don’t resist the force, move with the force). Rather than saying no, saying how, show me!. Good call, and the players should like it... after all, they helped create it. Conflict being the key to good adventure, a little conflict from within the party that the party is aware of and hopefully has the wherewithal to overcome sounds great. I have seen this following phrase before and will now use it to good effect... “consider that idea stolen" cheers
  2. My good sir where can i purchase one of those shiny new looking thing with all the buttons and channels and chrome and auxiliary plugins.... what did you call it? The “quantum entertainment system" was it... Can it do wi-fi as well as phonograph albums and ol’ skool tv?
  3. I am unsure it is in the rules but I do recall it being addressed by Jason (?) or one of his ilk and they confirmed your suspicions.
  4. whatcha all talking ‘bout.... my spell checker likes y’all just fine, Im fact it corrects the misspelt yall to y’all quite nicely. In yet one more fact, I had to force it to accept that misspelling. It did try to correct it. Oh my god, I just realized, y’all must be actually the queen’s good english as that is the english my spell checker recognizes. My mind has now be officially blown and I look forward to her maj (as we like to call her) inviting me to dinner followed by a nice game of RQ3 (she’s a bit set in her ways and at her advanced age is unlikely to change) and saying to me at the end of a fine evening; “Y’all come back now, ya hear?" Cheers.Y’all!
  5. I've have had to do likewise myself a few times. When in BRP Central and asking for opinions there is no tap to stop the flow of some information and increase the flow of others. But, I guess one gets what one pays for. If you discover a way to make info flow in a better way, let me know, eh.
  6. The imbalance is what I was referring to as “being intended”. So I was not arguing that the rules are so good and so precise... I was and am still arguing that they were intended to be unbalanced. I believe I have stated that in all these posts whether by intention or actually stating that. Anything else is, alas, inferred by the reader, which is totally okay, as I am willing to elucidate my points. Now, as I implied in my last post, I do not object to someone saying, “That unbalance sucks and this is the reason,” but if the reason is erroneous or misses the mark i will have to look at the comment and make my rebuttals based on what I feel is erroneous or missing rather than make a blanket "I agree" comment. My point, yes there are problems with the game as is, but that is not very helpful, finding the reason it is problematic is better if one is to move forward.
  7. Other than it being reality, and life sucks, you mean. I am sorry but I have no problems with the occupations and cultures being uneven (dare I say unbalanced). How they are uneven, now that’s more like it... The following is grist to the mill. ...so though I have problems with the question from the original post (why skills are unbalanced in various occupations and homelands seems to be the main theme) I can see repurposing the idea to ask why these skills have been chosen and not others for an occupation or homeland to give this unbalance ... That’s a question I would have no qualms with. and I see it seems to be a popular question with others as well.
  8. Depends on the circumstances, yes?
  9. run and scream in panic are two that come to mind.... though they could be combined by a clever investigator!
  10. Of course you will not be starting at base, but at half of the skill you have for another shield.
  11. And of course if ya don’t like it, change it. Come up with your own figures and balance them to your taste.
  12. The numbers I have checked are accurate (did them up for power gamers who wish to have the mostest of the most). He does add cultural lore differently than I do but.. that is a minor quibble. And as you say there are other difficulties not noted here. Scribes have harder skills (if not impossible) to gain by experience alone. See Mugen's post above..
  13. Of course it is intended, Unless you are that much cleverer than all the folk at the Chaosium. First you say this is not a problem and then you say there is this problem and you conclude with being fine with the problem but... So which is it man? Confused minds want to know.
  14. ...and a fair shake more confused needless to say (yes, I am saying it anyway). Well, the above conversation g33k was having all by himself explains many things. Like for instance, where that joint got to that I was saving for the occasion of a Great Troll Cover Band wandering through!
  15. So, the company is located in the great white north? Or in my environs or is putting on cons in this area? And there i was thinking you to be just a geek, Now I find out the truth, some say geek some say gaming slut, tomato tohmahto, as it were...
  16. On Spec is a fantastic mag and I recommend it it highly, But a speculative fiction mag con... well, having looked it up it does include gaming as one of its sidelines. and I see it had a con last year for the first time in about 6 years, so... maybe 2020? Maybe even gaming I will let you know if a new one is sighted this year. Calgary and edmonton are about the same size, In an oil province it is a bit hard to tell, is it a boom or bust economy, are more management or more blue-collar being hired). The entire province has a touch of transience about it. All they have more of is cowboys (think austen and houston, edmonton is austen... oh and alberta is texas in this analogy),
  17. Sorry Reaver, I am sure that you mean well and that I should be welcoming you to BRP Central, but.... Thanks but I am not looking for suggestions in how to get gamers, I am looking for the same advertising at the club level tor RQ that CoC has. I am of the feeling that you do not realize that I am a 60 year old and I have done this many more times then I bet you have. Yes, I can go at it with no backing from Chaosium, is this what you are suggesting? Now the only thing that I was not aware of in your post was that there might be freebies for the asking. Again, amazing. How is this known to you, when after 2 and half years of asking for this info I had not a clue until you said it, And you are a newbie, with only 9 posts to boot.Gads! Think what I could do for Chaosium with a little backing...
  18. Sorry for any confusion. What is it you are not understanding. If I had the cash I would buy a copy based on what you are saying and what Rick said.
  19. Well, enjoy. I wish there was a con nearby, in any language!
  20. Oh hell,. and here I am broke because, that is a truly great reason to buy a product. A gent who stands behind a product, asks for comments, and then gets praise from Rick Meints. I will be putting my money down one day. Cheers.
  21. Ah, Kloster, ya liked my idea so much ya figured it worth repeating as soltakss would say! Thanks!
  22. Hahaha, another one illuminated. Our evil plan is working! <looks around, nervously> Did I say that outloud... oops?
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