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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. With opposed rolls that should be fine (possible even relaxing) but without real time meetups, straight up RQ combat would be an ugly slog.
  2. Not being that good myself (ask jajagappa), I don’t think, well... Pot/kettle/black if you see what I mean,
  3. The main body rpggeek is runnable, (not easily, one will have to learn tag formatting from the 70s/80’s to use it) but it is good for communication and narrating a shared story back and forth. with a good from end for combat, a chat channel and google docs I could do it. But the scheduling... Bill the Cat Herder... here bootz, c’,ere whiskers, hey, smokie... Form a line... No, no, a line! Yes, indeed. So, assuming it could work, then hmm. where might I find said chat channels, rpggeek.. p’raps? What if I didn’t pass? Stand by and hold that though for a moment or two. I would not want to try this brave new world of the 70s text editing grafted onto 21 century chat and and collaborative publishing all while running one of the more complicated incomplete FRPs on the market so if we did this I would not want more that 3 players...
  4. Well, keep an opening for me for the RQ G one, still interested. And thanks for the answer. If I might ask one more? What about having combat conducted in real time? Would a wiki-like editing PbF system with built in rolls work with every one agreeing to be there live for the big combats. or a modded for RQ, roll20 forum (I know nothing about such things)? Maybe a chat channel or a (odd thought), a google doc with all players rolling their own hits, damages etc on an honour system. Thanks
  5. Correct, based on everything I have read and seen. So for all that is holy (mind, you that seems to encompass an awful lot on the lozenge), please, leave the poor overworked underpaid and underfed slaves, unfree, err, writers, editors and artists be ... It's like the engines on Star Trek the original generation; Cheers
  6. Oh, just imagine Marculus the Monitor fully fleshed out as an ancient RQG Sorcerer! The horror, the horror!
  7. I have been giving some thought of running a little RQ G PbF game using Classic RQ 2 modules so necessarily a lot less powerful than RAW, set in the year 1611 and a wee bit non canonical. Newcomers preferred because of the classic modules, (I know, anyone without scruples can find walkthrus, spoilers, and even illegal modules scattered all over the ‘net, so I will have to hope for the best). It is tempting, I will have to give it a bit of thought. The work load for a PbF GM might be incredible. Any thoughts on the matter @jajagappa? Anyway the intention is to be something fun or I am not interested. For what it is worth, it is fun to play PbF. Just started and while a different mindset, then table top pen and paper, it has it’s own appeal. So, PbP is this ol' skool envelopes, stamps and mailmen, Play by Post—or something new?
  8. Yep, I’ll buy that for a dollar. I think I bumped into a few shamans at the mall, yesterday.
  9. Well once pinged I suppose a quick answer won’t break my concentration on work too badly... Yeah, but what do they look like man. Oh to see an M Heldon treatment of the scripts of the Lozenge! Especially after Prince of Sartar showed me how the runes could look in spellcraft! Ah work calls, later.
  10. Like the topic very much and later when I have more time, I will have to return and read the collective wit and wisdom! Did not check to see maybe someone asked but what do they all look like and what is the usual means of marking the scripts (oh the questions! Bravo)! CHEERS
  11. I am hoping for no deaths but how is such counted. I truly feel for anyone outside tonight. But no, Australia is getting the worst of it. And deserves our thoughts. Still a thought for Canada’s homeless is not out of place. I am absolutely sure. All the best
  12. If I might offer my antipodean friends cold comfort, here in the great white north we are buried under. Victoria rarely gets snow and they are busy digging out. The prairies is socked under -20 to -40 celsius temperatures with high wind and our eastern cousins are in the midst of the worst blizzard (75 cm of snow!) in a generation or more. The local governments there has just requested assistance from the Canadian Government and the Armed Forces. Wow.
  13. Yeah, but had ya mentioned it had ducks, well, I would not have brought up that singular point. Have I said that it had ducks yet? Remember kids, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, stay away from drugs RPGs and....
  14. I was very pleased when I was invited into that project, for all the reasons you mentioned, although I note that you have not mentioned the number one selling point... Ducks!
  15. A modest proposal (no not s swiftian one, no irish eating their babies thankyouverymuch), soltakss, and g33k. Perhaps I have been approaching this the wrong way. Ask not what the Chaosium can do for you, but what we can do for ourselves. Maybe, we just have to knuckle-down and make our own advertising. Not the way I want to go, but after asking for an assist for so long, maybe it is the way we have to go. We have free adventures to run, we just need venues to run them in, players to play them and stores to sell the rules to run them. Does this all sound about right? Now, this can all be done without good looking posters and handbills and whatnot, and was back in the 80s when I started playing RPGs but I will aver that these things sweeten the pot and make it easier to sell our little games (yes, fer crying out loud, they have ducks, now go away boy, yer botherin’ me). I wrote copy for a computer zine for years, and as well as doing layout and editing. As a musician who has promoted his own concerts I have learned to make my own posters (The first concert I held a fellow musician said he would design the poster and well, somehow or another It fell to me to learn Photoshop to finish it—damn musicians). I am not an artist but with graphics provided by artistic buds or PD I was able to put out some reasonable ones... What do you two have? Soltakks might have some problems, I realize, having read a post by him yesterday saying his missus expects him to make money from his RPGing contributions. But still I gotta ask what do we have. And we might not be alone in here here here here here) although that is a might heavy echo. Psullie has been known to poke around in these dark corners of BRP Central, and surely some of our more popular fellow denizens down here (the CoC fans, you know, the cool kids) might stumble onto this thread by mistake and not realize the error and stigma of admitting to liking RQ until it’s too late. Not too mention templates for, and quite possibly, I'm crazy, cons... lords know, there has never been one within this city of a million that I live in or anywhere closer than a 1, 000 km, of here, for that matter. Of special note about 30 years ago there was a CoC con at the U of A, that seem to go well, small but well received and a bit of fun. Well, what do you think. Shall we go back to waiting for some advertising for fan driven RQ demoes (or cons) to come from above or should we look at a more DIY solution? Thanks for you attention! Cheers
  16. Hmm thank you for this. Having got to work on it, I assure you it is well put together and fun. It would not be a bad choice for beginners as there is some great handholding with the rules (especially passions) as well. Ya nailed it and with a critical!. I have always felt that way as well about soltakss, but don’t tell him I said so.
  17. It’s far too late for that, lad! I’m afraid there is only one thing left for you... become a game designer or a critic.
  18. @Todd@Chaosium If you did not get the impression that I was very happy with the breath and depth of your post in my post I do apologize and thought it imperative that with this thank you for the uploads that I clarify that point. Cheers
  19. Yeah, I was not going there out of sympathy for my HQ playing buds, but I hear ya.
  20. ell now I have cried twice today,. once with news I mention in Goodbye Christopher... and here with the treatment of this outstanding scientist (Alber Einstein called her a genius) and the gent who got the seat she deserved said he was sashlmed ashamed. It really is hard to type when crying...
  21. And that is why I love physics, who is the narrator!
  22. Noether’s Theorem, another great WOMAN scientist. YAY! Thank you!
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