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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Oh my god, the young child JRR Tolkien read to; Christopher, died today (?) according to the CBC Oh man, that one hit me. Tolkien used the stories that put young Chris to bed as the basis for The Hobbit. Man, tears and all. Hmm, well... it is hard to TYPE and see the keyboard that way... so i will stop for now.
  2. I will make no editorial comment here, soltakss but the moment I saw your comment , my mind flashed back to the 60s (if y’all wish to make an “editorial" comment of any kind on this post I request that you quote “my mind flashed back to the 60s." and leave the rest as not being germane to RPGs; Hell, have a laugh at my expense signed Bill “hey boomer” the barbarian!) That’s editorial comment, otherwise comment away. Cheers
  3. Bad thangs.. ya just know nothing good can come of this godlearning!
  4. Did you see the Jonstown Compendium entry that explores that area. Have not seen it but it seems to be more of a sourcebook than an adventure (guess work based on an impression from the cover going from memory). It might relieve a bit of that itch until a more canonical entry comes along. Cheers
  5. Well if ya quit snorin’ and drinkin’ all tha corn likker I’d let yer stay... But no!
  6. Ah, but do remember klecser, this is the tavern where we send people to get into fights, so on the off chance that he was literal, he has the right to be so here as long as he is respectful and you are under similar restrictions. Should you both disagree and get into a bit of a brouhaha, the only requirement I am aware of is the rules for respect still apply. All right now shake hands go to your corners and come out swingin’!
  7. Congrats on a good and useful first post, keep it up... (or I might not be so gentle next time)... kidding!
  8. Yes exactly, that was the commercial version. The smart kids went on their local BBSs that had OneNet or UseNet connections and D/L ed the PD rules (that preexisted Killer, commercializing the rules caused yet another stink*). Not speaking from experience ya understand... * the 'net, proudly causing stink since 1969!
  9. Sounds good Crel, but what about the canonical accepted prophylactic response mentioned in few sources (I shan’t look the sources up as I am sure there are a few groggies, er grognards that know what I am referring to and can cite publication, edition, and page number of the sources to back me up) of calling on vile chaos and placating it with a worship they would never participate in with another alternative. I seem to recall this is mentioned in Cults/Lords of Terror and
  10. Seriously Sir_Godspeed, you have outdone yourself with this topic, thanks!
  11. Shit man, I can be both a pedant and a hipster—all because I was a consumer... Capitalism is GREAT!
  12. Interesting names, did you make them up or is this part of the implied little bit of work (on Kalikos, I assume but the Lonely Cry?) that has been done. If this is so, where could a pedant (I blame Ian for my use of this term) find more info? Cheers
  13. Hey, I live in Canada, remember the game assassin that was big in the late 80s and early 90s. Tag with missions and replica weapons (obviously fake ones, but in the heat of a moment, who takes the second look required to be sure) Cops almost shot a few kids here.
  14. I am not truly aware of what the cullt of chaos does for Call of Cthulhu as I do not run the game anymore. I did run it back in the 80’s but not since. I run RQ G for one persom here north of the 54 parallel in Canada in a city of over 1 million people and I would love to run it for a real group like I did up until 2003 ish but people that I speak to.have never heard of the game, I have mentioned that on free RPG day back in '17 I ran a game for 5 people (free RQ quickstarts in hand) and I got a very enthusiastic response but over 2 years later with the better part of a whole game in hand and the contacts with those fine people I met long since lost, I can not get people interested. by just saying, “Hey, who wants to play RQ?”, I have never heard of any clubs or conventions other that Magic the Gathering or DnD here that I can take the game to. Hell, I have been asking for this since slightly after 2017’s free gaming day right here in this forum, can not recall the place but I think Scott-Martin partially answered the question 2 or 3 months later with the thought that the Cult of Chaos would be ramping up a bit of fan driven advertising soon and that was the last I heard on the topic, This is the first I have heard (again I have asking a few times to very little response) about demoes to run to generate interest here. I would love to see a copy! Again though, I suffer from the problem of people having no idea what I am talking about when I say RQ G. And after two years asking about being able to run demoes I have never even heard of these never mind being able to run them, That is a shame, are they good? I hope I get to see these new ones before they get retired. At least I have heard of them now. Excuse me, what? Never heard of this. How do I get a copy of this and after two years of asking why has no one said a thing to me about this? You see, this is why I ask for a new Cult of Chaos for RQ, perhaps this is the abslolutely wrong place to be asking my questions. They get lost in the flood of CoC support and goodness. Yes, but imagine if I show up with these posters, ask if I can put them up and then ask where the roleplayig section is and go buy some product.. and then ask why they have not got any of these wonderful RQ G products.... I mean, I ain’t a kid, so. 'Hmm a real customer,' thinks the dude at the counter. To save you fellows problems, send me jpgs or pdfs. I could print them here. And I won’t ask, I am still awaiting the RQ version of the hero questing rules and have been since the ‘80s (very patiently, I like to think of myself as a nice customer). Have not seen one of these since my last purchase in the '90s of a Chaosium product from a FLGS and I filled my out and sent them in. Got some Chaosium catalogues for my troubles I now have bought everything that you guys sell for RQ G from Chaosiumdotcom and Drivethrurpgdotcom. I really would like to start buying the next gen of books and boxes here from my FLGS in Edmonton (Warp 1 Games). I mean they are willing to order ONE copy if I ask then to but I really would like to see them finally appear on the shelves like other games. It would increase the chance of having games here that I don’t have to try to organise up (and usually fail at, “What quest, Rule Quest, never heard of it” when some old grognard at a table playing Magic the DnD Cthulhu Collectable Bottle Cap Game™ (13th edition) pipes up, “That’s the game with the ducks, right?". I am not seeking freebies (I mean, I ain’t no fool, got any?) But some players would be nice. I know, you don’t sell those, it would be a moral grey area, I get it. I hope i answered your questions well sir, thank you for your time. I also hope I have anwered your original question What kind of a ‘’push” do I expect. But to to summarize, here. Not much of one. Faster response time for questions with answers of substance such as yours (Thank you and thank you Scott-Martin, was it? Oh I hate being old, you think I would be able to remember for the response I got a while back) which came 2 and a bit years and a few more questions later, some advertising (I will drop my own dime for the printing), maybe a separate area for RQ related solutions to Cult of Chaos situations if it improves our experience but this is not necessary. I am just putting it out there as a possible solution. Again it might not do anything and if we stay here maybe I will start playing CoC again. Thanks all for wonderful games, wonderfully produced. Hats off to you all and as a hobbyist If I can help don’t hesitate to let me know how! I have already helped a couple of folk with there JC products as an editor and hope to have a Gloranthan Pod Cast out this quarter. Cheers
  15. well we all know remembering incedents from long ago is less accurate than recently viewed incidents (or we should) so how many of the other folk (other than the working girls) are, as I was saying, in either the series or movie armed to the teeth, Ian? Me, my memories of Jayne were of a psycotic in love with his weapons that he carried often. Thanks for the correction, you old... pedant! :)
  16. Okay, old poop. (kinda)...I have neve known you to be contrarian, ever It has been a while a long while and memories do fade but never mind Jayne and his crewmates it ssems everyone was armed to the teeth and many of 'em doing it openly. Hope i managed to give you something else to be contrarian about
  17. What were we talking about, I seem to have forgotten!
  18. One could go the Serenity/Firefly root. Armed to the teeth, gotta problem with that?
  19. Note, that while sprit armour makes lt harder for the disease spirit to get a successful attack which is required for a disesase effect to occur, it does not protect against the diseasem itself. Seems the only thing that does that as a prophylactic would be infection and recovery granting immunity like IRL. Cheers
  20. Well my barbarian work here is done!
  21. I have only three word for those pics... to quote John Belush Nice and yeah, the duck shaman rules!
  22. Oh hells man, wrong! You still got a chance kids... Man, I would hate to see the insides ot your piehole.
  23. You know, lordabdul, you can ask @Joerg all about playing Gloranthan LARPs, eh? He’s been doing em forever ( I think or maybe it was forever ago he did a LARP, one of the two). Hell, he might even have pics.
  24. Name: Bill Home: Somewhere North of Valind’s Glacier Job: Barbarian, its a dirty, thankless job, but someones got to do it! Hobby: Patiently waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, for someone to start a bit of RQ in these nether parts of the Cults of Chaos..... waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, 🎵 Someday my secret RQ forum will come, Someday my... Ack (choking sounds and much gratuitous violence is heard).... We will now draw the curtains on this sad and pathetic scene... Now everybody, roll SAN!
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