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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Its based on the Delta Green engine, also known as The Misery Engine. The published game Apocthulhu, also from Cthulhu Reborn, is also based on this. Differences off the top... No Size Bonds Sanity mechanic has Stress Types; Violence, Helplessness, and Unnatural Automatic weapons fire and explosives are different. They have a Lethality rating; its listed as a percentage, and if (on a hit) you roll under that, the target automatically perishes. These percentages tend to be low-ish, between five and 20% IIRC. And as @harunmushod states, much (but not all yet?) Lovecraft's work in in the Public Domain. This is how other games such as Trail of Cthulhu, The Yellow King, the afore-mentioned Delta Green and Apocthulhu, and others can exist. SDLeary
  2. Because of the variability that your method introduces, should the player not roll a special, you might want to also use the High/Low options for locations, d10 for low, d10+10 for high. That way if someone was going for the Arm, and they miss, there is no chance they could hit a Leg. Not ideal, but can eliminate extreme variability. SDLeary
  3. This. So if anything, I would think that traveling to locations where you stay for a decent period of time might result in a Folklore (location) type knowledge. A Lhankor Mhy initiate may be disciplined enough to pull out checks in individual Lores from Folklore, but only if they commit to further Research of what they have learned during the time between adventures, preferably in the area where they learned the Folklore. SDLeary
  4. And then on the other end, you could have characters that have been around for thousands of years, and have the "background from hell" if you tried to map it out. SDLeary
  5. Its a bit old now, but you might also pick up some insights from Ambarquenta, found at The Heren Turambarion; and the Hall of Fire Fanzine, apparently gone from the inter webs, but the Internet Archive is your friend. You might also be able to find a fan conversion called Lord of the Rings Unisystem (never mind... found it... Now in WIKI format!). For BRP, I'd use MagicWorld to get into things somewhat quickly. It can scratch the basic itches right up front. Or, as mentioned up thread, Age of Shadow is another good conversion. On the other hand, if you really want to get into the weeds, and explore personal interactions and the influence of personality and bonds, I'd probably head right to Pendragon 4e. For ME, Personality Traits and Passions (or Bonds if you prefer) seem to fit really well. I would probably tone down Damage though, to /8 rather than /6. This would be some amount of work though, as you'd have to figure out Virtues for the communities. The basic magic system seems to be somewhat in line too, though I'm not sure I'd keep the dice pool needed to figure out latent natural MP to power things. SDLeary
  6. I think there were some incursions in Umathela as well. SDLeary
  7. Todd is at it again, this time with Matt Easton's assistance. This time its a Rondel Dagger vs... Things! Main video with Todd and Matt talking and stabbing things! Second video, a postscript by Matt: Comments? SDLeary
  8. Blocking the strike that is coming for you, or that is coming for those under your care, is not harming the protagonist, it's protecting yourself, or your charge. Who would harm them? Broo Mostali? After all they are not "theists", and may not have the same prohibition as they simply see the "thing in my path preventing me from fixing the Machine". Humans, who might, in the heat of combat, not notice that the person they just attacked was a Chalana Arroy follower. And then, of course, there are beasties who don't care at all. SDLeary
  9. Perhaps it belongs in the "Family" section, along with Delta Green and Renaissance. SDLeary
  10. Just arrange for a Hoolar to appear at strategic intervals! SDLeary
  11. Hags are nymphs... I wonder if they degenerate the way they "do" on Earth. If a place succumbs to corruption or extreme degradation, does a Gloranthan Nymph turn into a Hag? Are Chaos corrupted areas full of Hags? Or, do they follow a seasonal model, nymph in summer, hag in winter, and in between in spring and fall? SDLeary
  12. Doesn't seem to like training rounds... SDLeary
  13. In fact, if you are Evil™ like me, you might want to say that not only did it cost more, but that there was some... "special handling involved in getting it into the country. Oh, and don't get arrested with it!" SDLeary
  14. Why not! Whether or not it was in the real world is irrelevant! 😉 SDLeary
  15. This, because in many cases they needed to build their marching camp at the end of the day. SDLeary
  16. Also remember though, this is a European firearm. While it may have been available in Europe, that doesn't mean that it was available in the US. I see that Canadian manufacture was set up in the early 40s, but that was a War concern... and apparently to assist in fulfilling Chinese contracts. SDLeary
  17. I believe that it was available to civilians in the year of its release, 1935; or shortly thereafter. I see no reference stating that it was available for military sales only. SDLeary
  18. I never knew that the Aldryami had something akin to Orlanth Adventurous! 😉 SDLeary
  19. He seems to not like the way characteristics are handled, so 6th Ed or Mythras would probably be better… though he could just use the /5 value (though probably not something supported on VTT systems). SDLeary
  20. 6e Chthulhu + Dark Ages? Then you should be able to import just about any BRP beastie, and you could also make use of Malleus Monstrorium … for those difficult opponenets! SDLeary
  21. For melee weapons, the category should not really be Range. It should be Length, Reach, or some such (short, medium, long reach). Traditionally, the longer weapon gets the first strike, regardless of the DEX or SR of the person with the shorter weapon; theory being that you have to get past the business end of the longer weapon. In order to get past the business end of the longer weapon, you must declare that you are Closing, succeed in a defensive roll (getting past the business end), and then you can strike. If you want to use a weapon length system in BRP, I would suggest that you lift from Mythras, which has thought this through much better, or at least presents it in a much more coherent way. It should slot into BRP just fine. SDLeary
  22. I wouldn't necessarily place a battlefield weapon like a Pike in this grouping. No one would be using it outside a Phalanx. Its even too long for a standard Shield Wall. Too unwieldy. A dagger on the other hand could be interpreted in one of two ways. Something along the lines of a shortsword if its long enough (and thus should be in the 1M reach category), or as a simple HtH weapon if shorter. In this case, an HtH weapon simply turns what would normally be unarmed combat more deadly, and doesn't really extend the range of the combat. SDLeary
  23. The issue to me is that AFAIK, we only have personality traits listed for some of the Runes (Elemental Runes), and multiple traits per Rune at that. I have seen no definitions or charts that provide traits for the other runes, though of course they can be inferred from the nature of the runes themselves. And, I may have missed something somewhere! After reading the OP yesterday, I went back and checked all my PDP sources (including a Digest archive that I have). All seem to keep Traits and Runes separate. Using Traits as listed in Pendragon; and some suggestions of using Runes for magic, with most using variations of the more traditional RQ magic systems. Please make sure you post the rest of what your doing on this here! I'd love to see what you come up with! SDLeary
  24. Not quite correct on the timeline; RQ 3 had the Gamemaster's Book right there in the box with the Player's Book, and of course the Magic, Creatures, and Glorantha books. RQ 6 had a Games Mastery chapter (Chapter 16: p.413). It would be more accurate to say that RQ:G is the first version of RuneQuest since RQ2 to NOT have some sort of central location for basic gamemaster guidance. Possibly an artifact from the decision to use the second edition as the basis for the new game (possibly starting out with 2's Table of Contents as the basic outline??). While much of this type of information is scattered throughout RQ:G, having it all in a central location for the new GM cannot be understated. SDLeary
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