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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. This... And along these lines, I would suggest you use the eight characteristic stat block. I find it generally easier to remove a stat, than to add one in if necessary. SDLeary
  2. Yes, but a quickstart for a Gloranthan game doesn't really help a DIY type, or say someone that no longer wants to play D&D but doesn't want to toast his ongoing campaign of the last 20 years. They want something that's not too tied to something else, and enough in the way of tools to assist them in checking things out, or coming over en-masse. This is one of the reasons that Savage Worlds became popular, and to a lesser degree why GURPS and Hero are still around, among others. System as gateway, then hook them on the settings. And, just so that you know that I'm not really biased as to settings, it CAN be done the other way too. The Literary route. Stories that people can read to get them interested in the setting, and then perhaps to the game. Cthulhu of course has this as its based upon the stories of others, but nothing like this really exists for Glorantha. I'm sure someone will point to KoS, but I don't remember this ever being marketed outside the already existing Gloranthan community. SDLeary
  3. Fair. The issue as I see it is one of visibility. They aren't supported, so don't get a prominent position on their web page. They are listed under Other Games; a somewhat odd place for a company to place what amounts to the core of it rules systems, and the foundation for its games. If there were a new release, presumably they would be more visible, and probably more sought after as a result. SDLeary
  4. But only run scenarios with regular human characters in a real-world-esque arena, there is not tech beyond lasers in the small weapons tables, nothing that evokes anything fantastical, and nothing that suggest anything comic book-y. For the DIY crowd, you generally have people that have their own fantasy or sci-fi world, and on rarer occasion, a supers based world. Having the sections, or separate small books if a slipcase as @g33k suggested, would open things up to a wider crowd. Thus, BRP would be the entry product. BRP Companion for those who wanted to expand further with more options, such as the ability to build critters and gear, as you suggest, and more besides. SDLeary EDIT: By the way, my preferred rule treatment for the entry product would be as presented, minus IP and dress, in The Laundry. I'm not sure why, but this has always struck me as a really clean and concise read of the rules. Perhaps it had to do with the particular division of labor between Gareth, @Jason Durall, and John.
  5. To many people, the settings in the rulebooks ARE intimidating, simply due to their depth. Chaosium has no current product that serves as a gateway into their system... only straight jumps into their worlds. Now I agree, the BGB in its current incarnation is not a good gateway either, but a revised edition, or a revised line of books, could remedy this. Perhaps "Basic RolePlaying" is a book that has a slightly more comprehensive in core rules than the Quickstart, with additional sections that add sections on generic Supers, Fantasy, and SciFi. These genre sections would not only have rules specific to them, but basic GM info on how to handle as a whole, and certain common situations that might crop up. This is the Worlds of Wonder model, and what it was originally intended to be. Another book, the BRP Companion, would arrive at the same time, or a little later, and contain the rest of the toolkit. Additional rules that can be bolted on as desired: Category Modifiers, Passions, Personality Traits, Bonds, Sanity, additional power and magic systems, deeper combat, faiths/cults, etc. SDLeary
  6. Everything that g33k said, but ESPECIALLY this: Outside eyes to vet for consistency and understanding; making sure that we are working with a consistent core that isn't marred by the insertion of a something contradictory because its from a tailored version of the game, or our favorite house rule, because we didn't notice because we've been playing FOR EVER. SDLeary
  7. If they ever get off the ground. At this point we are still waiting on Mythic Iceland, which is actually in the cycle, and while the others have been tossed around before, I've seen no concrete commitment to any of them. I fear that Mythic Iceland will be the last fantasy BRP supplements, as Chaosiums interest seem to extend little outside of Glorantha and Cthulhu; and honestly I think they would prefer it die (along with MagicWorld). That being said, you can use The Design Mechanisms excellent supplements with BRP with a little work. They already have a ROME, Constantinople, Britain settings in their Mythic Earth line; all very excellent. ROME started life as a BRP supplement, and you might want to peruse NobleKnight if your interested and want to minimize work needed to get things going. SDLeary
  8. Yours for a reduced cost! And... It lets you do both! SDLeary
  9. It really depends on how you are defining things: daimōn/daemon is 'deity' or 'genius'. Daemonium/daemonion is 'lesser or evil spirit'. So you can really work the entire range. I tend to place 'real' Demons in the Angelic range of powers, ie they are fallen Angels. The power level is the same, the intent is what differs. As Angels can perform miracles, so can Demons... the miracles aren't of the "Let there be light..." variety, but as you point out water to wine would be right up their ally. So is shapeshifting into something mean and nasty... or perhaps that's their real form after so long being twisted and malevolent and appearing human is the shapeshifting. (if you want something infernal, mean, and nasty very quickly, Melleus Monstrorum is priceless) SDLeary
  10. They can do miracles, though minor ones, because they are not gods... yet. They really want to become gods, and seek followers to worship them. They can generally get a few, on rare occasions perhaps a small cult like following. The larger the following, the more impressive their miracles become! The problem is that they are real bastards. They have this tendency to get tired of their following, and then you see things in media about a group of families that were found dead on a remote farmstead in North Dakota. SDLeary
  11. Waaaayyyy back when, a lot was stored at soda.berkeley.edu. I want to say that it was on the old Issaries web site, but can't find the correct font on Glorantha.com right now. SDLeary
  12. There was a Goranthan font at one point that had a lot of extra stuff... Was that the HeroWars font, and didn't it have some of these at least? SDLeary
  13. I have no trouble falling back on PDF either. However, I do prefer print, as I find my old tired eyes seem to prefer it, and for some reason I seem to retain more. In addition, while finding something in a PDF is pretty simple (if you have the correct search phrase), I find that comparing two sections MUCH easier in print. The only time I find a screen as easy for comparisons is if I'm on my large desktop monitor and I'm able to have both sections side by side; smaller screens just don't really cut it for this. SDLeary
  14. Because on something on the Tin such as this will simply cause confusion among potential entrants into the various systems and to Glorantha itself. Confusion by someone getting ready to jump in is never good. Often, it will simply make them look over to this other game which isn't as confusing. "YGWV at the table" has always been the case as G in this context stands for Game. All GMs tweak things a bit, even the worlds. This is normal. Glorantha should not vary (much) simply because of varying rule sets. And we certainly shouldn't have major back-and-forths simply because its the fashion of one decade or the other. Make a decision, stick with it, expand on it... and let the respective GMs decide on changes. SDLeary
  15. Lloegyr is Welsh for "The Foreign Lands". If you look at a map, its generally equated to the area southeast of the Fosse Way, and equates to the area most heavily Romanized. Oddly, its also the area the Welsh thought was most English, and today is the area that considers itself British as opposed to Welsh, English, or Scottish. In other words it really translates to "Them odd folk who don't think like us proper folk". 😉 I have never seen it spelled Lloigor though. Would you have a source? And the Lloigor that I know should be hunted, lest they regain a foothold and enslave us! SDLeary
  16. That works too unless you want to use locational armor. SDLeary
  17. I second this... sounds a lot like Unknown Armies, specifically pre 3rd edition. SDLeary
  18. And that's with the bow that he can "pull all day". I wonder what his draw would look like with a 200lb monster. SDLeary
  19. E-Gads! The Stampede LIVES! 😉


  20. This one?? I don't think there are cars though. SDLeary
  21. Agreed... I'm thinking more of the possibility of the juggling of Hulu's overlords derailing things, or at least pushing them back. SDLeary
  22. Those that read the books... how many of those are gamers is anyones guess. Potentially more in the future, if the Wild Cards TV series ever gets off the ground. SDLeary
  23. Tod, over at Tod's Workshop, got a bunch of people together to conduct a test of archery vs. Plate harness, specifically at the time of Agincourt. The players... An archer who is using a 160 lb bow, An armorer (sorry, armourer) that created a breastplate based upon a French original from 1390, And an arrow smith and fletcher who created the arrowheads based on originals in the Museum of London, and the arrows based upon those from the Mary Rose. Have fun!! SDLeary
  24. SDLeary


    Yup... I had already posted there. SDLeary
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