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Everything posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. Holy crap! Double for real official in the clarifications. Shaman in the RAW are just totally unmitigated badasses.
  2. Spell Barrage Each point of Spell Barrage allows the shaman to throw one additional spirit spell simultaneously. All spells cost the full magic point amount. The strike rank is equal to the shaman’s DEX strike rank, plus the magic points spent, and all the spells go off simultaneously. Only one roll for success is made, and either all spells succeed or all fail. If multiple attack spells are aimed at a single target, a single resistance roll is made to see if the target was affected by all the spells at once. Multiple targets must all be visible to the shaman.If the shaman’s player rolls a critical success or a normal failure when casting, the shaman only spends 1 magic point, regardless of the number of spells or their cost. From the section on discorporation we have: When discorporate, the shaman cannot use the fetch’s magic points to defend or attack, though they can use the fetch’s magic points to fuel spells. Our group assumed you add the Fetch's POW to the Shaman's POW for Spell attack and defense when in the Material World. This QUICKLY GETS BONKERS. With normal mortals maxing out at 21 POW a shaman can pretty quickly ensure 95% succes on every casting of a spell. Combine with several pointa of Spell Barrage and all your RP in Multispell and become DISRUPTION GATLING. Firing up to Disruptiom 22s at however many targets you have Spell Barrage, or however many targets and stacks your Munchkin Enabling GM agrees to let you disintegrate in a single volley. Our Shaman was throwing out 18 disruptions at once with 30 some total POW.
  3. Depending on how you interpret the interaction of the Shamanic Special Ability to cast multiple spells and Runic Multispell a shaman can cast absurdly stacked Disruptions. A new shaman with 3 RP and 2 ability points(?) in multi-casting could spend all their RP and cast either a Disruption 6 every round or 3 castings of Disruption 4. There are LOTS of ways of trying to figure the interacrion of Multispell and Shamanic multicasting. Even conservatively just add all bonus castings together, a Shaman with some MP stored away can liquify almost any single locatiom on a target with a 95% chance.
  4. We interpreted it this way as well. Our shaman was absolutely egregiously strong. Shaman multi-cast ability plus Multispell Rune Magic with like 34 combined POW or something obnoxious. Almost nothing can win a POW stroggle versus that. I was having trouble finding ANYTHING in the rules that would make him afraid enough to try and bargain with it and not just start taking Spiritual Swings at it.
  5. One option could be going to full Combat Styles route and fold Shield skill into Weapon attack and parry, like they did in Mythras RQ, I think it was? I really liked not having to worry about a ton of different skills or, check hunting, to keep my character useful with all of the different weapons they had available.
  6. With the latest ruling from the Rules Questions Thread spells can be defensively boosted with MP. Which adds a whole layer of complexity to determining and dismantling magical defenses. Instead of a Humakti with 100 MP in storage casting one bonkers Sword Trance he is in fact incentivised to spend at least a handful of MP to bolster each spell. I would spend 10(5 RP worth) or 12(RP worth) per spell to beef them up to withstand Dispel 8s or Dismiss 4s. This eats up large chunks of resources rather quickly but, it doesn ensure that one spell stays up. I alao think this is sort of self balancing, someone brought up in another thread that a year long Extension of Shield 13 with a buttload of MP for dispel resist is amazing and almost impossible for an individual opponent to deal with. It ALSO basically remove your ability to be healed fast enough to not die or lose a limb, or maybe even be healed at all.
  7. God Learners are miximally munchkin PCs with access to the complete RuneQuest Rulebook, therefore RuneQuest Sight!
  8. Have you ever played Stormbringer? Our GM basically used the Melniboneans as a base for the Vadeli. Depraved chaos worshipping super wizards. I think he literally through some of our old Melnibonean PCs at us when we were at the high end of one of our campaigns. I can't remember if the story was they were returned Outer Atomic Explorers or what but, they were chaos magic'ed up the wazoo. Lots of demon weapons, armor and all the other nasties from Stormbringer madness brought to Glorantha.
  9. IIRC all sorcery spells take a minimum of 1 round plus 2 SR per MP spent in a spell after the first. So, even a single point to effect a creature in a binding wouldn't go off until SR 1 or SR 3 of the next round at the very fastest.
  10. In Glorantha I played in any duck that flys is slighting Yelm and his curse and gets a Sunpear to the domer for his trouble. No idea how canonical any of that is but, it is HILARIOUS at the table.
  11. I managed to screenshot the entire open document with the map up and cut out the rest of it to throw up on Roll20 for today. It works well enough.
  12. The Stone and Bone PDF version I have has restrictions making it so you cannot extract from the document. Which makes it so you cannot copy the map at all. I am playing on Roll20, so I don't really have another way of sharing the map with the players without sending them the whole pdf and spoiling it or something.
  13. I think, like ducks, it might be a rather fantastical element of Glorantha. There are giant beetles you can ride. Some stuff is just Magic.
  14. I tried that, it copied only a completely black square. I figured it might be some sort of watermark or something? I dunno. I have used the trick to extract maps from lots of older pdfs and stuff.
  15. I not sure where to ask but, is there a way to extract the map from the PDF for Stone and Bone? I am trying to put it up on Roll20 for play.
  16. I am currently running my first RQ campaign using mostly RQ:G RAW. Been playing for a while but, taking on some GMing for a change. We have played a lot of rhe older adventures in several different campaigns but, I couldnt get enough material together to have an easy campaign or sandbox come together. I am currently using 1610s Pavis, 1613-15ish right now. If we had HeroQuesting resources and a sandbox, though I can adapt the ones that exist like Griffin Mountain or Big Rubble or whatnot, then I would feel much more comfortable trying to get PCs into the real meat of the Hero Wars. Starting in 1613 or so gives me some time for hem to get established, throw a bunch of This-World HQs at them mixed in with adventures while they get awesome and hopefully we get some rules for making HeroeQuestors!
  17. I really like the way that Simple version of the Gurps rule looks in the graphs. I think I will propose it to my group and see if we want to play around with it as skills increase above 100%. Does the graph change drastically for the Simple G rules if you only use them above 100% instead of 80%? I am thinking of 100% being easy to remember, maybe 90% as we all played a lot of RQ3 and Stormbringer so that is where we situate weapon Mastery intuitively.
  18. These are beautiful and incredibly handy. Excellent work!
  19. We have a weird crew. The Troll Black Fang 'Secret Shaman' Zorak Zorani is probably going to fall in love with Geiron. Or try and eat it. We will see. Elephants make Big Smashy. Gonna run the Paps scene to introduce him and see how they engage with the Moving Mountain.
  20. I just picked this up through Drive Thru RPG and I am absolutely loving it! It has some great seeds for adventures and a wonderfully woven story of why he exists and what he does. I am definitely going to use him at least once in the Pavis/Prax campaign we are playing.
  21. I tend to agree. It also depends on how you see your Glorantha. In our Glorantha people are regularly superhuman. I tend to think of movie, comic, or anime fight scenes when narrating combat for the party. It may not be everyone's flavor but, I FREAKING LOVE parrying a Dinosaur with a greatsword or whatever. Hopefully they roll a lucky crit parry and limb him to boot! I mean Humakt fights EVERYTHING. Hopefully as we move forward we can get solid rules that can guide PCs toward tangling with the awesome stuff Glorantha has on the table, like Dinosaurs that do 14d6, which would be known as Stormbringer level damage at our table, as the GM scooped a handful of dice.
  22. I think this is where some form of HeroQuest Ability, Strengthening Enchantment, or other form of Leveling-Up, so to speak, is going to come in with the GM Guide. I could see the above being much more reasonable if the guys on the path to Rune-Lord have picked up an extra couple d6 Total HP, or maybe they make POW add straight to HP like CON, or some other way of increasing the survivability of PCs and NPCs. Either with Enchantments mixing into the POW economy or with Blessings/Spirit Pacts/Some Wizard Term for getting more Heroic/God-like durability from the Otherworld.
  23. It is one of the few things I can think of that would stop someone magical from magic-ing.
  24. Would connecting prisoners with lengths of unenchanted iron provide enough antimagic potential to keep them relatively seperated from their magical resources? At least applicable to Mostali prisoner keeping.
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