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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Well, that's been an argument in RL for a very long time... Is it better to be a slave in an advanced culture, or free in the boonies? And, yes, yes we do!
  2. Somehow, what I wrote came out to be the exact opposite of what I meant... No, I was referring to the decidedly unequal society of Dara Happa... and the still strong patriarchy when questioning Ali's "gender equality" claim of the Lunar Empire. Sure, they may be less unequal now, but we can argue about the equality levels of Orlanthi (which have numerous female leaders) against Lunars (which had/have some important female personages). You can. I don't think that "imperial expansionism, but culturally inclusive" trumps "not empire building at all".
  3. Hmmm, well.let's look at this... A) is questionable. Especially if looking at the Yelmic parts. At the very least, there's arguments to be made on both sides. probably, but you sort of have to be if you're going to conquer everyone (and want it to last more than a few years). Neither are particularly interested in including the other into their cultural though. C) should be completely irrelevant for a moral value judgement.
  4. I've always thought that it was supposed to be Lunara bad, because a) Chaos, and b) imperialist aggressive expansion and starting wars etc on (relatively) peaceful people who just want to stay in their own little block of land and be left alone (barring the in-fighting, feuds, regular raids, etc). And anyone who want a to destroy Ducks is pure evil in my book!
  5. Well, the Lonisi are now gone... Under Taraling, there's also specific reference to binding clans through marriage to strengthen the bonds. (I'm just looking for specific references to the idea in canon)
  6. Wasn't specifically mentioned by name, but the Adventure book states that the Enhyli clan men exclusively take their wives from the Narri clan (although the women are not so restricted, but would obviously mean they can't marry someone from their own clan). Similarly, the women in the Narri clan can only marry Enhyli men (and their men are unrestricted). I'll just point out that this is explicitly mentioned, and thus probably represents an exception to rules.
  7. Apologies if this is,already canonically answered somewhere, but I just thought about it given that the Bat destroys souls (apparently a bad thing), or souls go to some afterlife (Or become ghosts). I'm aware there is some reference to reincarnation somewhere for some peoples. But... If the gods are stuck in/out of time, then I figure they're not creating or making new ones... And if there's no general reincarnation, then the old ones aren't being recycled... So, it suggests new souls are being made all the time... Where? From what? And if soul-stuff keeps going out, and not going back in (due to various afterlife stuff), then can we presume there's a limit to the number of souls that could exist? Is there a "soul-maker", and how do souls "decide" where to go? Are there different souls for different species? Etc etc.....
  8. Back on topic, and a.mechanics question... Is Cult Lore (Elmal) or Worship (Elmal) effectively the same skills as Cult Lore (Yelmalio) and Worship (Yelmalio)? This would be relevant for cult initiation (and, I presume, Heroquesting). If an Elmali/Orlanthi does a Heroquest, and decode to hang around the Hill of Gold and backstab ZZ after he takes the fire powers, taking those fire powers off ZZ and gifting them to the Elmali (creating a new myth), would the Yelmalio temples also suddenly get fire powers as well? (Or would it be presumed that they still don't have that myth?)
  9. I think what's more important (and overlooked) is that all crops are given equal value.
  10. True-ish. Remember that agriculture is merely the domestication of naturally occurring processes. If you cast Bless Crops on a hide of land that hasn't specifically been ploughed and tended, then all the seeds are still going to sprout and grow, and all you need to do is harvest... So, I'm just saying that the Farming skill is probably over-emphasised anyway.
  11. Yes, but I can see that as being an extremely important part of the death of a Humakti, and if they die without it, they don't go to Humakt's hall, and a great quest is required to get the soul from where it shouldn't have gone to where it should. I imagine there's a lot of flavour to be had with initiates and particular rites (very much like a geas). E.g., Orlanthi cannot be buried or burned, but need to be released to the winds. I get that some will get old quickly, but occasionally throwing in some stuff would be good.
  12. Yes, but I can see that as being an extremely important part of the death of a Humakti, and if they die without it, they don't go to Humakt's hall, and a great quest is required to get the soul from where it shouldn't have gone to where it should. I imagine there's a lot of flavour to be had with initiates and particular rites (very much like a geas). E.g., Orlanthi cannot be buried or burned, but need to be released to the winds. I get that some will get old quickly, but occasionally throwing in some stuff would be good.
  13. I've just been catching up on The Last Kingdom, and it occurred to me that it has something that seems to be entirely missing from RQ - the smaller details that really relate to actual beliefs. For example, we know that Norse beloved in the gods, and also if a warrior died without a sword in his hand, he wouldn't go to Valhalla... I don't see anything like this in RQ. Similarly, where are the curses? Perhaps a spirit is sent, but that's definitely not the same thing. Where's the love spell? If I think about it, I think it's the "personal" touch that's missing. Now, sure, you could just say "the GM should provide that", but I think it's something that should at least be raised, discussed and suggestions given... So... Any ideas? Either in general, or mechanics, or suggestions for what various cultures might have specific beliefs and superstitions about?
  14. My 2 bolgs on this would would be the 🐎 oriented... But that's specifically Runegate, located in the lands of the Hyaloring Triaty lands (who are very horsey peoples) and there's a temple to Elmal's wife, Redalda (a horse goddess). Now, if you were to ask about an Elmal temple in some other city or town, I'd probably give a different answer... For 2 bolgs... (And, yes, I recognise that bolgs are an evil, darkness creature currency, which shows just how little value my'comment is probably worth!)
  15. Colour me confused... P294 lists a pile of those husband protectors and the spells they provide...
  16. Yes, so actively and intentionally... And not many Chalana Arroy will go to a Humakt service (although some will get that Death is a necessary part of life), nor Lhankor Mhy Initiates go to an Eurmal rite (granted, not many would, even if they were publicly announced). But I do get @Bill the barbarian's point - and for the most part I agree... However it does beg the question... What's the significance of Lay Membership if the individual never actively does anything about it? Never goes to the rites, ignores the Holy days, never pays even a copper... And walks past the statue of the god with nary a sideways glance...
  17. In My Glorantha, being a Lay Member would be something actively and intentionally done (for the most part). Just buying stuff doesn't make you a Lay Member of Issaries, just as killing someone wouldn't make you a Lay Member of Humakt.
  18. I think it, officially, ought to be any of the listed cult skills as well, based on the idea that the characters has been an initiate for a while (3RPs and 5 cult spirit magic!), *and* that one benefit of being an initiate is access to free/cheap training in cult skills. Restricting those skills seems to go against the above gains in magic.
  19. Wouldn't that depend on the actual definition of "Lay Member" here? Acknowledgement of a god isn't the same as worship. IRL, many Christians believe (acknowledge) a "Devil", but there's no way you'd call them a "Lay Member" of Satan ... For Lightbringers, most Orlanthi, Lhankor Mhy, etc are barely tolerant of any Eurmali, let alone willing to worship.
  20. I personally think that's entirely the wrong perspective (am yes, YGWV and all...). Farmers in Sartar are going to actively worship both Barntar and Ernalda, and actively seek the blessings from both. In all likelihood, most are also going to call upon Heler and Orlanth) and some aspect of Yelm). The whole *community* is set up to support that. So, formally initiating into more than one of those isn't "power-gaming", nor min-maxxing - it's being a very dedicated membership of the community, and I'm sure the priests would be very happy to have someone like that to call upon. They'll get the assignments others don't, because they will be seen as more responsible. There will only be occasional conflicts of duties, because the priests will be talking to each other... Because it's a community! Now, if the players want to join somewhat more disparate cults, then there'd be a point to be made. But for my.money, and the don't see a problem with Humakt, Stormbull and Orlanth... Death-dealer focussing on Chaos... Orlanth and half the Lightbringers and some earth... Odayla and Yinkin... (and Orlanth) Lhankor Mhy and Chalana Arroy... These Initiates are *supporting* the cult and strengthening it. That's not something they should be punished for. In game-play, sure - tithe them. But then, also give them the *best* and important assignments and duties... Not sitting around scrubbing potatoes!
  21. Why not? They're associated. Barntar is supposed to be an aspect of Orlanth. And then there's Thunderous which sort of goes nicely with some aspects of Ernalda... Rune levels are (going to be) gender-restricted for Ernalda though, which will be problematic for many in Orlanth. Oh, and they'd both be Lay Members to each other, so taking the next step shouldn't really be that surprising...
  22. Shiningbrow


    That's because those words aren't (insert whatever language you're playing scrabble in)
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