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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Thx. So... Is there something about what having % in Infinity or Luck can mean or be useful for?
  2. And yet... It's not so much a part of your soul that when the shaman discorporates, the Fetch remains behind... I do see that the "A fetch can never be Dispelled, Dismissed, or Neutralized" first two (I'm not sure what the third is supposed to refer to... Neutralize Spirit sorcery???). I expect that the Fetch will suffer through n some form not unlike the person when its Magic Points fall to zero.... But, directly in reference to the quote, I'd also presume it is only referring to "normally", and gods and great spirits don't fall into that category... Also, choosing not to commune with one's fetch, via drugs for example, should be legitimate. (Perhaps because having the Fetch has driven them mad, they had a horrifying experience, etc) Finally, since the Fetch does remain behind to look over the body, (and the shaman doesn't use the Fetch's MPs to attack or defend), there's clearly some way to, at least slightly, "separate" the "two".
  3. If you atone, the connection can be resumed. Just as Rune masters drop to Initiate level, and lose the mystical benefits... But, once the requirements are met again, the benefits return automatically.
  4. I'm not saying you would *lose* the fetch. I'm saying the connection gets broken (or interfered with). As both a real world and probable Glorantha world, if the shaman over does it with drugs or alcohol (intentional or not), that connection is affected. So, logically, it's possible. Same as if the shaman or fetch get dropped to zero MP.
  5. Will this merely be mentioning? Or go into what happens when you have % in them?
  6. I'm confused about something with Illumination... (And not just how you know there's a capital 'i' in front of two lower-case 'l's there...) If a Rune Priest or Lord becomes illuminated and has an allied spirit, what's to stop the spirit from informing on rules (especially Geas) breakages to the god, and thus the RP/RL losing access to their RPs? Similarly, I don't get why illuminated can't be attacked by Spirits of Reprisal. This "immune to" seems very hand-wavium, rather than actually mechanically thought through.
  7. Why not? I can easily see Grandfather Mortal (or Daka Fal, or maybe even Kigor Litor... Whichever god helped you to awake your *connection to* your Fetch).to be very unhappy with leaving, and you losing that connection, awareness, etc. After all, if a fetch can be attacked in spirit combat, and can watch over your body while you discorporate, and can cast spells independently of the shaman, then it's also a spirit that could also be bound. And shut down. By a god - permanently.
  8. I, personally, think along the lines that the spells taught by a cult Rune level are specifically those tied to the deity itself. This also means that *only* those spells that are "cult spells" can be taught by those Rune levels.. And, therefore, your friendly PC priest won't be able to teach you anything they want. Given that the spells come from your god's spirits, that should also mean what you'd be allowed to teach would also be limited, largely based on the recipient's relationship with the god... Not even a Lay Member? Be thankful you're allowed the privilege of paying for a maximum of 2 point spells!
  9. Agreed. Sorcery is an intellectual pursuit, and thus mastering a Rune for sorcery is gaining understanding of how it works into the threads of sorcerous magic... Not actually touching upon the elements of the universe itself.
  10. Learning a few techniques is very different to binding yourself to a role, society, "worshipping" spirits, and gaining power from them in return for devotion and sacrifice... And awakening your Fetch.
  11. I'm curious as to why the Strike Rank system and melee "rounds" are used, rather than a simple additive structure, such as A+B+C... Starting at 1. (I'm referencing Harnmaster here). Also, what other sources (games and systems) do the designers particularly like (and try to emulate)?
  12. Do you think the snark was really necessary? I presume you want people to buy your book. Dumping shit on them for requesting what, these days, should be considered a fairly normal request doesn't seem to be the smart thing to do.
  13. Hmmm... Would that allow them to choose a specific Chaotic Feature???
  14. You're forgetting the temple wyter. It can put up said Sanctify and Extensions. As well, presumably, there's some other mechanics for a "permanent" sanctified space, probably like an enchantment ritual.
  15. As shown by a few posts above, canon keeps changing. The very fact we're having this discussion is proof of that. So, mention of it in one book honestly doesn't really mean a lot, given all the precedents. True?
  16. There's this little thing called "resurrection"... Or LBQ quest...
  17. However... Firstly I doubt we should consider the surface area of a sphere as a way to.measure. Secondly, I doubt the mist is going to pervade the ground... (ok, sure, you could be standing on a table, chariot, horse, etc). So, usually, only a hemisphere. Radius or diameter is the most useful measurement.
  18. It sounds like the OP wants certain gemstones to have unique magically properties. Such as - effectively a Spell Storing powered crystal that always retains its one (or more??) Spells - probably without the requirement to attune, or spend MPs... Basically like an enchantment (or HQ) effect. Or, at the very least, when using Gem X, it's easier/costs less to cast certain spells, or enchant certain effects. Eg, when you hold this clear gemstone and say the words "A Elbereth Gilthonial", it sheds light as per a 3pt Light spell... (sort of Iike enchanted gold) Officially, no. As GM, do what you want!
  19. Care to elaborate even more? On the spirit itself, not the mechanism.
  20. Okies! Thx. I have, but haven't looked into yet. (I dislike reading e-formats for long periods of time, and my tablet is in the shop anyway )
  21. Living in Australia *is* a Heroquest! 😁
  22. But each of those beings actually have some relevance to the community in some way. A random summons doesn't...
  23. However... It misses the one vital aspect of a wyter - the spiritual symbolism of "The community". If a sorcerer's pet binding dies - do what? Just get another. If a *real* wyter, spirit of the community, dies, so too does all social cohesion, and the community itself breaks down/apart. A wyter is supposed to be more than simply a guardian spirit.
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