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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. There are a lot of reasons: ENC was one, much less now because now, a broadsword and a shortsword have the same ENC, but this was not the case. Because non rigid armor were halved vs crushing weapons. Because of the range (=weapon SR). Because of the usability on a mount. Because some weapons don't affect some creatures. Because some materials affect some creatures and some other don't. Und so weiter. Yes and no. What I described was that, when a weapon is unusable (because stuck after a special, been broken or after a disarm), I switch to the weapon I have and am the most proficient with. Currently, if my best weapon (a broadsword) is stuck, I switch to my second best weapon (a battleaxe) if it is handy (it stay on the mount because of the ENC) and to a dagger if not. Completely agree. Except in very rare case, voluntarily changing weapon in the middle of a combat is counter productive (most of the time) and can be very dangerous. What I described are forced changes: Broken weapons, disarmed characters, ... Yes, agreed.
  2. The problem with this kind of rule is that over 100%, whatever your score, the probability of a crit is constant.
  3. I think it is a great RQG rule, but not because it counterbalance tick hunting: If a player wants to play that way (whether for good or not), he still can. What I think it provides is a rule to augment skills that are used in the everyday life, but that are not used frequently in adventures. They should, in the life of a character, augment yearly (or more).
  4. Another one we used from RQ3. As we don't play with 1 adventure per season, but with 3 weeks of non ordinary activities per season, we reverted to RQ3 experience rolls: rolls are per adventure, if you have roughly 1 week downtime.
  5. It depends on adventure type and length. Between 5 and 40, from my experience. No. It does not interest me, ans, as Soltakss, I trust my players. When I GM, I keep track of some of their scores to be able to roll out of their sight, but that's it. I don't. First, it can help advance some characters, and second, if it does not block the game and the enjoyment, I don't care. The history and the pleasure we have playing are what is important. Fully agreed. Also agreed here.
  6. RQ2 had no equivalent to the Godtalker, so no surprise nothing is in 'Cult of Prax' or 'Cult Compendium' description. RQ3 had the Acolyte rank, but there is nothing in 'Gods of Glorantha' telling that Issaries has or has not Acolytes. For me, the default is that except if told otherwise, if a cult had Priests, it also had Acolytes, so now has Godtalkers.
  7. This gives another way to use the mindlink with the flying allied spirit.
  8. This HAS to be put to the Egregious Munchkinnery thread. Congratulations.
  9. I don't read 'The sacrifice requires a full week of prayer and meditation in the temple. ' as 'you can not leave the temple for 1 week.' I read it as ' you can not have any other special activity, but eating, sleeping, drinking, ... and all other normal activities are performed as usual.'
  10. For me, the description of the sanctify spell (RQG p338) that says: "Ceremonies are performable within a Sanctified area that normally can be performed only in a temple, such as replenishing Rune points." clearly states that the replenishing of RP is only an example and that all activities that can be done in a temple (including sacrificing POW for RP) can also be performed on a sanctified ground. This does not solve the necessity of a Priest, though.
  11. Yes. Everything created with RQG rules. We hesitated to use Skill category modifiers calculated RQ3 way to avoid the breaking points, but finally, only the move and the SR calculation had to be changed. RQG, except for SR, for which we use the RQ3 or an equivalent. Yes and Yes. Close. SR calculation has to be changed because the 10 SR round of RQ3. We also change a few other things, but not with other edition rules, so are not concerned by this thread
  12. This is one of the reason why we use RQ3 combat rules (the whole chapter: 10 SR round, split skills for attack and parry, only 2 actions per round, SR as a measure of time and move per SR, special manoeuvers, no hit matrix, AP for weapons ans shields, ...). We have added the various specials for slashing and crushing, and a few other things from RQG combat.
  13. IRL, projectile and missile weapons (and thrusting weapons) tend to hit the largest area as the swung weapons tend to hit outside area (limbs and heads). The dual hit location table reflect this. We have added that thrust weapons use the missile table.
  14. So do I, but I don't count it, because I currently play with the french release (all my players are french and most of them don't speak english).
  15. Replying a bit late, but the angled shape would not give the wanted result because with only one spell, they would not know the direction of the attack.
  16. Thanks for your mail. It worked with the mail address after clearing my cache. Thanks for your help. Kloster
  17. An additional problem: When I click on reset password, I never receive the mail giving instructions, although the mail address written in my profile is the right one.
  18. Hello, Since 3 days, I am unable to login on the forum, whatever device or browser I use. I am only able to use this computer on which I am connected since weeks. On all other devices, I am unable to login, getting a wrong password or login error. As the login and password are saved on my laptop and my phone, I know there is no error. I have changed the password from this computer, but no result. I have each time got my account locked, and I have used the security mail to change my password, but the problem persists. If an admin can look on the problem, I would be very grateful. Thanks and regards, Kloster
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