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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Thanks to all of you for your help.
  2. Does somebody have a list (even partial) of the various Esrolia houses, and their main locations? I'm currently trying to build an help to create RQG characters.
  3. If I remember well, Babeester Gor initiates (or perhaps only priestess) have to bring their male children to death and female to their temple. That means they are fertile, even if possibly less than other women. And I expect Babeester Gor priestess to have very high death rune scores.
  4. Exactly my mind. Thanks Soltakss, well said.
  5. I'm using JB007's rules for hero points: Gained on a Quality 1 (=critical) roll (unmodified), and 1 HP spent can change the quality of a result by 1 <Fumble><Fail><Success><Special><Critical>
  6. I am interested by Runequest Companion. This is the only one I don't have, but it depends on the price tag and the shipping cost: I am in France.
  7. If I remember well, Romans were transporting ice from the alps to Rome to chill things. And french people did that up to 100 years ago.
  8. One note: We are not able anymore to edit our own posts. I did a typing mistake and can not correct it.
  9. You are right, but throwing a hand grenade at 20 m means YOU are in range of the fragments. Which means you dont take time to aim, contrary to javelin throw or shot put (where the risk to the thrower is minimal). Which means, if you are not too stupid, you don't take time to aim and you duck to safety as soon as possible. And as I am (more properly was) able to put an arrow within 10 cm to center at 50 to 100m (depending to circumstances) and a javelin in the right quarter at more than 50 meters, I've never been able to put a grenade at( less than 15 meters of the target if I respect the safety conditions I was to ues, even if the range was below 15m. Of course, throwing one through a window and ducking works and keep you safe. We were thorwing sidearm most of the time.
  10. Have you ever thrown a grenade (a real one I mean)? The 1st thing my army instructor told me about frags is that, when throwing a grenade, you are NEVER far enough to avoid being hit by several fragments. So, you learn to hide behind something. Which means you are fast, and thus not accurate. So, it is pretty difficult, in fact, if you want to stay safe.
  11. If you play Hero Games system, you know that it is just a special effect, but the value is the same as any other helmet (if you are a player) or what you decide (if you are a GM).
  12. I had not thought to that. Thanks for the insight. Thanks.
  13. I know that a Sartarite character can change his clan, mainly by marriage, but is it possible to change tribe? Is it possible to be 'adopted' by another tribe, and if yes, how would it be possible and how would it occur? Is it possible to be 'adopted' by a clan of another tribe, and then enter said tribe, and how? And lastly, a more RQG question, what would be/become the loyalty passion(s) of the character? Would he lose the previous ones, or would he keep them and gain new ones? What would be the scores of the new passions?
  14. In addition, the banner is cut in half and malformed. I am using Firefox on Win7 and Edge on Win10.
  15. Yes, the new look is quite problematic. Too bright, lot of lost space, fewer lines per page.
  16. Jape, this is also what I have understood. Well explained.
  17. I agree with you. I said all Red emperors, because they are head of the Red Moon cult, and as far as I remember, ruleswise, all initiates of the cult have to be illuminated. This is the specific I used (and as you, I thought to Arkat because of the cult swaps).
  18. Arkat? All members of the Red Moon cult (though I can't remember of any being described) so all Red Emperors?
  19. Seems to be the 'Palladium book of weapons and Armors'.
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