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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. As far as I have understood,in RQG, you can train or study runes.
  2. Considering the number of arabic (zero, algèbre,...), german (bretzel, diktat,...), germanic (meaning frankish) (France,...), english (paquebot,...), dutch (matelot, dune,...), czech (robot,...), nordic (a lot of maritime words, like hauban), spanish (azur, ...), italian (casino, pantalon,...), greek (lot of scientific words, like philosophie or anthropologie), russian (bistrot,...) and I don't know how many other languages the french language contains (in addition to the vulgate and classical latin basis and the modern globbish addons), I can ensure you french is not 'pure', as is any evolving language.
  3. In RQ3, Air metal was Silver (Gods of Glorantha, Cults book p19) and Moon metal was 'none'. In RQG (p50), Air metal is Bronze and Moon metal is Silver. Similarly, Air color was White and is now Orange, as moon color was red and is still red. As far as I have checked, there is no other change. My question is: Why those changes?
  4. Yes, but he will not panic because of high morale. Morale does not mean 'fight' or 'retreat', it means 'panicking and doing whatever your emotions tell you to do', or 'not panicking and doing whatever your intellect or training tells you'.
  5. I can not say it a better way.
  6. I don't know for HW/HQ, but I just checked RQ3's Gods of Glorantha, and no such restriction. I'd not thought to that possibility, but that can be correct. Correct.
  7. Not mine. Everybody's Glorantha must vary.
  8. According to Jeff: 'Initiates may not marry and must give any offspring to their local Earth Temple.' They are thus fertile, and can have children, although outside of marriage. They are also permitted to have sex, and to have children, because otherwise, the ruling about children given to temples would be useless.
  9. For family history, it explicitly written 'roll or choose'. Not for the geas table. My last GM was quite strict on the matter (and even if more lenient, I also tend to be). Nevertheless, I find some other cults more interesting now.
  10. If there were any requirement on celibacy, there would be no rule for children.
  11. With RQG, you don't choose the geas anymore. They are rolled on a table (a reason for me not to play an Humakti anymore).
  12. Not in mine. As sex is, or at least seems to be, completely disjointed from marriage, we always played prohibition on marriage strictly this. Same thing for marriage restrictions (for Aeolian sorcerors, or LM, for instance).
  13. Asfar as I remember, multimissile and firearrow are not compatible.
  14. The parents of my character were unmarried, because none had the right to marry the other. They were just 'best friends'. We (me and my GM) considered that, as neither were married, both were respecting their obligation and restrictions. So, the kid was considered 'normal' and stayed with his mother.
  15. Not counting the sanboxes (a whole other story), nor the JC (unofficial), that makes 16. Better than what I counted (not yet having purchased them, I counted Pegasus Plateau and Smoking Ruins for 1 each). My mistake.
  16. Yes, it helps for improvising. That's right. Exactly my point. Not that much, in fact. Yes. True.
  17. That's a big 'if'. If you don't know or can't stand Heroquest, this is a very long and difficult task.
  18. SJG's Car Wars gave every one 6 Grenade Equivalent, that is 6 1 handed item with a weight and encumbrance roughly equivalent to 1 hand grenade.
  19. Yes. That's why I agree with Atgxtg. Agreed. I don't feel that. For me, it decrease it, reducing player and GM's options. Frankly, with RQ, I never felt invicible. Quite the contrary. But with SB or Hawkmoon, I always felt vulnerable. Very vulnerable, and according to my experience, rightly so, even if the probability of what occurred to me is quite low.
  20. Even with published CoC scenarios, no need to dungeon crawl to lose characters. On the Orient Express, no starting character went further than Venezia. 100% were dead, even with no monsters, nor cultists.
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