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Everything posted by g33k

  1. So is there ANY way to get through a honkin' big Shield and/or Countermagic? Be careful of turning defensive magic supreme. Everyone will turtle-up behind their impenetrable defenses, and let the fights become "tink, tink, tink..."
  2. g33k

    Lunar Turncoats

    Another thought... Have you ever seen that classic 1980 comedy "The Gods Must be Crazy" ? (if not, go see it!) There's a "character" in that movie, a Land-Rover which somehow is responsible for tremendous amounts of mishap and chaos. The mechanic has named this vehicle "the Antichrist." Call your horse "Gbaji." If your GM has seen the movie, expect Gbaji to become a significant source of storyhooks & side-quests; and often to be a source of inconvenience and even humiliation.
  3. g33k


    It's really, really good. I hope you'll share the finished piece. I'd be happy to see it -- and buy it! -- included in a Jonstown Compendium item...? Together perhaps with more of your work, both art & text ... ? <hint, hint>
  4. g33k


    The USA was going through a phase of attempting to go metric at that time. I presume Greg (or others @Chaosium at the time) were either trying to be forward-thinking, flipping the bird at regressive traditionalists who found metric to be unaMERikun, taking a stab at something that would feel "exotic" to the USAian buyer, or some mix thereof. But I don't actually know.
  5. g33k


    Also IMHO worth doing is a Google image-search on "reed boat." The technology is pretty ubiquitous, and ancient. Note how common very-high prow-and-stern can be (unless tied off and trimmed short); some of these use the space for figureheads/totems. IMG, these are often human figures, and often humorous or mocking of humans... occasionally even mocking a particular human. One bright morning shortly after the Duckhunt began (when Durulz were seldom found at Duck Point; but many of their boats were still in use by humans), as a new Imperial Garrison was arriving with a fresh new commander, it was suddenly noticed that -- overnight -- all the figureheads had been replaced with figures of notable Lunars... particularly Fazzur and even Moonson himself! All having some ridiculous or mocking aspect. YGMV.
  6. g33k

    Lunar Turncoats

    Or just generally ripping off legs, not necessarily starting with the horse, or stopping after six legs... I think there's several figures where that line would provoke "interesting" reactions. Argrath, Harrek, Jar-Eel... My pick? Solanthos. He was the Lightson leader of the Sun Dome temple that supported the Lunar effort to take over the new Cradle, IIRC. You've got the "female PC taming/riding a misogynistic male" theme. You've got Yelmalian horse-schtick. You've got your Lunar affiliation. It's pretty good all round, IMO...
  7. No. But he keeps himself a step removed. The Lightbringers wouldn't have been needed if they'd just behaved honorably in the first place! But even though Orlanth performed one of the most massive F***UPS EVER, he did eventually fix things... mostly.
  8. Earwax. All the way through. You can spot the Chaos when the earwax starts to form horns. Heeeeyy... waitaminnit there, "Bill..."
  9. Given that HQ:G is the current version available for the HW/HQ line, and CS/11L is the most recent release... I can see an argument in favor of spoilers there; probably less so for S:KoH, P:GTA, etc. But even though CS/11L really isn't "new" it's probably the most-likely HQG content to "spoil" a newbie-experience. Once the new edition and new Glorantha genre-pack is out -- and a campaign -- then it probably makes less sense to spoiler-tag CS/11L. I'm ambivalent about spoilers on the RQClassic content. Yes, it's all several decades old... And yet, it's only recently become re-available, with much of the spoilers buried on old ML archives &c... For the Glorantha newbies, it's likely to be UTTLERLY FULL of spoilerbait, and new discussions likely to unearth secrets better left buried... But on the other hand, places like BRPC are just full of grognards who love delving freely into the lore and deconstructing it and analyzing it... And those wants are worth taking into account, too!
  10. I think it follows from Yelmalio having a substantive place in Lightbringer myth cycles, not so much in the Survival Covenant myth cycles. Yelmalio had a key role in survival through the Darkness, for the LBQ folk. For the Praxians, wasn't it more "Star Captain" action from the sky? And Yelorna, IIRC, has both Sun and Star-Captain associations... Edit: then there's the purely socio-political, with their whole "superiority" fetish & purity taboos, vs. the "commoner" aspect of Eiritha. Might if have behooved them to make some overtures, maybe even some alliances? Absolutely! Was it in keeping with the mindset? Absolutely not!
  11. But not merely as a "subcult.". Orlanthi was a secret subcult. Arguably -- because of this Cultic format -- Barntar is ironically a better way to get to Illuminated Orlanth than is mainstream Orlanth!
  12. Of course this bit you're arguing does NOT say misogyny! But (a) you're ignoring how much she's an exceptional case, and (b) there's that bit you didn't quote... "prejudice, derision, and chauvinism on the way"... That kinda DOES say misogyny. Luckily, we have Jeff telling us that the one temple is a bit of an outlier...
  13. <from somewhere nearby, you hear a quiet, evil chuckle...> </GM>
  14. But if MGF suggests to someone that some "heir" of Greymane survives, then... sure, absolutely! If the OP wants maximum agreement with "canon" and yet (as jajagappa suggests) "all are dead," you could just hypothesize some heir (a bastard son, maybe?) who had logistical problems getting to Pennel Ford from somewhat further away.: A blocked pass, a small side-battle (20 leagues distant) that they just can't break free from, etc etc etc... Their unit was SUPPOSED to rejoin the main army a week earlier, but... shit happens, ya know? There's also the whole "fallen and left for dead" schtick. Someone unconscious under a pile of corpses, etc.
  15. Who had that campaign (looks suspiciously at @soltakss) where there was some sort of broken Mostal unit (not sure if it was a "Mostali" per se, or some kind of micro-Jolanti) that was, in essence, a walking, talking, distillery? I don't -think- it was ever canonical, but my memories are a bit vague on this unit... NO, not from imbibing!!! IIRC, it looked not dissimilar to a little pot-bellied stove on legs -- animate legs -- with a tray on the front where cups/etc could be set, and some arms sufficient to move said cups to various external valves and spigots. As I recall, it moved relatively slowly, but NEVER needed to rest, so the players could "leave it behind" but it wanted to follow them, it would have caught up by morning (and still be ready to trundle onward). I don't know WHY the players were eager to leave a mobile bar behind, however...
  16. Very "sort of." I doubt that more than a handful (in total, from both cults combined) could see it that way. Most of those would be the wierdo PC's and Illuminates & such. That said... solar/sky militant purity cults with extreme gender bias, one M one F? It's hard NOT so "see it that way!"
  17. I admit, this makes me envision a bunch of Uroxi priests duking it out in a general melee to see who's the High Priest at THIS meeting... edit: thanks a lot... you may've just made My Glorantha a lot more violent-I-mean-colorful; the force is strong with this meme!
  18. <insert obligatory Barbossa quote>
  19. So the joke goes: "A Yelornan and a Yelmalian walk into a bar (by opposite doors, duh) and... everyone else in the bar pisses themselves diving for cover."
  20. You, sir, are an officer & a gentleman... and a gentleman & a scholar ! ... and, of course, a terrible tease! 😁 We need to know, now, if this content is aimed at a particular upcoming release? And (if it's on the fan-maintained list of "upcoming" material) which one? 🤗
  21. Mmmmmm! This is shaping up to be a VERY nice resource for fans... I'm looking forward to more, of course! But I'm also thinking that (after the flurry dies down, and the thread begins sinking downforum into obscurity) the material might valuably be collected & preserved somewhere that newbie's might go looking for examples and inspirations...? I'm just not sure where that would be ...
  22. Never read that one, no. It's a NASTY little setup there! The nominal "good guys" are inherently untrustworthy to the vast majority, without actually having to do anything wrong or bad... They just make all the Normals uncomfortable. But then you add that this minority says (if they even speak up to say it, since it's liable to get them further distrusted) that it's the "normal majority" who's actually abnormal, being mind-controlled by an undetected parasite! And then... they go and kidnap & torture the Normals... apparently "breaking" them and "brainwashing" them to become more of these inherently un-trustworthy wierdo sociopathic kidnapper-torturers. And even then, the wierdo sociopaths will recover (or get reinfected, depending on POV) after a month, or maybe a bit longer. I mean... each group has an internally-consistent POV. How does even the reader of the story actually know whether the psionics are just deluded torture-victims? I mean... maybe Vance wrote a victim-POV story about evil aliens brainwashing an Earthling to become the nucleus of a deluded cult of evil torturer/brainwasher types?
  23. And Worship!!! For the Uroxi, "Battle" may be the same as "Worship" ? 🤡
  24. Simple, functional. There was a big hoo-ra about art/etc on sheets' this won't please the "need moar art" side of the debate, but I'm kinda art-agnostic... appreciate3 it being there & well done, but not very attached. ]I like this'un... TYVM!
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