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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Sort of ... It's a bit of a corner-case, but worth noting that "starting unengaged" is... ambiguous. One (or even both) COULD have begun the round Engaged (to other combatants), gone through the pricess of disengage-and-move, and then ended up Engaged in their mutual new... Engagement. But yes, that's the passage I was basing my call upon (plus... y'know... common sense? A big guy just has reach, hard to slip up to him without giving him a shot at you; doesn't matter if the two of you are squared-off, or one or t'OTHER is taking a run-up). Same for longer weapons, and quicker reflexes. I figure Dex+MOV to the SR of the Engagement -- they can't come to blows until they've come together, eh? -- then whoever has better DEX+SIZ+Weapon SR goes 1st.
  2. Except for the co$t; particularly when learning from a shaman, for whom spell-teaching is their primary income. A cult may teach a spell for free, or at reduced cost, to a favored cult-member. But the shaman will charge the full cost of that Heal-4 even if the character already knows Heal-3. Unless you can bargain some item(s) and/or services(s).
  3. SIZ should still affect SR, even when MOV is involved. SR is largely an order-of-action, so MOV before an attack does indeed delay the SR. HOWEVER... when the MOV'ing parties (either/both) finally come to blows, the larger person will still have a bit of reach, still have a SR advantage; regardless of which (or both) were MOVing. MOV cannot simply /replace/ the factor of SIZ (and weapon reach); we need to figure relative SRs of our newly-engaged combatants. I find the /intent/ of the rule to be clear on this -- I'm confident in my reading -- but the RAW to not make my understanding explicitly clear and unamiguously-correct-by-RAW.
  4. There's been a spate of supers-ish TV shows, of late; some explicitly supers-ish, some more fantasy-esque. Heroes springs to mind. Supernatural, Grimm, Lost Girl. There's already a Buffy'verse RPG, but they often share the ultra-tough problem. Dresden Files also has a RPG, but at least mortals are, well, mortal! Just because a setting already has an "official" game doesn't mean you cannot run that setting at your own table in a BRP version... As noted, much WoD/CoD can be played as "Supers with Fangs." Werewolf is arguably "furry eco-supers" by default (granted, there are other defaults possible). MANY fantasy settings can be read as "supers" and vice versa (Marvel 1602, anyone?) But you know what /I/ would like to see in this genre? May's Pliocene Exile / Galactic Milieu setting!!! Make it so.
  5. I will disagree with this... rather strongly, actually! It enshrines crap as "canon." It precludes (or vastly delays) anything quality on the topic. It sours existing fans. It discourages new players from picking up the game. It undersells/underperforms, hurting the publisher's bottom line & the profitability of the game-line. It damages the reputation of the author(s). And that's just off the top of my head. I bet I could come up with more; I bet authors, publishers, line-developers, could each contribute to the list. There's a new-ish saying, "no gaming is better than bad gaming" -- better not to game at all, than to not-have-fun with your gaming. I think that it extends nicely to the notion that not having a supplement you want is better than having a bad supplement instead of one you like.
  6. http://glorantha.temppeli.org/digest/ndaily/1993.08/1435.html by way of Google
  7. The EWF "Remakers" did that; the "Stitched Zoo" was theirs, & "Pain Centaurs." Delecti began as an EWF mage, IIRC, and IIRC he did do some post-death "stitching" like that... And of course his follower "Ossa" does bone-constructs, including chimeric ones.
  8. g33k

    Red Robin ?

    Our PC's were too junior in the Cult for me to know whether there was anything 'hoodish going on; most of our spoils went to the "guildmaster" and we never saw it (or him(?)) again. We were definitely Chaos-foes, though! The GM was a clever lad, and not above shenanigans like putting "Robin" in the name so we'd feel all warm&fuzzy about being good guys... until our bosses decided to reveal we were REALLY in training to join the Black Fang, or other messed-up stuff (to be clear: that never happened, it stayed warm&fuzzy). The campaign was decidedly urban-centric, but I'm pretty certain it was Dragon Pass (not Pavis or Prax)... The few times we ventured out of town it was mostly hills & forests & such, and I'm pretty sure we had one adventure to the Dwarf Mine on the River (not that I knew such things at the time). BTW... TYVM to everyone loaning a neuron or a memory to my query!
  9. Maybe someone mistakenly conflating -- or intentionally cross-pollinating between -- Delecti & Vivamort?
  10. Yeah... for at-the-table continuity, I'm inclined to Nerf anything important that got too big a power-up, and to power-up anything important that got nerf'ed too hard. Because the Glorantha that the players at your table are having fun with? That is the REAL Glorantha!
  11. I'm of the opinion that the game-rules never really exactly simulate the game-world; they approximate it, at best. So different rule-sets simply approximate (or fail-to-simulate) in different ways. If the rules end up badly nerf'ing -- or ubermensch'ing -- a character / archetype / etc (either a PC, or anything else that sees substantial and/or meaningful play) in an ongoing game you're converting, then I think it merits some work to power-up the nerf'ed elements, or to nerf-back-down the ubermenschen. But starting a new campaign? For me, that's mostly a shrug-and-move-on. Except vegetarian Morokanth. I just can't move on from that... that abomination!
  12. You know your group best, so what follows may be totally off-base... In general, I (personally) would not ask MOST players to read a multi-page document. I realize you don't need the lessons below (being a teacher yourself); but in large part I am answering YOUR query with suggestions & ideas for OTHER new GM's who may be more daunted. As stated, I wouldn't try to get buy-in for a multiple page document. I'd likely have multiple 1-page documents (each prominently titled)... A page on game mechanics (possibly an extra page for mechanics of magic) A page on Sartar & on the Colymar Tribe. It can be copypasta from the rulebooks (or skipped if the players are happy to read from the books!) A page reviewing the main enemies -- Colymar Tribes' Sartarite rivals & foes; the Lunars; the Telmori, etc A page of Cults, the "everybody knows this" about all the PCs' cults and any significant NPCs' cults. A page per Cult for each PC's cult, for that player to keep with their PC A page each for any (if any) RQG background outside the Colymar if someone's playing one: Praxian, Esrolian, Old Tarsh, etc etc etc. It can be copypasta from the core rulebook (or skipped if the player is happy to read from the book!) (This is like #2 above, but for a singular, un-shared background). Maps/pix - Glorantha (the whole universe) Genertela, DragonPass & surrounds, Sartar, Colymar lands, the immediate Tribal lands/holdings (i.e. their "home turf" that they know well), Clearwine; images of Sartarites (and images from other cultures, if being played). Making it several 1-pager's creates more "bite-sized" infodumping (the risk of TL;DR'ing new players out is a real risk, or always has been IME). I'd have 2-3 copies each of #2/#3/#4, and 1 of each image in 7, to share 'round the table, refer back to as needed. I'd have #'s 1 & 5 (& 6, if any) per player, that they keep with their PC.
  13. g33k


    So how do you pronounce "wyter", "tarshite", and "sartarite"? - The Brown Dragon
  14. But ... But DAMMITALL ... . . . No, Bill. This time you've gone too far! No Ulerian shaman! 😉
  15. Anything that lets the Sacred Wind blow freely...
  16. ... . . . <sigh> Now you're just getting kinky.
  17. I think the real strength of RPG's is the ability to blend different stances, to wander within the space, sometimes hewing close to an Actor-stance (or any other), sometimes straying further... Author stance, Director, GNS, what-have-you. I think the biggest weakness of that whole RPG-analysis movement from RGFM & TheForge &c was the tendency to try to "solve" or "answer" the "problem." Particularly the effort to come up with "the" answer, or "a best" answer, or even "a better" answer in any general sense. Play the game(s). Have fun. Done. (if someone at the table ISN'T having fun, then sure... whip out the ol' analysis tools, and the pop-psych101, and the interpersonal skills, and whatever; figure out what's going/gone wrong, change it... 'til everyone's having fun again! Done.)
  18. To me, "evil" requires awareness & intention. A lion killing and eating me isn't "evil" because the lion hasn't enough awareness to realize that "I" exist (except as a not-yet-caught meal, for which a fresh bit of roadkill is an adequate (less fun, but much easier) substitute). It has no intention to "hurt" me, because "I" -- as an entity commensurate with the lion itself, capable of pain -- do not exist. The lion may be dangerous, may be terrifying, etc. It isn't "evil." That doesn't mean I won't fight it if it comes for me, even pre-emptively kill it if I think it will try to take me. A person intending to kill me, for whatever reason, is much closet to "evil." In fact (unless they're insane and (like the lion) unable to grasp that "I" exist as another entity) I will place them entirely over into the "evil" category. "Chaos" isn't itself capable AFAIK of that kind of awareness or intention, so it isn't "evil" in the same way. HOWEVER, a great many of the AGENTS of Chaos (Gbaji, Wakbaoth, etc) are indeed "evil," possessing the necessary awareness and intention. But -- even though it isn't "evil" -- that doesn't mean I won't fight Chaos however it comes for me, even pre-emptively strike to neutralize it, if I think it will try to take me.
  19. +1 No, +however many +'es I'm allowed! Still not enough. But + anyhow!
  20. No. It just helps you squeeze in, when you've feasted too much.
  21. Do remember, though, to caution the adventurers not to negotiate for healing potions in Pavis on clayday, if they're wearing a tutu. Because Iskallor.
  22. Not cash; but not necessarily services either (although that does lead to adventures, so...) . Loot can as easily come in the form of jewelry, collectors' items, other magic, etc etc etc. If you have just brought back from the Rubble a golden lantern with cut-crystal panes & an on-command "Light" spell instead of wick-and-oil, I bet LOTS of healer-cults will give you full cash credit for that, toward healing potions; and given its gold-and-light theme, a Yelm(alio) temple may even go over "market" rates...
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