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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Is the only difference the leatherette cover? Or are there other things -- different grade of paper, different binding on the spine, better glue, whatever -- where the "deluxe" is somehow "better" than the regular hardcover? Blessed by a dynamic deity like Irripi Ontor, instead of fuddy-duddy LM?
  2. They may have intended to put it into the 'Pack when writing the RQG volume, only to discover they had too much other content for it to fit (and forgot the RQG referenced it). Hopefully it will be slipped into the GM Book.
  3. Vinga is female Orlanth, so Air and Movement. Nobody can Make You Do Anything. Babeester Gor is Earth and Death; protection of the Life-Giving Mother, vengeance for wrongs. Although mundanely similar -- both warriors -- I see them as VERY different! I think jajagappa has the right of it: have her begin a standard women's initiation, with her female age-mates. Given BG's origin story, I would have an enemy hero-quest attack the initiation-rite, with the PC drawn to step up and defend the others. YGMV.
  4. Heh. I read it as "shotgun" but then went back to carefully re-read when I parsed "... era" and halfway expected this thread to be an auto-corrected mis-titling, as per your reading.
  5. Historically speaking, yes. The semi-auto shotgun had been widely available for at least a decade by 1920. Browning A-5, Remington M-11, at least a couple more, all based on the original 1890's design by John Browning himself.
  6. A couple of years ago, a new Y-haplogroup was found, pushing the likely "Adam" back earlier than "Eve;" although there's a slight overlap in the earliest-likely-date for Adam and the oldedst-likely for Eve. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4381518/ Eve is usually cited as 150-200 KY; recent research puts mt-Eve likely on the early-end of that, which would be entirely out of any overlap with Y-Adam. Interestingly, about 2/3 of European male ancestry appears to be from just 3 individuals in the past 7500 years: https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/handful-bronze-age-men-could-have-fathered-two-thirds-europeans/
  7. IIRC -- and I may NOT be RC'ing -- wasn't there also a revision to the RQG rules out of that GenCon release...?
  8. Yes, I saw... You discovered that Greg had made the Mongoose one of the canonical Praxian Beasts. ... good on ya ... ?
  9. I'm pretty sure you should be asking Chaosium (probably Dustin) directly, not asking the Forum generally. Going through all the chaff means sometimes they miss the kernels.
  10. You should have announced on 1 April... the prank being, it's Real News. 😂 But... good on ya!
  11. JWP/7thSea? I guess Chaosium's using HonEel the Artess to head up Mergers&Acquisitions ... (congratulations appear due on both sides of this, I think)
  12. <cue ringing, heroic tones> My work here is done!
  13. TDM licensed "Luther Arkwright," a seminal British graphic novel series. Lots of alt-science / wierd-science, some steampunk-y and similar retro-future & other sci-fi vibes, psionic/psychic powers, Nazi-punching, tragically flawed heroes, etc. I think I remember a decent precis of it on Wikipedia, though Google will let you take you a deeper dive; or, of course, track down the original source matter. If you know of Moorcock's "Jerry Cornelius" character, many find interesting similarities; tho I understand the authors got together and agreed each was deeply into their own works before their first exposure to the other's. And, of course, look to TDM's own website, which has enough info to at least give some quick flavor...
  14. 1 tiny handwave: allow time-travel so PC's from the different era's could crossover. Q.V. the dimension-travelling of Luther Arkwright, another Mythras/RQ6 engined game.
  15. I've never before seen a claim of 100% replacement over such a broad region. Even the Cro-Magnon replacement of Neanderthal was only 98% or so...
  16. OK, he fixed an item that Aragorn already owned... not (IMHO) "giving bling" but I guess it's sort of the same. I'm sure ol' Strider wasn't complaining! And yeah, he ran the Elven Hospital, an important contribution (and again, Frodo didn't complain!)... but it isn't sending them onward with Bling to help them succeed! The boats were Galadriel's, though. But ... putting up with the house guests? pfffft. Pure Elrond-esque selfishness: he clearly drank his entire stock of +10 Single Malt of Patience (about a +50 item in MERP terms).
  17. Except that at the other end of that spear wasn't Any Ordinary Spearman, but a (in the book, not the movie) an orc big & strong enough to shield-bash / knockback Boromir (who is noted as both large & unusually strong, the preeminent warriro of Gondor, so no "pushover" -- except he was, vs. this foe). The spear hit hard enough not only to bruise the ribs where it hit, but the impact-area where Frodo hit the wall behind him. So that hit HARD... REALLY hard. And it's light as cloth. And quiet enough that nobody heard Frodo jingling as they tromped for weeks through rough country. AFAIK... we couldn't make that stuff today, in 2019. Indistinguishable from magic.
  18. So give him 5e Src&War, and deprecate the Wiz, and Done. 😉 (I hate gaming with Vancian magic too; though I too like reading the works.)
  19. Gaaaah. You are completely correct. Apologies! (but it's Sting not "String"). I'm unaware of anything in H/LotR that implies that Gandalf wore anything like this; nor the extended canon (but I only ever read Silmarillion & skimmed parts of Unfinished Tales). Except, maybe, for something colorific? When Saruman claimed "Many-Colored" or Gandalf revealed as "The White". Sort of a "halo" / "holy glow" effect? But AFAIK nothing a D&D player would value even as much as the cheapest +1 item... IMO it is shown to be magical: when Aragorn gets to Frodo after the fight in the crypt, he isn't expecting Frodo to be alive. The most-experienced warrior of all mankind, and he KNOWS that Frodo must be dead. Sufficiently advanced DwarfTech is indistinguishable from magic (and it's still Sting) ! THREE of the Palantiri pop up - Saruman's, Denethor's, and Sauron's. I count 9. 10 if you add the Arkenstone -- not in the LotR, but existing as a "protagonist-held" item in the Hobbit. I think we are basically just arguing the same point, that "magic items" are much more rare in Tolkein's LotR corpus for the 3rd Age, than in ICE's MERP corpus. It's also... kind of worth worth noting that Elrond gave no Bling, BTW; given that Middle Earth would live or die by the success of the Nine Walkers' mission (and arguably, leave Sauron free to figure out how to summon Morgoth). That's... kind of a Big Deal. Simply walking into Mordor is Epic Level Badassery, laser-eyed bears or wizard ninja's notwithstanding. Bling is due.
  20. +1 (to both halves of the sentiment).
  21. While I am generally in agreement with your overall point that "magic items" are relatively rare in ME (vs. D&D), the knives of Merry & Pippin (assuming those weapons are peers, unlike the clearly-superior Sting, from the same trove) clearly ARE magical. Merry's blade was crucial to unraveling the spells empowering the chief Ringwraith. It was more than mere steel, however well-crafted.
  22. <envisions a Eurmali transforming a herd of Triceratops to cattle, letting the raid happen, and a couple of hours later, transforming them back> "I fixed the cattle-raiding problem."
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