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Everything posted by g33k

  1. TYVM, @MOB! Both for clarifying this & for your initial post. BTW - my guess about a "pleasant and fruitful discussion" would be a teleconference with other members of the World Spanning Chaosium Conspiracy ...?
  2. "Corflu" is (or was) layout-ese for "correction fluid" aka white-out. Greg was indicating he wanted the map corrected by having the feature erased.
  3. This specifically is the RQ subforum, so I am unsurprised to see no 13G-centric content here. That said, I no of no reason for there NOT to be more Gloranthan books with 13G mechanics... I am guessing commercial offerings will come down to @Chaosium deciding whether a given topic will sell best as a HQ book, or a RQ book, or a 13G book! And of course what an author pitches to them... 😉 I am utterly unclear as to how a DTRPG "community content" program would work for 13G (vs RQG/HQG), whether it would different, or not.
  4. IIRC, Arachne Solara is one of those distant deities that gives no magic; worshippers give reverence because they feel she deserves it; and maybe some of them feel that what she's doing is so critical she cannot spare to give magic back & needs all the POW & MP's they can channel to her... Continuance of Glorantha is what they "get back." I'd let a PC also choose more "adventurer style" deity to also worship, maybe Hykim&Mikyh? Historically, the Greeks saw several areas of special interest for Centaurs, but I don't know which of those (if any) the "canonical" Gloranthan centaurs share... wild "Ixon" type, maybe Uroxi? Chiron-like? are they archers? teachers? herbalist/alchemists/healers?
  5. And the XIN LOS ANGELES is moored in Canada right now. Next stop LA? Revised ETA?
  6. Hey, I don't need to know if @Pentallion is twisted. TMI, man... TMI ! 🤡 I'm just wondering if the campaign is being AP'ed / forum'ed / blogged / etc anywhere ... 🤗
  7. I hope they didn't buy from "Crazy Etty's" lot (a couple of streets over from Gimpy's), the Etyries used-chariot salesman. I'm pretty sure he just slaps new panelling over a damaged frame, and sprays on the smell. I think he buys a couple of species of "stink beetles" from the trolls out on the edge of the Rubble, and judiciously mixes their sprays.
  8. Hey Kristina -- welcome to BRP Central (and to the great family of BRP/d100 games, and/or Mythras specifically, if (any of) those are new to you)!
  9. Or just bad-tempered swine. Even normal pigs can be horribly dangerous. What other critter has a special critter-killing weapon with a crossbar (w-a-y out at the pointy end) so it won't just walk itself up the weapon that impaled it, and murder you before it dies? As long as they will go where directed -- even on the midst of battle -- I don't think they need any further "war training". (OTOH, "war-trained" would be the general rules category)
  10. Please, @Chaosium, ENTIRELY disregard the request of this poster. I emphatically do not want my Starter Box (or Scenario Book) "with Sprinkles on Top." 🤡
  11. Not taboo; it might've been kind of... tacky? if you'd suggested it in the RQ-specific forum; YMMV. I presume all BRP-ish games (including Mythras) have a general/default home in this forum for "the Great Family of D100 RPGs," especially a question of compare-and-contrast and/or FrankenBRP'ing. 😎 FYI to the OP: The way CF handles class-and-level in the BRP fashion is to define class-skills (and maybe other things? I forget) as defining what-it-is-your-Class-does, the core competencies. Then you increase those skills as per the Mythras rules, and when you qualify for a new levelRank (CF replaces "Charcter Level" with "Character Rank") you qualify for the new Rank. This DOES unlock some level-up bennies, but the core ones -- the better skills -- you earned along the way. Anyhow... Mythras + Classic Fantasy is another approach to "weaning" or "gently introducing" your die-hard D&D'ers. You could even do Mythras + Classic Fantasy + Mythic Constantinople (although you'd likely want to CF-ify some bits of MC).
  12. <heh> You say "de-emphasized or even outlawed," I say "golden opportunity."
  13. I expect they DO keep a few such Illuminates on a short leash... But likely understand that some of the answers they get will be wrong, because the Illuminate has some Illuminated agenda the Imperial Overseer doesn't understand; also, sometimes said Illuminates will just slip their leash with no notice, never to be leashed again. Unless of course the Illuminate decides the "leash" is convenient to them. I mean... How ELSE are you likely to get a top-level back channel into Lunar Imperial Intelligence, hmm?
  14. Griffin Mountan pretty much IS a sandbox; and IIRC the "Gloranthan Classics" version (N.B. not the "Runequest Classic" version) of it does include Greg's essay, and is still available in PDF from Chaosium. I'd start there. Although if you are comfortable with Prax, I actually prefer it; but it's a matter of taste. So long as you're willing to deal with Gonn Orta, they're adjacent... so double the sandbox!
  15. Archery and sling don't need legs to work, assuming you can arrange for everything else to not be in the way (they do take some space). Casters (support spells, or a tactical-offensive caster, or a de-buff'er of the Foe) don't need anything but head and torso to work (though I'd likely require a roll to focus & cast through the pain! Dunno if RQG has a relevant rule, but "rulings not rules" and figure it out or HR later.) If they are still mobile: hauling the non-mobile to safety, (or to a healer!) are good options. Taking a good solid look around the battlefield could be invaluable, spotting something nobody in melee is likely to notice... Even AFTER the battle, that info could be essential. Those are ones I've seen & remember; they were SOP at our table. I'm sure others occurred that I just don't recall...
  16. It looks like there are various RQG fan initiatives for Roll20 & FG, and sundry Discords. And I see a couple of RQG character-creator app's, aimed (I think) at supporting traditional tabletop / f2f gaming (but also usable in the VTT setting, as all tabletop e-tools can be). So far as I know, these are all "unofficial" fan-created & free content. I know there was (previously) some talk of, e.g. AlterEgo's Metacreator supporing RQG, and/or LoneWolf's HeroLab; those would presumably be "official" (i.e. licensed) products. Is there any push there, or active development? Or are those projects on hiatus, or even abandoned? TYVM
  17. How 'bout @soltakss's River Voices campaign? https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7919-our-runequest-gloranthan-campaign-the-river-voices-legend-of-the-arganauts-has-come-to-an-end/?tab=comments#comment-111784 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/8098-the-tale-of-ambassador-king-emperor-mello/?tab=comments#comment-114684
  18. Has a final decision been made as to whether this will be 2 volumes, or 1? If it's 2, will it simply be a 2-vol "set" or will it be 2 semi-independent volumes, each separately relevant? And if 2 separate volumes... how will you choose which cults go into which volume (I mean, some of this I can see obvious criteria; others not so much!). Thanks for all the info you've been sharing, btw! It's very much appreciated!
  19. I will just add the standard note of caution concerning all those Special Effects . Some folks just hit those and it's instant analysis-paralysis. They never engage, or they pick 1-2 and never go beyond. My group was that way. I had to hand-hold them with RQ6 and even pick effects for them. Other groups don't have as much problem. It bears thinking about, so you have some ideas ready if it becomes a problem. You'll be the best judge of whether your group will engage well with this, or if it'll be a problem... One solution (that I haven't tried personally, but is reported as a good option) is to get TDM's "Combat Cards" -- the GM can use these to help players, by pre-selecting a nice suite of them per weapon and/or per combat-style, and a rew generally-useful ones, for the player to hold/use at their discretion. Then when they are comfortable, they can move up to have all relevant Special Effects from the full rules. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHov_eOK_wE
  20. ... And a very interesting hook, IMHO ! I can definitely see the Red Goddess looking at Eurmal's presence in the Empire, and thinking, "What he really needs a Harley Quinn type Mythic Girlfriend! oh hey, and a backdoor into the Storm Tribe ftw!"
  21. It's worth noting that RQG is similar enough to RQ2 and RQ3 that many play it "wrong" in one or more ways, in the belief that all their decades-old habits hold true (instead of just most of their decades-old habits). It's worth further noting that NOBODY has those decades of comparable RQG experience. Not even the devs/authors at Chaosium! So we can expect various "best practices" and optimizations (and loopholes) to be discovered and shared over time.
  22. +1 for RQ. I mean, even RQClassic -- isn't that the ruleset QW was built upon? You would still need splashy "Boom" magic from some different flavor of BRP. One of the things I loved back when I first met RQ -- about 40 years ago -- was the elegance of the Crit/Special/Hit/Miss/Fumble from a single roll, scaling with skill; combined with hit-locations, so that you could be meaningfully "injured" (can't hold your weapon, DEX-roll each round or fall because of a 0-HP leg; etc). Suddenly every combat was a STORY with EVENTS, not just an attritional grind of the Bag-of-HP's toward zero. 🤩 So whichever flavor you end up using, I'd pick one with (or add back the feature of) location-HP's. I would grab the free intro/quickstart PDF's for BRP & for MagicWorld, and see how those look. Tweak/add as-needed from the BigGoldBook or other BRP iterations. Also worth considering is Mythras -- specifically because of their "Mythic Constantinople" sourcebook, and your own "exiles from Byzantium" backstoryline.
  23. I follow table preferences, as a GM. As a player, I have used mini's, and I have used TotM. Both work just fine IME. At one point, there was a reasonably well-respected maker of small-scale (platoon/etc) skirmishing wargames -- DishDash Games -- who was going to bring out a Gloranthan skirmish-game & mini's. Haven't heard anything on this front in over a year, and their prior "Glorantha" project page now HTTP:404's... so I presume it's not happening (and after some Googling, I see a thread from another mini's - maker remarking to the effect of DishDash "getting hammered on the forums" and "pulling out of Glorantha." 😥 ) One concrete element I use even in ToTM is a rough map -- just a display of the environs, so that everyone is visualizing approximately the same thing. I follow this practice for all RPG's where we don't use mini's. This is after repeatedly experiencing (both as player and as GM) sudden breakdowns where someone states an action that is physically-impossible according to what someone else at the table envisions; in some cases, leading to character fatality. I find a shared map, however minimal, vastly reduces these debacles. It doesn't need to be a map-on-table with mini's/dice/markers for PCs & NPCs and etc - a rough sketch passed around is enough. I only skip this when the tactical environment is simple... an open field, a bog-standard 20x20Room, etc. RQG really doesn't have rules to interface with most elements of a "tactical" battle-mat oriented combat... facing, flanking, number of foes who can engage, etc. Ranged-combat & movement is about it. Weapon-size vs StrikeRank is similar in some ways, but it's just WAY too fine-grained to be relevant on hexes or squares of a battlemat!
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