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Rodney Dangerduck

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Everything posted by Rodney Dangerduck

  1. They could quote Dr. Zhivago: "Comrade Medical Officer, we are Red partisans poor Morokanth, and we SHOOT deserters!"
  2. Since the rules say that Priests can initiate members, and make a point that God Talkers cannot, one would think that random nobodies cannot initiate anybody, nor themselves. At least not in any "normal" way. Some good ideas on non-normal ways in this thread.
  3. I agree that Act 5 was a horrible horrible bore. The Thinala Swap Dance also struck me as weird, as the grandmother should be distraught, yet wasn't. Also the chance to kill PCs is too high with, at least how our GM ran it, little warning or explanation of what might happen Varmagic was a great villain! (Added later) On rereading, the original tone is a bit curt and negative. I did like the scenario.
  4. Never player Heroquest, so most of this is crazy wild stuff to me. Though I suspect it would be crazy and wild even if I had played HQ. Good on you for letting the players have their crazy shot. I will say that your Trickster seems to play their character wonderfully. Great job. Our RQ:G group has a Eurmali, first time in ages we've had one, and I gotta say, roleplaying wise, IMO, he's the Worst Trickster Ever. But, concerning how another player runs their PC, my opinion is really worth nothing.
  5. It was designed by the great Mostali architect, Sir Christopher Wren
  6. Babeester Gor: "The first cut is the deepest"
  7. In our game we've considered adding "show off" and "borderline alcoholic". A prominent Storm Bull NPC has "Slobbering Lech 70%"
  8. If a Sword of Humakt is willing to spend two permanent POW, this is trivial to stop with Stop Resurrection. Blame the authors who made Humakt the grossest overpowered cult ever. I agree with you that PCs killing Harrek is a big big stretch, but it's their game. Let people dream of changing Glorantha. In our game, I'm vaguely hoping that my PC will marry Argrath (should that make any sense at all and the die rolls work out), have a son, leave him when he marries the Feathered Horse Queen, then kill FHQ later. Of course, the character is named Lagertha. (Vikings TV show reference)
  9. "Bear Harrek must die!Don't let him get back togetherWith Glenn Frey!Bear Harrek must die!"
  10. (emphasis added) "Loot" is a gross understatement. It was more like the Sack of Jerusalem in 1099, when most every inhabitant was killed. Unless this has been changed in recent Glorantha history.
  11. Lots of good ideas here. But my answer is: What to the players want to have happen? Why the heck are they trying to kill Harrek? If their answer is "because we can to show how cool and tough we are", they are probably playing the wrong game. Instead, they should have some answer, like Become leader of the Pirates Lead Esrolia to free itself from the Pirate menace My parents used to live in the City of Wonders, I'm avenging them and hope that XXX happens next We want to prove ourselves as a elite team of secret Lunar Assassins.
  12. This is a great idea! Perhaps focusing on a few of the key opponents.
  13. Soul Sight (common Rune Spell): " allows the recipient to see both the POW aura of the living and to magically know the actual current magic points of other things and creatures, including the amount devoted to currently in-effect spells (such as defensive spells)." (plus a little more...) If you get ambushed by many enemies, that's a lot of information to process. What's a good limit on how much information you get per round?
  14. Good point. Circe from the book (great book BTW) did a lot more interesting things than turn men into pigs. I'd focus on those aspects more.
  15. Some unsolicited advice: don't try to stay too close to the inspirational character. I've run lots of, perhaps too many, characters "inspired" by books, TV shows or movies. I ran a "Femme Nikita", a "Josie Wales", a time traveling "Leopold" (Kate and Leopold), a "Meg Coburn" (Replacement Killers) and am now running a Lagertha (Vikings TV). Use the background for ideas, perhaps a few key personality points. For example, my Lagertha won't put up with any polygamous marriage arrangements for her. But I'm not going to force the campaign to take us into raiding England and sacrificing cattle. 🙂 They must be ready to move, at least slightly, away from the original inspiration into a character of their own. Best for them, GMs, and the other players.
  16. For the record, this was answered in another thread. The intent is that the arrow should be used immediately. So the arrow in the specially marked quiver is just a normal arrow.
  17. Well, you are mistaken. At least how I understand Yanafal. Yanafal was a Humakti who dies, self ressurects, yet, by the power of some Sedenyic mumbo jumbo, and in honorable ceremony / duel with Humakt, maintains his Honor and becomes a God. Unlike ZZ, Yanafal is not a hated enemy of Humakt.
  18. Interesting, I can buy it. By that same logic, Yanafal proves that Humakt has lost his full power over Death. Maybe I'm going by "old" material, but, in Cults of Prax, Humakt is quite passive: Eurmal found Death o.k., Humakt killed somebody (In some myths I recall, it was Eurmal as the killer of Grandfather Mortal, YGMV) Orlanth "borrowed" Death to kill Yelm Humakt dissociated himself and did absolutely effing nothing in the God's War. I stand by my contention that Humakt is a dull boring god.
  19. And, as a follow-up. You cast Shooting Star and carefully place that arrow into a specially marked quiver. Tomorrow is your holy day. What happens?
  20. True in RQ. However, this brought me to an insight on RQ Mythology, gameplay, stories, and life in general. A good friend in High School wrote in my Yearbook "Becoming is superior to being." (a Paul Klee quote) Somehow, it stuck, and I really took it to heart. Yelm is the Sun. Humakt is Death. And, frankly, neither ever really did anything interesting. They never mythically changed or became anything. Both are passive characters, best known for what others (e.g. Eurmal, Orlanth) did to them. Orlanth screwed up mightily then labored to fix it. He became king of the gods. Yelmalio fought through the darkness, suffered greatly, lost much, yet made allies and triumphed by surviving. Yanafal left Humakt, disobeyed His Prime Directive, and, largely through his own efforts, became an alternative god. ZZ killed orders of magnitude more than Humakt and, by any objective measure, deserves to own the Death Rune. These active gods are far more interesting to me. You may disagree. To each their own.
  21. Please wait to clarify until after I create my awakened Alynx shaman with max POW of 38. 🙂
  22. Paraphrased From Cults of Prax invoke Issaries to bind us with his passing, and ordered that we hold hands for the test of the ceremony. A healer called for Chalana Arroy to bless us and keep us whole. The Lhankor Mhy scholar called for his god to make our ground steady to walk upon. Flesh Man (a begger) called for all people to recognize the touch of the gods The Trickster got drunk and called for more ale. Orlanth Priest casts Cloud Call, calls on Orlanth to watch and protect the marriage "Stand together always, two are better than one. Life is short, time is long. Life flees before us. Take what you hold, make use of it. This makes you better than gods." The Ernalda Initiate invoked her fertility chant A feast, exchange of gifts. There is no mention on whether the Hokey Pokey is involved.
  23. Cults of Prax has a ceremony when Biturian weds.
  24. Maybe this should go into another thread, but... Our Colymar Storm Tribe PCs are in Pavis to check out this Argrath guy, and I'm really struggling with what to make of all the "mystic stuff". It's 100% obvious to all of us that Argrath has recruited hundreds of Illuminated Lunars to his cause. Proof: hundreds of IOT scholars who no longer do Lunar worship yet haven't lost their INT. And he likely has even more illuminated non-lunars. I'm usually good at not basing roleplaying decisions on metagame info, or info my PCs don't know. But surely some PCs can be very suspicious? Arkat was the "good" illuminant yet even he has a very sketchy reputation, he deserted friends and allies, ....
  25. One of my PCs was a Carmanian hazar drinking buddy of Yanafal from hundreds of years ago, who fled screaming from the 2nd(?) Battle of Chaos, and eventually came through a time warp to current Gloranthan times. Kept making inappropriate comments about YT and various bar maids. And his Carmanian House wasn't sure what to make of him either. Fun concept.
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