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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. I may misunderstand your question so apologies, if I m far from your idea 😛 I differentiate both. And identify a third option, for any person who was able to do great feat, great enough to be remembered and "worshipped". Let's say hundreds years ago Loco the hunter, initiate of foundchild, succeed to hunt a magical / divine prey and was able to discover some new magical ability (for example "dark walk" spell). Let's say that his name was praised by his mates, then his clan and all the region started to worship him as a hero of foundchild. We are now. Cult ancestor Of course his heirs, family, bloodline or maybe even clan, remember him as an ancestor. If they follow the cult of ancestors, they can summon him, and he will be here, able to cast the dark walk spell They can cast "incarnate ancestor", and he will be there, with all his abilities. But the "now" heirs, the worshipers of the ancestor, cannot, by themselves learn dark walk and use it. Hero subcult of a god Then we are now, the cult of foundchild has integrated Loco as one of his hero. And localy (in other far lands, they don't know Loco) foundchild initiates can join the subcult and learn dark walk. They don't have to have Loco as an ancestor, they see Loco as a member of Foundchild company. Spirit cult that's the third option: Loco is worshipped by at least one shaman, who manages a cult for him. Of course Loco is not a great god, so there is only one or two sacred places with shrines in the world. But anyone who joins this spirit cult can learn Dark walk. No need to have Loco as ancestor, no need to be initiate to Foundchild. You just need to find the local cult (or to create it if you are shaman, so maybe heroquest to find Loco, and/or to help the spirit of Loco to be strong enough to "become" a source of power/worship) , be accepted and initiated. Now if you have Loco as your ancestor and be initiate of Foundchild, you have both access to Loco (summon/incarnate your ancestor and learn the spell from the Foundchild's cult) And probably (but not required) the first circle of the spirit cult was made by one of his heir. Who knows Loco if not his family ?
  2. I will not base my answer on irl but on a gloranthan question what do you need to understand then practice sorcery, alchimy, dwarf plans and such complex tasks. So for me there are a lot of options. what mathematic base ? depends probably on number of runes, or number of form runes, or power runes, or ... other runes
  3. I think you already have the advices 🙂
  4. for sure if you become assistant during the play. However if you start the adventure as assistant & initiate from, you have your shaman. This shaman may be from the same cult or not (background & passions discussion) but at least it is a shaman, so a source of what spirit spells you want (and the GM accepts to provide) But it is clear that if you want to add % to combat skill (=personal skills during the creation process), it could be a detriment to your shamanic skills (hard to reach the shaman requirements, or just to be efficient) but that's a question of choices.
  5. we focused on Daka Fal shaman (axis mundi etc...) but remember that we can find shaman in a lot of cults too I agree (again !) with @Joerg when he dislikes the close combat shaman option but... what about Yinkin, Odayla, Telmor, Stormbull, Rathor.... or even Orlanth, Yelm, Bab's *... or ...Humakt* (good to see and manage all these dead people among us) same for heal, combining shaman and Ernalda, Chalana and other offers a lot of opportunities (and a better ready-made way to play, if you don't know how to play / enjoy your shaman) * not sure if you can beboth inititate and shaman of these gods, but it seems it is possible
  6. the most important words of GM life ! Shaman or other, the GM is responsible (of course players too) to offer opportunities to players to play. If your players want to play a trade campaign, there is no sense to propose 20 dungeons to visit. That the same with the carreer they choose. if I had to play an assistant shaman, I would decide between : - become a range/close fighter. A bow, a sling, a spear & shield and it's done (75% should be the target before working only to become shaman). First rounds you fight, until the front line starts to be wounded, then you heal. if you are in close combat, you are close to the other fighters (not 10 meter behind) so you are the first one able to heal your friend. And even if you don't have rune spells, bladesharp 6, protection 6 (if you want to "tank"... are good and not so hard for an assitant to obtain) And you are able to find any spell for your bow without difficulty. - become a healer. Of course other can use runespells, but with heal 6+ you are able to do a lot of things. And those who fight well should focus to fight more than to heal their friends. And 6 mp lost... nothing in comparison of a rune point. Of course if people can regain rune point after every fight, that is less true. But if there are 2 or 3 difficult fights between two worship ceremonies, spirit magic is very powerful. - become a disrupter. (my favorite). You can confuse and other activities, you have pow, so you can eliminate in 5 rounds five opponents. They are not dead, but they are not able to fight. And if you have your first matrix with an elemental, you are able to do a lot of things: put your friends behind the ennemy line with your sylph, "eat" or at least "freeze" the big guy with your gnom, fear the healers with your darkness spirit, etc... Once shaman, there are so many options, it depends a lot of what you did when you were assistant, how important is roleplay and social activities (easy to have 10 rings with ten super powerful spirits with the rules. The question is would you like to play such game), GM opportunities (as @Joerg said) and player imagination. The issue with the shaman (like sorcerer in fact), in my opinion, compared to other cult/occupation is they are not "specialist" (ok there are spirit specialist, and so what ?). If you hear humakt, you probably understand warrior adventurer , if you hear issaries , you probably understand merchant/negotiator adventurer, if you hear ernalda, you probably understand healer. It is easier to imagine what you play, how you react. Of course, some will play differently, of course, and that is for me the strength of runequest, why I love this system, there is no class, so you can be a fighter and an ernaldan (probably magical, but why not a tank ? earth shield is fine) And that's exactly what you have to do with a shaman, there is not (for adventurer) a clear position in the group. Shaman have to build their own. Imagination is required to play shaman or sorcerer, when it is an option for others (and a lot of fun of course in all cases)
  7. in the bestiary you can find it so for me, everything is left behind. I understand only the undead body becomes smoke
  8. thanks a lot ! But of course you expose yourself to questions 😛 Quantity : - If you remove the pictures, and focus on content, does it change the ratio ? Quality : - Is the content about the same than in previous editions (for those who were in previous edition, I see of course new content for new gods), or do we see a large part of change / deepest information than in the previous edition ? For example I was frustrated by the new rqg scenario of the rainbow mounds. I expected some new revealed secrets, a kind of sequel to the previous scenario (something I enjoyed with the different stages of Apple lane for example and the evolution of the npcs); not what I consider (other may disagree, it is just my taste), more a new version of the same scenario. I m pretty sure I will enjoy the discovery of new things, but will it be a lot or just few ?
  9. it is an interesting question, and you will not find one answer as so many MGF vary 😛 so it depends a lot on you and your player. Personaly, it is hard to obtain a rune spell. We have the price from the rule but not the availability Like @JRE I consider that temples are organized (number of people, of rp, etc...) to manage their community. So depending of the day there is such availability or not (just after a replenish worship ceremony, there are 1 or 2 spells available, after one or two weeks, there are maybe 1 rp or not) From a gameplay perspective, I consider it is too easy if any wound can be healed without any issue (and a lot of spells can rebuild the body, even spirit magic so...). But that's my taste. And as rq fights are very violent, I understand that people would like to not see their character destroyed just because a roll. So I manage it differently, if you want to be healed (or any spell from npc), you have to do some effort (aka a scenario 😛 ) Sometimes that is a mission (bring me back x or y then I will answer you request), sometimes it is a quest (I can't do this, but I know someone who are able to do it and maybe more) or a mix (I can't do this, but I know someone who are are able to do it but she will probably require something) Of course if you pcs are already very powerfull, a spell they saw as a "challenge" when they are young, is now just a standard : if you are a runelord or priest or equivalent, of course someone will cast the spell you need without any request, if it is not too important (no you don't have access to 5 "free" sever spirit, even if you are the king) But now, the difficulty is different, elsewhere (there is no temple where you can find a friendly CA priest in the heroplan... maybe chalana... somewhere, but not a lot of locations, and probably noone in the pattern of the quest they follow)
  10. I hope for you, australian friends that you will have the physical book before people who are not happy to read english will have access to their native language book (pdf or paper) but I m pretty sure, you will be the first ! Personaly I had to wait for physical book in some warehouse to buy the only pdf I wanted so ...
  11. what I understand is that Yinkin the Orlanth subcult is like Yinkin the cult : there are not the Orlanth spells shared by Thunderous/Adventurous/Vinga However I see few difference : - you are known by the priests so if you want to join another subcult it may be easier (not img, ok for the reputation - but being in the community is enough for reputation so not a change with a full cult - , but you have to prove why you(character) want to join the other subcult - if it is a subcult it is the same runepool. My answer was a semi joke, I hope it is but I fully agree, if being initiate of Yinkin the cult provides less spells than being initiate of Orlanth Yinkin, that's sad (same for Heler, etc..)
  12. that's an import point (even if I have not the same conclusion 🙂 ) For me, Daka Fal is not anymore Grandfather mortal (aka family member, first ancestor, what you want) because Grandfather mortal is dead, in the same way that Humakt is not Orlanth's brother any more. Death severs something in both case. That doesn't mean people don't remember what/who were these entities before they meet Death. Just that, now, they have not all the properties they had before. But they have some new (there is a new deal between Orlanth and Humakt, there is a new deal between Daka Fal and mortals). then if I meet a shaman who is dedicated to a family, or a community XXX. I will know him/her as the shaman of the XXX ancestors, not as a shaman of Daka Fal In the other and, If I meet an initiate of Daka Fal (in my glorantha) this person is not dedicated to a family, ancestor, or any community worship: This weird one is a kind of judge of spirits or someone applying Daka Fal's judgement (who said "judge dreed" ? no just "judge dead", but you got the idea). Do they exist ? not sure at all. But if yes, well this initiate would have generic rune spells for a lot of spirits. Is there usefull to have these spell when you are shaman ? don't know. You can manage them with your shaman powers Is it easy to follow this way when you are not a shaman ? mm probably not, you are too weak for your "targets". So that is most a question of "devotion", than a question of power.
  13. by the way don't know if your Daka Fali is or not a shaman. But a shaman doesn't need a spell to manage it (well... if enough powerful) for me the Daka Fall cult should be seen as a pattern: few worship Daka Fal (they don"t command anybody) but their family/ clan / community ancestors
  14. in my opinion yes but not like your french or my english 😛 I mean, you use the "listening" word but I would use "understanding" : visual : human beings (or other) can't change the color of their scales (or even skin) but can see it (at least a part of the spectrum). So they can understand more than they can express (not sure of the word subtilities: I mean ability to give to other idea by any means, not only voice) auditory: human can hear but maybe not all the spectrum. So they can understand more than they can express even harder olfactory, except with french cheese (I love them !), it is hard to offer a large range of odors for human, so they can und.... and empathic should be impossible or for those who are alreay illuminates (from a draconic perspective). That may be something like insight species, but dragonkin are so different (even runes !) so very hard and there is another difficulty: so at the end of the day, I would say you can speak at 25% max, and you can understand at 50% max (or 40 or ...)
  15. In my opinion that is totally different no allied spirit (because there are no spirits -well I think or maybe human cultists who… failed so are they allied spirits or cursed spirits-) but you may gain a dragonewt or a lower kin (little wyrm , etc …) No divine intervention, there are no gods but you may be allowed to « speak » with some dragon or powerful dragonewt (inhuman king etc…) do they have rune spells ? That is the question. There are two options 1) human are able to use dragonewt magic in that case no rune spell because it means the draconic magic is the dragonewt magic (bestiary) for all species 2) the opposite : dragonewt magic is for dragonewt only. Other species can’t use it. It means then that rune spell(game design definition) is the way for human (or other man rune species) that doesn’t mean they have the same gloranthan mechanic but from rules you must sacrifice pow, create rune pool , use it, replenish it (by meditatio ?) when dragonewt can do magic without it (but the price is different) pow gain ? Yes maybe. But is it because you succeed a worship ceremony , I m note sure. Maybe something different. For me that one of the three rules I expect in dragon pass rune quest game: draconic way for human rules, heroquest rules then (less important for me) sorcery (with back ground not only rules)
  16. I believed the collar blocked specific magic (collar anti divine magic, collar anti sorcery, etc) in that case guided teleport would not work? note my only reference about collar is a French scenario found in the web during the 90’s so it may be wrong ? (Or our glorantha may vary of course)
  17. dwarves are able to do anything you propose. But that is not, in my opinion, with spells pc can learn. They have tools to cut the block (don't remember where, but I m sure that is somewhere, what I m not sure is if they have lost or not the adamant making secret) they may have "sorcery spells" but for me "dwarf sorcery" is not what we call sorcery (what pc can learn) These "spells" follow the same game mechanics but are not with the same "background" (aka that are dwarf techniques, not spells a dwarf may teach to someone else)
  18. You already have: Yinkin is a subcult of Orlanth in Sartar !
  19. because it is said or it depends: - size = "The size of the spirit depends on the number of Rune points stacked for the spell." - friendliness =you ask your deity for a spirit : it is a friend ! - spells = depends on the cult, too many gods, so for me up to gm. Imagine a table with the list of all the shirts of the dead cult initiates 😛 I have the memory of @Akhôrahil answer but no evidence. So my gm choice is "up to player". Maybe not the character but we will say that player knows as the god what is good for the character (or the god understands what needs the character with the information the character "shows" (compromise, blablabla) so even if it is not good at the end of the day, it was what the character expected unconsciously
  20. don't know if it is what the rules want to do but here is my view : 1) elementals (or any type of spirit) are elementals (or any type of spirit) 2) cult spirits are cults spirits. A spirit should be in 0 or 1 cult (very very few should be in several, like multi initiations, that is exception). 3) elementals (or any type of spirit) may be cult spirits. so now: you (the player or the npc) summon a sylph with summon elemental [sylph]. - if you (shaman, initiate, sorcerer...) know the name of this sylph you probably know if it is a spirit of a cult or not. As you call it with summon elemental [sylph] you have not to be member of its cult (you can, but it is not mandatory) - if you don't know the name, you don't know if it is a spirit of a cult or not. It is random (aka GM decision) Img, a very large part of sylphes ar orlanth "initiates", but some may be valind, stormbull, etc.. or even independant. It depends on a lot of things (where you are what is the dominant god, etc...) same for other elementals with the "element god-dess" you (the player or the npc) summon a sylph of your cult, with summon cult spirit - I consider that, as there are different type of spirits in a cult, the spell summon cult spirit allows you to decide what kind will arrive (I want a sylph) - you are sure that the sylph you summon is member of your cult (and probably initiate if it has INT). If you don't know it, you don't know more, but you know it at least and... that's all for summon a spirit but you may face a sylph summoned by someone else. and that's the same: GM knows who summoned the sylph, and knows how: with summon sylph ? => random cult. With summon cult spirit => the cult. so you player is a worshipper of Orlanth. You know both (command cult spirit ) and (command sylph). As Orlanth is the king of air, you are proud enough to cast command cult spirit.... but you may disappointed if the sylph is not from Orlanth cult Of course you must cast command sylph to be sure. but if your friend doesn't know command sylph, at least she can try to use command cult spirit. But she can too use this spell for other spirits than sylphes ==> command cult spirit allows you to command any type of spirit, IF they are from the cult / under the domination of the god ==> command sylph allows you to command all sylphes, whatever the cult of the sylph
  21. heroquesting is a key for a lot of things, I agree I would just add that "gains" should be, in my opinion, based on what do the pcs during the heroquest. And would not say "sense darkness" (as it is a troll sense) more "see in the dark": same effect, but not from the same sensors, poor yelmalian, already ridiculous, and you want to give them troll habilities ?!
  22. I m not surprised at all 🙂 I don't know why, maybe I missed some book, but : - I see in enough details what could be Orlanth's hall and how natives are (and I may be wrong -from canon-, don't, know, but I have an idea) - I have no clear idea at (h)all what could be Yelm's palace and the sky in general, and how natives are. (Will the cults book answer ? I hope so) So I understand @Wheel Shield The only things I know (or I believe, do not hesitate to correct me) : - they were sky's citizen, - they saved some orlanthi people (culture), - they took opportunity to enjoy orlanthi women (culture). How cold should be the sky for them - and then they found orlanthi tribes. (culture and pantheon)
  23. there are a lot of options - the simplest way is what says @JRE. Or even a crown without iron may be called iron crown, just for the "title" - the [iron crown] is a regalia item. So if you lose it, one of your successoir may recreate it to prove his rightness to lead. - there is one iron crown in god time, and there are several heroquests (and heroquestors) who succeed to bring it back to mundane world. - there is one mundane item, and the "crown is lost" is not the item, but the bringer, or just the bringer's defeat, or some idea you may have - the author may be wrong and confused two differents items calling them with the same word, based, maybe on some picture where you may see a crown maybe in iron then you even may merge all these options and others you may have
  24. two questions for two questions How many npc at 21 have at least mastered one skill (90%) ? How many pc at 21 have at least mastered one skill (90%) ? 🙂 let's say that Fate, Destiny and Random were your friend when you (pc) were a child. Now it is time to become hero. However Fate, Destiny and Hazard met some of your allies and ennemies. So some npc are "like" you, and a lot of, the "anonymous", aren't I think that the previous one (I have the french oriflam version ... don't know if it is rq 2 or rq 3 ?) was more "average". It was a shock for me to see the "upgrade". How I disliked it at the beginning ! Now it is fine.
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