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WeAreAllUs: play RQ or HQG and honor Greg Stafford, October 10 - 31


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To mark the anniversary of Greg Stafford's passing, we encourage Chaosium fans and gamers in general to play a tabletop game from October 10 to October 31 in his memory. To that end we'll be releasing a set of new free adventures for all our major game systems, including RUNEQUEST and HEROQUEST GLORANTHA. Details about these scenarios in the coming weeks. 

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50 minutes ago, Kloster said:

I like the bolg, eh the BoL:G.

Barbarians of Lemuria: Glorantha (BoL:G) a game (BoL) that screams Glorantha to me & that is very HeroQuestish... but not quite: it still has attributes (4), combat skills (4) & specific rules, "hit points" (called Lifeblood there, much more evocative!) & damage. The only question that remains is how to adapt (HQ:CR/ HQ:G) magic to it.

(Everywhen RPG is generic BoL because the rules are so good, so light & so much fun... a bit like the forthcoming HQ:RoG [HeroQuest: Roleplaying oustide Glorantha] aka QuestWorlds. BoL is such a good game design that its first editions were published for free online & that the fans later convinced its author to publish it professionaly at cost! Check it out, it's amazing.)

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1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:


By all means, yes!

Rubble Runners & Ravines, as well!?!? Moonbusters! Price of Freedom: Roleplaying in Occupied Dragon Pass! Empire: The Masquerade! Ars Runica! Man, Myth & Magic: Glorantha! King Argrath Dragonlord (KAD) RPG! Prince Argrath: The Storytelling Game! Elf, Troll, Dwarf & DragonewtQuest! RunePunk: 1620! Shadowrune! Middle Air Role Playing (MARP)! The One Rune!

Edited by Christoph Kohring
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15 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

Cult: Divinity Gained
Blades on the Moon

Oooooh, I like it! I will have to Google Cult as I am dimly aware of it. Else, Blades in the Dark... of the Moon!?!

16 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

Twilight: 1655

Lovely but no, no, no: 1625! Think Red Army units stranded in Sartar after the Dragonrise!

Escape from, say, Apple Lane: in his last dying breath Tatius the Not-So-Bright-Anymore asked Etyries, messenger to the Goddess to send in the clear to all units the following cryptic message: "“Good Luck. You’re on your own now.”

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7 hours ago, Christoph Kohring said:


Since my group does like GURPS I have been considering making that on and off -- I'm still flip-flopping between "oh yeah that will be the best thing ever" and "wtf are you crazy, it's the stupidest thing ever".

  • Haha 1

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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8 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

Since my group does like GURPS I have been considering making that on and off -- I'm still flip-flopping between "oh yeah that will be the best thing ever" and "wtf are you crazy, it's the stupidest thing ever".

Don't be silly, this is Glorantha!


Both of those are true.


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C'es ne pas un .sig

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41 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

Since my group does like GURPS I have been considering making that on and off -- I'm still flip-flopping between "oh yeah that will be the best thing ever" and "wtf are you crazy, it's the stupidest thing ever".

You will certainly have detailed rules for digging holes in the ground if you go with GURPS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

While I've not had the opportunity to run or play a game in person for many years, I've thoroughly enjoyed running my Glorantha games by post.  In remembrance of Greg, and in thanks to all those who either currently participate in or have participated in my long-running HQG Orlmarth Campaign, I offer a little collage reflecting the collective journey (and apologies to any I missed).  As it says in my RPGGeek banner: #WeAreAllUs !

Currently, our heroes are in the Underworld trying to find their way to the Caves of Silence in order to free Orane. But first, they must fulfill the duties that Bijiif the Ash King and Maggot Liege has placed upon them....


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