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Siglat was the devil. You know him by his works.

I also had a dream where the timeline is off and the original Western colonists date "year zero" from the sunstop, arriving shortly before that period and meeting an unwelcoming response from the natives. But there have been many waves of migration landing in many places.

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11 minutes ago, scott-martin said:

Siglat was the devil. You know him by his works.

I also had a dream where the timeline is off and the original Western colonists date "year zero" from the sunstop, arriving shortly before that period and meeting an unwelcoming response from the natives. But there have been many waves of migration landing in many places.

Oh, so that's how Loskalm (LSKM) became an Omelas (MLS). Perhaps they should have taken the L instead, but "Oskalm" does sound funny. 

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

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I fully agree on Siglat. It is a bad sign when the literal Kingdom of War seems potentially better. At least more honest.

As for the chronology, you need to have the Westerners set up to have Arkat. Who would be Nysalor's shadow?

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On 5/19/2022 at 1:09 PM, JRE said:

I fully agree on Siglat. It is a bad sign when the literal Kingdom of War seems potentially better. At least more honest.

As for the chronology, you need to have the Westerners set up to have Arkat. Who would be Nysalor's shadow?

Death is more honest than life, but that doesn't make it preferable.


Snodal recognized Siglat as his son with Damosel of the Black Veil. If Siglat's Gbaji then something is seriously up with the Altinelans, they would have had to let him in and bring him to Snodal. Perhaps the Red Goddess is right and chaos is a necessary part of the world, hmm? But some of you aren't ready for that conversation, you storm people are barely literate in New Pelorian.

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I would say the analogy would be, what is better, conventional war or nuclear war? Though someone that does not want to be identified has just used a WMD in Sartar. And tarnished Kallyr's name so much that she died alone. Deliberate? In this thread I will say yes.

No need to include Gbaji or even Chaos to have mass destruction.

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Based on a thred on the RQ forum.

Given that the Pure Horse left Pent in the Imperial Age, who or what are the Julin Marsk?

My theory is that they are the remnants of Dara Happan on Horse fled eastwards after their suppression by the Red Emperor.  Thus they would worship Yelm instead of Yu-Kargzant and their nomadic practices be deliberate adoptions of Pentan customs rather than age-old traditions.  They may even be the Fake Sun Horses mentioned in King of Sartar.

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They are specified in the Guide to have been founded after the Nights of Horror, and it is the only Pure Horse Tribe among the Ten Arrows, so I suppose it is a composite from the Pure Horse priestly caste of other tribes mixed as you propose with the Solar horsemen acting as fake nomads, though now they will be true nomads. If you consider that they might not have joined the nomad army in the Nights of Horror, their position in the plains may have moved from semi tolerated to highly influential tribe. 

I think there are always some people in Pent trying to recreate a Pure Horse tribe, exchanging the practical benefits of mixed herds for magical power. Their fortune depends on the magic they can provide, and Yelm added to Yu Kargzant may give them an edge.

The mix may have given rise to Yelm worship, but I think any Dara Happan will be horrified of what they consider proper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Y)embyli tend to aspirate the sound we know in the north as [f] as [p] . . . thus the origins of "Palamal," the sun spear force. This became extremely controversial under the (Y)errinoru/(Y)elamle revelations but I'm told something like a Sun Dome system was actually run out of Umathela centuries ago.

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Spawned from reading up on yesterday's discussions on the Chaosium discord:

"Eurmal" is the disgusted exclamation by his mother on Kylerela, muffled after two syllables. What she meant to say before gagging was: "You're Malkion!"

Proof: Orlanth, LM, Issaries, CA and Flesh Man chance upon the Fifth Action where Malkion is about to apotheosize. The five interfere, however, and thus the wretch is carried onward into Hell. Various attempts to sabotage the quest fail.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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Mix of Conspiracy theory and rules minimaxing.

In my Glorantha dwarves use a lot of soul fragments to power up their technology. Things like a spirit bound in each bullet teleporting them to an iron dwarf bullet pouch 10 seconds after firing. Or casting create fire on the gunpowder when they press the trigger in a handgun (flintlock? How primitive and unreliable). You do not want to know how many trapped souls are needed to keep the sun shining. With the rules as they are, they would be looking for spirits with high INT, middle or high power, and low charisma.

Silver Dwarves surveillance systems (clairvoyance and clairaudience on the neighbouring human populations) would be looking for socially awkward but smart people just to contact them, brainwash them, teach them the needed sorcery, kill them, and trap their souls as power sources for parts of the Machine. These ghosts in the machine, if freed, can teach humans the human version of dwarven sorcery that was developed for the Machine ghosts.

Despite how the Mostali try to whitewash it, that was the original role of the Clay Dwarves, but now they are too precious to use that way, except for the most important of magics. So go humans, a sustainable, renewable resource. 

Brithini could do the same with normal humans, as they can just use Tap CHA to make them pliable enough, to proceed with the brainwashing and the soul trapping. After all, they are not human, they just look like one...

So if you receive an invite to study in a famous magical school, to learn wondrous special magics, be careful. There may be some warts in that hog...

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18 minutes ago, JRE said:

socially awkward but smart people

Lore suggests that while a helmet forged from "lo-metal" will interfere with these detrimental transmissions . . . although the civilization that came up with this defense met a sad and secret end anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quite dumb theory that I do not think changes much.

The Vadeli were actially wiped out by the Brithini, as once the Blues were gone, they could not resist the Waertagi and Zzabur's magic.

The Vadeli revealed by the Closing lifting are actually jrusteli remnants that were actually working on recreating the Vadeli magics as part of the conflict with Brithos. Becoming Vadeli was how they survived the GL doom and centuries of isolation under the closing.

That is why the Brithini and the Vadeli react slowly to the Vadeli presence, and even other Malkioni are slow to act against them, because they all know they were destroyed, so this must be something else...

The "new" Vadeli still have centuries of experience and proof that their vice fueled magics work, but they also have access to part of the jrusteli toolbox, so they quickly fall into their typical behaviour, masquerading as gods, exploiting theists and robbing other people magic, which is not clear the Vadeli did before Time. 

As they were basing their research on one sided brithini sources, these new Vadeli are not the ambiguous logicians from before Time, but really the worst representation of Brithini racism, embraced by its own sake and surprisingly giving the magic results expected. Which is why they are so horribly evil, because their model are not the real Vadeli but a deep black stereotype.

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4 minutes ago, JRE said:

A quite dumb theory that I do not think changes much.

The Vadeli were actially wiped out by the Brithini, as once the Blues were gone, they could not resist the Waertagi and Zzabur's magic.

The only flaw in this theory is the fact that Hrestol's grandson from his stay as Vadeli judge becomes the father of the fourth Serpent King. Aignor the Trader's father was the son of Hrestol and his Brithini wife, who seems to have inherited his father's office when he went on to what would become Loskalm. Aignor himself may have had a Vadeli mother.

Seshnegi use of Vadeli magic destroyed Hrelar Amali early in the second century, after the time of the Serpent Kings, but that magic might have come from forbidden tomes. After that, the Vadeli are more or less gone from mentions in Gloranthan history until the Opening.


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It was actually the lack of Vadeli presence after Hrestol what motivates me, as well as the less sleazy and more ambiguous character they had in those sources compared to what we have now. Which got me thinking how a true anti-semite fanatic would act if he was hiding as a Jew, if he believed the propaganda. Ergo, Third Age Vadeli. 

I would expect that as until the battle of Tanien's victory the sea was the exclusive domain of the Waertagi, genocide could explain what was Zzabur doing that kept him busy most of the First Age. Without the Blues, the actual deed can be left to Horali and Waertagi, so I would expect he was writing the Red and Brown books. 

It could be done while all of Glorantha was distracted by the Sunstop and its consequences.

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I blame Facebook.

I just saw a compelling argument that while the archaic proto-Heortish æʃəˈri commonly referred to the tally some irregularities in the grammar actually point back to a more botanical origin . . . something like a Praxite "bean." this makes sense when you consider that a primordial "bean" cult or dealer would need some permanent way to remember accounts and inventory, and so created the tattoo as a reminder after the feel-groovy trance receded. (Not to be boring but there are reasons to suspect the equally archaic arhwō, arhwɔɪn was originally a separate "bean" later associated with an anthropomorphic entity and cult.)
In this emergent model it is Caarith who actually invented modern universal "Issaries" as the vehicle for her particular commodity distribution network and later, under its influence, started consolidating local and regional variants under its double-bowl "peace pipe" rune. Turns out the Desert Trackers aren't the trash kicked to the corners but the secret origins of our thing.
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15 hours ago, scott-martin said:

I blame Facebook.

I just saw a compelling argument that while the archaic proto-Heortish æʃəˈri commonly referred to the tally some irregularities in the grammar actually point back to a more botanical origin . . . something like a Praxite "bean." this makes sense when you consider that a primordial "bean" cult or dealer would need some permanent way to remember accounts and inventory, and so created the tattoo as a reminder after the feel-groovy trance receded. (Not to be boring but there are reasons to suspect the equally archaic arhwō, arhwɔɪn was originally a separate "bean" later associated with an anthropomorphic entity and cult.)
In this emergent model it is Caarith who actually invented modern universal "Issaries" as the vehicle for her particular commodity distribution network and later, under its influence, started consolidating local and regional variants under its double-bowl "peace pipe" rune. Turns out the Desert Trackers aren't the trash kicked to the corners but the secret origins of our thing.

Obviously the Praxian bean cult was the Three Bean Circus.

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1 hour ago, scott-martin said:

I have a line on the Third Bean but will let it get a little dumber before we're sure.

Bean there, done that.

Counting beans won't get us much further here.

Are there any vomiting-inducing beans in Glorantha? After all, it takes a whole lot of hyenas to vomit those pieces of Genert into a mold to return the body of the Earth God, and then some other high-powered earth miracle to return the Earth King to life - possibly requiring Tada to bring back the fertility of the Garden wherever that resurrection is to take place, only to be consumed in a similar manner as Eiritha's in the Dead Place.

Just maybe that energy could be collected from up above? In that case a giant beanstalk might be helpful. But how does one get the hyenas upstairs?

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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