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RuneQuest: Weapons & Equipment - corrections thread


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The discussion about "Frame, Light" and "karbantos" in Chariots (p. 95) seems to lack context. What is a "Karbantos"? Who uses it? What is its stats? What does it cost? There is no way to actually use the "Frame, Light" modification.

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Page 14

Lead (na-metal) is soft and pliable. It has half-again the ENC of bronze, unless enchanted, at which point is becomes equal. Even in its unenchanted form,

----Add the text to make this the same as Page 121 of RuneQuest: Gamemasters Adventures. Without it then Page 89 table of W&E is incorrect. 

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p.65: Falx

According to all sources, that I have checked so far, a Falx seems to be kind of a slashing weapon in the form of a sickle or scythe, not pole weapon with an axe blade. Are you sure the naming is correct?

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Page 28 Bee Produce

I think you are missing a trick here about the increased SIZ (Trollpak Classic page 156). 

It has many reputed therapeutic uses and is also considered a gift worthy of a king or queen.

Suggest instead:

It has many reputed therapeutic uses including the chance to perform the impossible: raise SIZ!

---Talk about it as its use in the game. 


Page 28 Bee Produce

Price: 5,000 L (at a troll enclave) or 18,000 L if sold elsewhere by the infamous troll merchant Protosome BlackBite.

Suggest instead:

Price: 5,000 L at the infamous troll merchant Protosome BlackBite's Grubfarm or 18,000 L if sold elsewhere

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p.2 kerning of "core" appears off


p.4 table should not be bold (consistent with other references to tables)


Also (but it could be me) the purpose of the "Modifier" in the Market Size and Item Availability table is not explained

p.6 kerning, or perhaps spacing? Inconsistent typography.


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Page 36

These are addressed in the Glorantha Bestiary (pages 130–136) and are described further in Into the Troll Lands.

Into the Troll Lands - what are you referring to here? 


Page 89

Troll merchants may insist on pricing in bolgs, 100 B to 1 L.


Troll merchants may insist on payment in bolgs, 100 B to 1 L.

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The cost of a Road (p. 110) is 400 L in the table, 40 L in the text. While it's possible that this is about different lengths of road, the text only has a flat cost of 40 L without indicating the length (presumably enough to negate the income penalty on the hide?). Either way, it's a mismatch.

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Several of the Land Improvements (p. 100) make no sense economically by the rules. A +5% bonus to the Income roll or Farming roll for a Hide of land will typically be worth less than 3L yearly on an 80 L-producing hide. This means that improvements like Irrigation, Road (on non-rolling terrain), Shop and Stable/Barn, with a higher maintenance cost than this, will be a net cost even after the initial investment.

A Standing Stone is good, though!

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Page 81 Table

Rhino Hide Move Quietly   –5%‡  [use "–"]


Page 81 Table Footnotes

Delete: “These fractional ENCs add together, so that an adventurer with hood and composite helm, two daggers, one dart, and a pair of light cestuses would have a total 3 ENC from these objects.”

-- Table footnotes are not for rules details. Place text elsewhere to allow easy reference.


Page 81 Table Footnotes

** Can be worn under any other armor, with a cumulative encumbrance penalty. Instead of leather, this could also be quilted or thick cloth. It has the same qualities as described for leather.

Suggest a more succinct

** Can be worn under any other armor, with a cumulative encumbrance penalty. Instead of leather, quilted or thick cloth can be used for the same qualities.


Page 81 Table Footnotes

† These are considered to cover the entire limb, although the actual armor which goes by these names only covers the area between elbow and hand (vambraces) and knee and foot (greaves).

Suggest a more succinct

† Considered to cover the entire limb, although the only area covered for vambraces is between elbow and hand, and for greaves is between knee and foot.


Page 81 / Page 89

Skirts, Heavy Leather: A skirt is made of heavy leather so thick that it is unwearable save by the strongest of creatures. Trolls only. Price: 20 L.

-       Also, heavy leather skirts are not listed on the Nonhuman Armor table page 89

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For many entries in the weapon tables the Damage column uses "+db" as an additional value for the respective damage calculation. My guess is, that "+db" is meant to adding the respective damage bonus, but this is nowhere explained (as far as I can say) and may be confusing, especially for new gamers.

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Page 44

...of spirit magic at that point. Sometimes these spells mimic those of their companions, while other times they complement that of their companion’s abilities. Teaching an awakened animal additional magic...

- the paragraph is about spells. Best not to mix with the concept of abilities. 

Page 45

use the generic one nearby, customized as desired

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It's puzzling why on p.14 Lodril has this set of enchant metals:

Lodril: Enchant Copper, Enchant Gold, Enchant Iron, Enchant Lead, Enchant Tin

but not Enchant Aluminum/Quicksilver (which on p.13 is explicitly listed as lo-metal, the metal of Lodril.  You'd expect Lodril to be able to work his own metal. 

Less sure why Lodril has Enchant Lead?

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Page 44

Awakened Bird

Bite 25 1D3-1D4


Page 44

Awakened Bird

Tail 01 0/1
Right Hind Leg 02–04 0/2
Left Hind Leg 05–07 0/2
Abdomen 08–09 0/3 
Chest 10–12 0/4
Right Wing 13–14 0/3
Left Wing 15–16 0/3
Head 17–20 0/3

- To be consistent with Page 10, Gloranthan Bestiary 


Page 46 Other Animals

Beetle, Guard: Among the Uz the guard beetle is common and comes in many varieties. See the Glorantha Bestiary, pages 131–132. Prices: see page 32 of this book. They are provided in bolgs, as only Uz buy or sell guard beetles, and usually only to other Uz.

- Keep in the same format. Direct the reader to where they can find the prices


Page 47 Skill Rating 

Competency Beginner (25–49%)   Roll 23+1D20+1D6

-- Less dice, and this way works.


Page 48

A master-level hireling is extremely rare and generally is not found randomly.

-- cleaner? 


Page 48

children. Briefer long-term employment, for five years, is possible, but there is no pension.

-- Avoid using "Shorter" as it unnecessarily clashes with the later term


Page 49

The standard expectation is that 5% of all loot so gathered is to be divided among the warriors.

-- nothing to interpret?


Page 50

trimmed, fingernails cleaned, ears irrigated, and even

--more plausible


Page 50

adjacent to a public bath, masseurs and masseuses work to strain and pain

--assuming there are male massage therapists in Glorantha?

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There is an apparent conflict between this book and the Well of Daliath with regard to variable sprint magic spell training.  On p.116, the book shows:


Example: Learning the Bladesharp spirit magic spell
costs 50 L per point. Learning Bladesharp 1 costs 50 L.
Learning Bladesharp 2 costs an additional 100 L (2×50
L). Increasing Bladesharp 2 to 3 costs 150 L (3×50 L).
Trying to go from not knowing the Bladesharp spell at
all to knowing Bladesharp 3 takes three weeks and costs
a grand total of 300 L (50+100+150).

Yet on the Well of Daliath (Learning Spirit Magic) it says:



Do the variable Spirit Magic Spells have to be learned one point at a time? Say, if you have no Bladesharp, and want to learn Bladesharp 4, does it take four weeks or only one?

One week.

Learning Bladesharp 1 alone takes one week…

Learning Bladesharp 1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6 takes…. one week…



The Well of Daliath explanation made sense to me, since you could learn the 4 point Lightwall spell in one week, it seemed logical to me that you could learn a Bladesharp 4, from scratch, in one week.  And, if you could do that, it would extend to other levels of Bladesharp, and other variable spells

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Page 52

The rates are for average performers, and more skilled performers (75%) may cost 1.5× the rate,

--This does not make sense, as most of the Entertainers in the table above are 75%. Can you make this less confusing please? 


Page 52

or a Darktongue inscription on stone.

--They're not going to waste good food?


Page 53

Among the most notorious slavers in Glorantha are the nonhuman Morokanth, who herd humans as if they were cattle.

--I assume this is propaganda that's allowed to pass?


Page 55

Spirit magic, or extra magic points for a Rune spell, costs 1 L per magic point.

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