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Caladraland Adventure Hooks


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I lose power and internet because of the hurricane and come back to a damn GOLD MINE. Thank you!

So far, @AlexS, the campaign is still in the VERY early planning stages as I work out how to adapt FATE Core to Glorantha (that's another thread lol), so I'm not sure of the overall scope of the game. Given the players I'm working with this time, it's probably going to be another Big Fantasy Quest like my Harrek Must Die! campaign ended up trying to be, rather than what seems to be the usual Gloranthan tight, home-and-community focused personal sagas, but this information gives me some great ideas for how to set those Big Quests up and ground them in the communities the PCs will probably be leaving, defending, coming home to occasionally, etc.

As far as where the PCs would be from, again, not sure. I do enjoy knowing that Caladraland is definitely cosmopolitan enough to allow for a wide range of native and foreign characters that'd fit into a Caladralander-based (or at least Caladralander-starting) campaign. Right now all three regions look equally tempting to have some early adventures with and across. I do really enjoy anything involving volcano priests, though. One thing I was thinking of definitely including was Heortlander/Sartarite refugees from the Lunars or Wolf Pirates coming to Caladraland because the place is basically impregnable. Definitely Possibly including some Ducks, drawn to the verdant mangrove swamps that are probably along the coasts.

As far as the Maran Gor/Asrelia connection, I love that Lodril seems to be one of the Gods Of Himbos in this setting, competing with Orlanth for the title of Dumbest Broadly Well-Meaning Deity In Glorantha. The thought that he could not keep it in his skirt around Maran Gor, and might have been the only person to melt Maran Gor's stony heart for long enough to cause some real trouble with Asrelia and the Earthshaker Herself. Now that I know all that, I'm imagining the myth that goes around being an explanation for why Earthshakers are so dangerous and aggressive--their mom is pissed off at Vestkarthan. A few small clans deep in the jungle knowing how to appease them or (maybe) tame them works, with the majority of Caladralander traditions around dinosaurs probably seem like they'd start and end with "don't antagonize them and stay clear."

Anyway, one other thing I was wanting to include in this is something that my last campaign group added to the game: magical unarmed martial arts styles taught by the Vestkarthan and Lowfires cults. Namely, the Invisible Phalanx/Invisible Spear and Bronze Arms schools, which I could absolutely see being part of the country's chaos-fighting traditions. My last group had a few big Wuxia enthusiasts, and this group has another one. I think they'd squee themselves into oblivion if I include that so there's no reason not to.

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4 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

I lose power and internet because of the hurricane and come back to a damn GOLD MINE. Thank you!

You're most welcome @ZedAlpha – and I hope that Hurricane Idalia has now moved on without leaving too much wreckage where you live.

4 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

As far as where the PCs would be from, again, not sure.

Maybe Storos would be a good base: Caladran enough to be flavourful, but also semi-Esrolian (so you can pillage @jajagappa's Nochet material for city campaign ideas). It is a cosmopolitan port (so a destination for refugees as well as traders), and one that has history with the Wolf Pirates (it beat them off in 1620, which is why they headed upriver and sacked Oxnos instead). The adventurers themselves could be from all over, and the Tyrant of Storos (who in our Glorantha is the most powerful of the Porthomekan Warlords) could be either a useful (if occasionally scary) patron and quest-giver or a Big Bad for them to take down.

4 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

Definitely Possibly including some Ducks, drawn to the verdant mangrove swamps that are probably along the coasts.

They may well have fled south during the Duck Hunt and been sheltered by the newtlings who are very common in those swampy shores between Caladraland and Manira.

4 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

The thought that he could not keep it in his skirt around Maran Gor, and might have been the only person to melt Maran Gor's stony heart for long enough to cause some real trouble with Asrelia and the Earthshaker Herself. Now that I know all that, I'm imagining the myth that goes around being an explanation for why Earthshakers are so dangerous and aggressive--their mom is pissed off at Vestkarthan.

Love it – the myth practically writes itself!

4 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

magical unarmed martial arts styles taught by the Vestkarthan and Lowfires cults. Namely, the Invisible Phalanx/Invisible Spear and Bronze Arms schools

Invisible Phalanx sounds like a great discipline for supporting the Flamespear units, who wield fiery 2H spears but because they lack Yelmalio's pike-and-shield training are quite vulnerable to missile fire... so an Invisible Shield component to the Invisible Phalanx would make these units a lot less of a glass cannon... and allow them to save the Rune Points that would be needed to power a Shield spell and use them to do cool volcano stuff instead.

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Yeah, we came through just fine, thank you for asking. 😄 We're too far south to have experienced any real damage, it was just scary for a while. If you know anybody who's in the Florida Panhandle or Big Bend (or on the Gulf of Mexico in general), check on them. They probably got hammered.

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Also, newtlings?! Where can I find more information about newtlings? Nobody said anything about salamander people! That is ridiculously cute. I can't not include them.

Also also, Storos sounds like a good base, especially since for this campaign, I really do want the Wolf Pirates to be the antagonists, and it makes sense that after taking down the City of Wonders, they might go for round with Storos. That could be a fun story, helping to prepare the city's defenses now that Belintar isn't around to lend the city magical support. That could absolutely be the foundation of a Big Heroic Fantasy Quest while also tying it into their community, at least to start, and that's precisely what I'm looking for. I'll try to save up and read up on Nochet and the other Caladraland resources that've been pointed out.

Also also also, I took the inspiration for the Invisible Phalanx School from here, the real credit goes to @RHW:

In case anyone's interested, the original idea referenced the apocryphal origins of Karate. That is, the Invisible Spear is a secret self-defense art for Pelorian peasants, disguised as "folk dances" that use farming implements. I imagined Invisible Phalanx as that, but without the need to hide that it's a fighting style. To that end it's probably a lot more of a direct striking style than the northern Invisible Spear is, and a lot more aggressive. In the game where it appeared, we definitely referenced the Haka, Siva Tau, Cibi, et. al. (Pacific Indigenous war dances). We were using HeroQuest Glorantha at the time, not Runequest, so we had the effects basically boil down to "One man can fight like a hundred" with a good enough success and vaguely narrated from there.

Bronze Arms was something we made up ourselves, and had it taught by the Caladralander cult of Gustbran. This was a lot more overtly magical, and masters of the style were said to be able to turn themselves into beings of living molten bronze for a time, to shrug off weapons and punch through men, horses, monsters, stone walls, whatever was in their way. This was described as a slow, heavy, stomping style kinda reminiscent of Hung Gar and Pankration.

Edited by ZedAlpha
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1 hour ago, ZedAlpha said:

Where can I find more information about newtlings?

In the Bestiary, as @jajagappa says. Plus, if you're familiar with the RQ2 ('Classic') campaign 'Borderlands' they feature pretty heavily. More recently, @Lordabdul has written a newtling-focused scenario which you can find on the Jonstown Compendium here.

1 hour ago, ZedAlpha said:

I took the inspiration for the Invisible Phalanx School from here, the real credit goes to @RHW

Thanks, I hadn't seen that but it is very cool (or should that be hot?). We should reach out to RHW for input to the Kalavan option we've designed into our writeup of Esrolian and Caladran Warrior backgrounds (part of the Noble Brothers setup for Esrolia, more of a community militia option for Caladraland).

1 hour ago, ZedAlpha said:

the Invisible Spear is a secret self-defense art for Pelorian peasants, disguised as "folk dances" that use farming implements.

That has some powerful echoes of the origin of capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art that the slaves in Northeast Brazil used to disguise as a dance form (my kids got pretty good at it when we lived in Brazil).

1 hour ago, ZedAlpha said:

Bronze Arms was something we made up ourselves, and had it taught by the Caladralander cult of Gustbran.

That could also work for areas of mixed Esrolian/Caladran culture like Porthomeka, since the 'slow, heavy, stomping style' sounds like something that the Cult of Vogarth Strong Man might teach.

Edited by AlexS
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Anyhoo, definitely have some good ideas for how to start and possibly continue a Caladralander campaign, assuming I can find the resources and do the research. Even if I can't, this has given me enough information that I think I can fake it convincingly enough for both myself and my players, who would be first-time Gloranthan roleplayers.

Assuming they want to go for this concept and not, like, the circa-1300-ish Dragon Pass campaign, set around the same time as the events of the King of Dragon Pass video game.

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On 8/29/2023 at 10:14 PM, ZedAlpha said:

All that long-winded nonsense is just to say I'm kinda stuck for ideas on what to do in Caladraland about that time.

There is the Dragon Past article with military events in Caladraland and of the Caladraland army from 1602 to 1620 (1625 in the expanded version from Wyrm Footnotes #15) that can be used for family history and for previous experience of the characters (the tables of the online version seem to be broken in my browser).

In Caladraland, you get northern (Ditali) and western (Solanthi) barbarian raids and invasions in 1603, 1606, 1609, 1614 (Greymane's first invasion), 1619-1621, and pirate raids in 1605 and 1624.

The army fought in the Building Wall battle of 1605, invaded Ditali lands in 1610-1611 and 1616 (Lion King's Feast), defended their homeland in 1618 against Greymane's Great Raid, defended Heortland in 1619, and fought in Esrolia in 1623-1624.


Edited by Ludo Bagman
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll add that there is a really nice article in Trade Talk 12 p.13 Saronil Whiteteeth in Holy Country. Rollo a Golden Tongue takes the Sage to Nochet on a circuitous route close to Vent where he trades booze for salt/salted fish, I don't recall but its got a lot of potential plot hooks, Uroxi fishing salmon from the Syphon, good stuff.

And now that the Nochet guide is out you have loads of hooks taking you to and from there. Rollo seems to be a good NPC to have related to trade and Mr. Whiteteeth for knowledge temple stuff.


Edited by Erol of Backford
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After the disappearance/'psychic dismemberment' of Belintar, a lot of adventurous hero types set about trying to fill that power vacuum. We know about Bryan in Heortland, and before him Rikard the Tiger-Hearted in the Esvulari lands, we know about Fazzur and his attempts to get power in Esrolia (variously through conquest and intrigue) and the Hendira vs Samastina struggle in Esolia, etc. But its all through the Holy Country, and that includes Caladraland.

Two relevant threads in that are the Demivierge of Rhigos (both sacred virgin, and notorious sexual decadent) turning the Esrolia struggle into a three sided one with the 'Warm Earth Alliance' with the Warlords of Porthomeka, and the efforts of Galeros Highpeak, elected governor of Caladraland by the clan chiefs post-Belintar, to become Kind of Caladraland. If you set your game prior to 1624 then Argrath and Harrek are out of the picture, and plenty of opportunity for intrigue with the various factions, and trying to woo warlords as allies, discredit the Demivierge (or her enemies), etc. I think the efforts of Galeros are worth some attention too - he has refused to surrender the Diamond Diadem, given by the dwarves to the first King (I suspect that the dwarves believed Belintar was entitled to it, but now there is no God-King and no King either they think they should get it back). The dwarves trying to get it back could be very interesting, for example the dwarves getting their human allies to support them in getting it back would make awkward choices for the Lodril or C&A cults. 

BTW I think gems and gem working in Glorantha can include, at least when it comes to dwarven work, gem cutting magic crystals, which might even have some unique magical effects - for example 'harmonising' several magic crystals in one piece of jewellery so that they can all be attuned as one. Or if you prefer something less exotic, at least creating sorcerous enchantments all powered by inset crystals. 

And speaking of dwarves, the dwarves of Gemborg made off with a significant number of the treasures of the Clanking City at the end of the Second Age - its possible they might still have some stashed away - and its also possible that if they hear of someone else having any in their possession, the dwarves will try to claim what is 'theirs'. Such items can be very powerful God Learner magic! Such notorious treasures, or many other historical artefacts, could be looted from a Volsaxi barrow-tomb, or a mausoleum in the Esrolian Necropolis, or a shipwreck, for a few ideas. 

Elsewhere in the Holy Country, I'd also note Obas Broosmasher, dark troll who worships both Argan Argar and Orlanth with an air elemental familiar, who is trying to re-establish troll/Kitori control over the trade route to Dragon Pass. 

The Zoo island in the Right Arm was a God Learner experiment where they imported all sorts of dangerous creatures from all over the world. Just find a reason to go there (God Learner treasure again?) and you have an excellent excuse for any weird alarming monster you like the sound of. 

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1 hour ago, davecake said:

And speaking of dwarves, the dwarves of Gemborg made off with a significant number of the treasures of the Clanking City at the end of the Second Age - its possible they might still have some stashed away - and its also possible that if they hear of someone else having any in their possession, the dwarves will try to claim what is 'theirs'. Such items can be very powerful God Learner magic! Such notorious treasures, or many other historical artefacts, could be looted from a Volsaxi barrow-tomb, or a mausoleum in the Esrolian Necropolis, or a shipwreck, for a few ideas.

Funny that: One of my more recent ideas for adventuring in the County of the Isles is the discovery and either underwater looting or salvaging of a Slontan fire-turtle-galley that (was) sunk during the approach to or after the attack on Durengard. Especially the fire-spouting apparatus will be of great interest not just to the dwarves.

Less specificly, such a wreck might be found in the waters of the Poison Shore, too, if you don't want to leave Caladraland.

Edited by Joerg
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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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  • 4 weeks later...

One thing that is vague::  The Guide says the Caladraland High Kings are elected by the clan chiefs for a single term.  Does anyone have an opinion about how long that term is?

Also any opinion as to whether there is a permanent royal establishment in Lowvale at Low Temple?  A palace, an archive. royal officials?   Do the clans pay taxes to the High King?  If not then why would most of the chiefs who are not from there, want the job?

It's my observation that  in the RW, term limits empower the bureaucracy.  



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/30/2023 at 2:52 PM, ZedAlpha said:

As far as the Maran Gor/Asrelia connection, I love that Lodril seems to be one of the Gods Of Himbos in this setting, competing with Orlanth for the title of Dumbest Broadly Well-Meaning Deity In Glorantha. The thought that he could not keep it in his skirt around Maran Gor, and might have been the only person to melt Maran Gor's stony heart for long enough to cause some real trouble with Asrelia and the Earthshaker Herself. Now that I know all that, I'm imagining the myth that goes around being an explanation for why Earthshakers are so dangerous and aggressive--their mom is pissed off at Vestkarthan. A few small clans deep in the jungle knowing how to appease them or (maybe) tame them works, with the majority of Caladralander traditions around dinosaurs probably seem like they'd start and end with "don't antagonize them and stay clear."

I really like it when minds think parallel. 

Back when I was doing a bit of work for a North-Pentan muskox people (entirely non-canon), I made their version of Lodril and Maran Gor a blustering couple that veer between intense mutual attraction and intense quarreling, and with both of them being very fond of drink and food. Very little shame or reservation in them, and also prone to infidelity, but you know, as a sort of "again?! I'll whoop you good!" kind of deal as opposed to anything truly hurtful. Just, overall kinda funny characters in the Muskox people's myths, sometimes hostile, sometimes helpful, but very relatable.

I associated them with hot springs, geysers, mudslides and the like, which I just kinda made up for North Pent. People would sacrifice goods to the geysers to try and keep them calm, but also have seasonal festivities around said hot springs were they celebrate abundance and bodily-well-being (which both of them can bring if they're so inclined.) 


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OKAY. So. The campaign is probably pivoting to Lancer, the mech combat anime-as-hell RPG, for a number of reasons

But we did get at least two and a half sessions (not counting character creation) done! Lemme find my notes and I can tell y'all how it went.

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21 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

OKAY. So. The campaign is probably pivoting to Lancer, the mech combat anime-as-hell RPG, for a number of reasons

But we did get at least two and a half sessions (not counting character creation) done! Lemme find my notes and I can tell y'all how it went.

Reach Heaven By Violence.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/20/2023 at 1:57 PM, soltakss said:

Until the Volcano gets hungry.

Probably not.  I went to what appears to be tbe original Caladralnd write up.  (  )  It characterizes the position as more like a president. The Guide seems to be where that became "king".   Evidently established because Belintar wanted someone in that Sixth to  deal with.  

I can't see Belintar settling for someone who would periodically be sacrificed. 

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4 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

I can't see Belintar settling for someone who would periodically be sacrificed.

I don't think that would be an issue if it creates Harmony with the Fire powers and keeps Lodril happy. The Governors of Heortland had a fair turnover throughout Belintar's reign, probably symptomatic of some underlying aspect of Air. 

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On 11/23/2023 at 10:02 PM, Squaredeal Sten said:

Probably not.  I went to what appears to be tbe original Caladralnd write up.  (  )  It characterizes the position as more like a president. The Guide seems to be where that became "king".   Evidently established because Belintar wanted someone in that Sixth to  deal with.  

I can't see Belintar settling for someone who would periodically be sacrificed. 

The whole point is that the Kings of Caldaraland were periodically sacrificed by being thrown into the Volcano. Belintar himself became such a sacrificial king and was thrown into the Volcano but came back and said "I have been sacrificed so nobody else needs to be". Now he is long dead, the practice could start up again.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/31/2023 at 4:16 AM, ZedAlpha said:

Also, newtlings?! Where can I find more information about newtlings? Nobody said anything about salamander people! That is ridiculously cute. I can't not include them.

Vol. 05 of the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion: Director's Cut is: 'Prax & the Zola Fel Valley: The Land of the Giants', and will include a large background article on newtlings. It won't be out until March, but will need a proofreader for the newtling article within a week or so from this post :)

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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6 hours ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

large background article on newtlings

The old Apple Lane scenario in the Rainbow Mounds section, there is a bit in the River of Cradles book (always loved the artwork), also the Sandheart book Tales of the Sun County Militia might have some river settlement info with newtlings (IIRC). Of course don't forget the old 5 Eye's temple from Borderlands.


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