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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Would the demon horse become tainted with chaos if they eat say broos or walktapus? Also why not give them a chunk of walktapus that is balancing to the host's digestive system? I think broo in one regiment were feed walktapus no?
  2. So all in the Sartar and Holy Country conflicts/wars would have been about how many killed from 1602 to say 1628? It might be that 250,000 is a bit high?
  3. Yes this was discussed a bunch in several threads... It's a good midpoint, 1605 and then change of direction to Prax an Pavis... There's a scenario Beyond the Building Wall which could be modified to happen thereafter, I think it was in TotRM.... Thank you. There are a few scenarios in Nochet that involve Lunar espionage of sorts to be integrated as well.
  4. Sorry if I wasn't clear, not looking for items long before the printed campaign starts, looking for ties from 1600-1602 prior to the invasion so the PC's end up at Red Cow when the invasion occurs, are a sort of victim of circumstances and get drawn into the conflict as they like Orkarl and dislike Lunars. I'm not so worried about his age, just connections between Red Cow, Heortland, Clearwine and Apple Lane, obvious items being cattle, smithling and beverages. There is such a good tie between the Red Cow and Sazdorf that leads into the Temple of the Wooden Sword... We'd have the PC's accompany Orkarl during the invasion up the time the Bat arrives at Runequest and escape from there with Orkarl, he's under the East Gate? We have not sorted out if they would continue with fighting against the Lunars in the invasion after that point or they flee south towards Esrola or the Heortland?
  5. I suffered from extreme Rune Quest Rejuvenation during Covid. I am utterly addicted again. Chatting and getting input by those who auothered the supplements we gamed with in the 80's really puts a smile on my face. As long as you go with YGWV as a rule there is no limit to the fun you will have. Having been out of the game for a while I find the following very helpful: https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page It's a great search tool as is: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/ I haven't really gotten into the best way to search this source well yet but it has even older info that generates huge numbers of rabbit holes: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/GloranthaDigest/
  6. "Couple Bellys" seems pretty cool. (His nickname is an inside joke about a college football lineman who played for Auburn and was in the Gator Bowl a long time ago. Huge guy with a big ole belly that shook when he laughed. A great guy.) https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Orkarl_Bellylaugh Survived Runegate and has a brother named Shieldbreaker... since he survived Runegate, maybe he was also under the east gate which survived? Would love to know more about Mr. Shieldbreaker, likley he was very large, ate Royal Jelly 2-3 times and dabbled in trollball maybe? If trade is established, exported Red Cows(?) and the PC's from Backford happen to be at Red Cow when the call to arms happens, they might be asked to fight for Sartar and follow "Couple Bellys" to Runegate? Looking for ties between Heortland and Red Cow from 1600-1602 and beyond. Trade as noted with the cows above is always there but since Mr. Bellylaugh has met and developed a relationship with with Mistress Sazdorf I am wanting to make a relationship with him and the PC's which leads into the Wooden Sword happenings at Sazdorf a bit later. He was brought back to life with Kesta's Splendorbread, this is where the inquiry on the other thread came from. It could be the PC's are tasked with getting the ingredients for the bread together either for themselves or a patron. I also noted a great troll bouncer at Red Cow who may introduce the PC's to trollball? (Likely the timing isn't the right year per canon Glorantha but who's to say he's not hanging around Red Cow in 1600, long before the Lunars have Erinala Goodale build the Inn? Ties between Heortland and Red Cow-Jonstown... maybe they like Clearwine and so all 3 are linked in some sort of trade loop. Backford, Karse, Sun Dome, Clearwine, Jonstown, Wilmskirk? Not sure if they'd skip Boldhome or not. Any creative, positive input is much appreciated! Think of it, win a giant as a friend, long term friend honest friendship with promises to take him to meet Orta once again? Maybe he wants to travel and see the world with the PC's, likely he'd find a girlfriend in Balazar and would be forever grateful? The potential to recruit a great troll to be your trollball goalie is also a real win assuming no one has a anti troll geas!?
  7. What is the recipe? Is it like magical bread pudding with caramelized brown sugar and some apple on it? Also don't the trolls of the Rubble have an oven or table that is magical? Since they won't tell I imagine ingredients: 3 cups divided granulated honey from the Grub Farm. 5 large beaten eggs from the garden hens of Godunya in Kralorela. 2 cups milk from the Red Cows. 4 teaspoons divided vanilla extract. (What would this be in Glorantha?) 3 cups cubed allow to stale overnight in a bowl Gingerbread Man bread. (Who's the guy that runs around and dinosaurs come to eat, he's made of bread?) 1 cup packed light brown sugar. (more Grub Farm honey or substitute - ideas?) 1/2 cup melted, plus 1/4 cup softened Red Cow butter. I also assume we'd need to ground flour of seeds from Flamal's garden? Maybe initiates are somehow able to get some of these seeds from the women's side Hero Quest when Ernalda meets Flamal... as a plot hook for future. Flamal offers some seed to Ernalda, yes actual seeds for plants to take with her...) 1 cup chopped pecans. (I'd prefer apples and some raisins.) What Gloranthian magical fruit would be a good substitute? When its baked 80% sprinkle the honey and Red Cow butter in clumps on top for extra taste. It maybe be shaped into cookies for easier future distribution?
  8. Does anyone know anything about the Ontuli Caverns which holds a Mammoth Troll Skull. Minaryth Purple needs guards while conducting his field study into Dagori Inkarth there... what year might this have happened if anyone ventures to guess? Uz Lore p.51 If we make it pre Sartar Invasion it'll be easier to travel to-from and it makes sense that Min P. is still out and about in the field in his younger days? Amandhall is a good stopping point.. From Jonsotown with Min P its about 23 miles to Wark's Hotel, another 23 to Alone and another 15 to Amadhall. With the leg from Alone to Amandhall going a bit slower. The same amount of time gets them to Grub Farm and the last day to the caverns with time to set up camp, possibly inside the caverns? I am guessing a walking pace with pack animals its a 10-12 hour day to walk the 23 miles with a few stops for water and food... guessing minimum, of 9 days with an extra day for markets at each stop or possibly 2 days at each it if the trading is going well, so up to say 15 days. Jon Mith needs to get a caravan to Grub Farm and the archeological search in the caverns is an extension of that effort for Min P? Royal Jelly anyone? Into Troll Realms p.28-35 Amadhall - Source: Wyrms Footnotes #15 Home of the Amad tribe. It has four tall fire towers dedicated to Elmal. https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Amadhall https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Amad
  9. For anyone looking: Mr. Jarosch's post/thread calls out several/most Temple of the Wooden Sword original Players... Now to set up a questions/answer forum thread where they fondly recall the events as they unfolded? Thank you Mr. Jarosch.
  10. Last question, when as if I add 30 years to the 1560 date its 1590, I am missing something or soo I am guessing unless 1590 is when Dunstop burned? Thank you once again Jaja!
  11. I am still catching up for missing 10 years of Gloranth and this wonderful Web Site... More on Naimless. From Trollpak p.52-55 - She was seemingly with the first party of Humakti to raid Sazdorf. She accepted the challenge of Taksag to a duel, he gave her a "filty skin of blood beer and a few coppers" when she bested him to first blood in their Humakit duel. This was 1611. Taksag left Sazdorf with Naimless, initiated and was given his first sword by Naimless. Cool to read that Londra impaled the Sazdorf ZZ altar with the Wooden Sword at the end of the battle, 10 trolls immediately vowed to Humakt... Kaltorb is named as one. They "dropped their trollball weapons and took up swords". I think this is an early Rune Quest Glorantha instance that stands out. Who is going to write up the history of the Wooden Sword including all the background on Naimless, Londra and the ugly not so clever half troll (I think it was?). Who played Naimless and Londra?
  12. The idea to cast a disruption at a spirit/discorparate entity is new to me but i like it.
  13. I didn't see any info on this: When was Hungary Jack killed and where, anyone? Did the Black horse Troop take part in Grizzly Peaks, the Sartar Invasion or suppression of the 1613 Rebellion?
  14. I read through this but wanted to be sure... So if a group of PC's are on a "hunt" all discorporate and together, say with 2 shamans, part of the group and they come across a powerful malign spirit who engages one of the shamans in spirit combat: 01. may all the PC's attack the malign spirit in spirit combat and if so what are the penalties to each if any or do they get a bonus as the one being ganged up on cannot defend against so many at once? (Like being swarmed by trollkin in physical combat, can't parry 6 of them?!) 02. may any of the participants on either side use spells in normal strike ranks? 03. what about any magica weapons (not physically with them as they are discorpate) may they attack with them if their body is holding them in its catatonic state? As we always played one on one spirit combat its was really bad for any PC who didn't have spirit block etc. to protect themselves... Thanks!
  15. Does anyone have a source for total estimated casualties both military and civilian for the Sartar Invasion of 1602? What about the Bat at Runegate, Whimskirk, Boldhome? The 1613 Rebelion? What about the full conflict from 1602-1625 or so? When I look at 1602, Building Wall, Pavis, 1613, Whitewall, the Great Winter, Dragon Rise etc., is it about 250k all in over the 25 or so years? Sorry if I missed the thread if there is one.
  16. If you are going to have to pay, simply pay the Lunars half the amount to pick a fight and kill the guy, take his head so they can't be resurrected... done and done. You save money, have no repercussions and bestly - much more better you don't have to embarrass yourself writing and orating bad poetry! Orlanthi are bullies, they take what they want from weaker groups, land, cattle, spouses... nearly every publication has cattle raid... it's like the Hatfield–McCoy feud on most clan boarders the way it has played out over the years, on top of that the Lunars have incensed the clan squabbles and made it easier. Divide and conquer. The Orlanthi deserve what they get based on their inability to be united.
  17. Erol of Backford


    Wasn't in the purple juice, or I mean the big soup bowl?
  18. Hold the lead cross i your hand, somehow place a glue 10 on it so you don't drop it, set an intensity 20 light spell mounted on your relic Yelmalian Helm with light-wall extension 10 then walk into Black Rock with your sunglasses on, free all the slaves, take all the treasure and feel good about it.
  19. I also was wondering this last week about the cylinder, (I just got the book myself 2 weeks ago) I thought possibly it's simply left as something a GM is able to create as a future plot hook, a scroll case, possibly a map to an adamantium column in a cave complex the Gold Learners were looking to exploit (Rainbow Mounds as an idea?) maybe it's a scroll with an immortality spell but the case could not be opened without knowing an verse in Auld Wyrmish which needs to be discovered? It might be left intentionally vague/blank and lets us place any number of plot hooks into the series. Good stuff!
  20. Erol of Backford


    So reading in Six Seasons (loving the book BTW) there is an episode related to Hazia. Wondering if anyone has intercepted a large shipment and burned it with other flammables assisted by air elementals to smoke out and or intoxicate and a fort or pallasaided village? What would the intoxicant's influence be on the population in general and more importantly would it generate detrimental effects on the combat abilities of the inhabitants? Similarly with some of Oda Nobunaga's campaigns where he used fire upwind of a fortified town and smoked and burned them out via flaming embers blowing into the settlement. Additionally Hideyoshi had actually built a dam to flood out a fortress in a low narrow valley, what sort of battle techniques (Building Wall being a great example) do we have that are known in Glorantha... again what would Hazia do to the abilities of combatants? Would it be like marijuana or something more potent? I suppose confiscated Hazia could be used to smoke out a cave complex if done correctly? Would it also have an impact on chaos tainted creatures like Broo for example?
  21. Don't like to be cursed or in case I am misunderstanding not detecting as chaos? I am assuming the character isn't, I ate bear meat at a wild game night once years ago (they had signs up no road kill but I wasn't sure as my friend got sick from the opossum goulash...) and I wasn't tainted with chaos?
  22. Maybe his giant woman only wants him to listen and not actually solve the cradle problem...
  23. Sadly just a normal Rathori. But was sleeping under the ban, woke in the Yellow Bear Hills and so is now wandering and even plays a flute...
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