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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. I'm interested in how you get round the lunar duck bounty - "no we're ducks in the pay of the empire, we're not the outlaw ducks really, we're on a secret mission for the empire, of course I can't tell you about it, can we go now." Fantasy time - I'd like to see a montage of the group as a @Quackatoa piece done ninja turtle style but ducks, sort of the Coders as badass ducks 🙂 (with apologies to the original artists)
  2. I just want to flag that the Praxian Sun Dome is not full of Praxians, The Praxian Yelmalio cult is based out in the Wastes and is much larger than the sun dome itself. It’s interesting that both cultures dislike foreigners, which may be due in part to an uptake of Praxians historically and their occasional rule. Perhaps @MOB could speculate.
  3. I'd say the section in the Homelands on page 108 pretty much answers it: self-sufficient would answer that for me, and not Orlanthi but Heorling culture/yelmalio - so completely autonomous and have their own cult customs. Other sun domes - Yes as this is the one the others look to. (avoiding pointing you at stuff you might not have)
  4. I'd talk to @Rick Meints about that rick@chaosium.com
  5. Spreading and stacking aren't relevant as neither are mentioned on the RQ PDF page. Final Difference to Pay = Full cost - (RQ coupon*) + (Bestiary coupon*) + (GM Screen coupon*) * if you were sent a coupon from your PDF purchase from Chaosium prior to the books being published. Could @Rick Meints or @MOB correct me if I have misinterpreted. COMPLETELY MADE UP EXAMPLES - I DO NOT KNOW THE REAL COSTS: you pay £60 + P&P = £120 for the slipcase set - £20 RQ coupon - £20 Bestiary coupon - £20 GM Screen coupon or you pay £100 + P&P = £120 for the slipcase set - £20 RQ coupon plus you would get the two pdfs you don't have for free)
  6. Yes! From the bottom of : https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-pdf/
  7. From Cults of Prax I alway though that the Kuschile Horse archery skill gave it away, and that everyone else was mounted.
  8. If on the web in some form, it's likely part of a discussion and info from copyright work can be quoted for those purposes. If based on published works, it's derivative and so therefore can't be published without the permission of the owner, or in another way by licence. Being on the web, doesn't make it free or in most cases even legal. Just look at scribd and 4chan.
  9. I imagine it's like Polari. Used by theatricals, etc, I used to listen to it on a radio series called round the horne. It's a cryptodialect like cockney rhyming slang. If you're offended by Bilingsgate, don't read on https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2015/01/14/polari/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yEH8TZUsk I'd suggest it's a crypto dialect of Tradetalk.
  10. The problem here is the Sun Dome in Prax is seen as the norm. They were invited in from afar and are unmounted. I'm sure elsewhere its different.
  11. from within Yelmalio as well, Rurik Runespear himself has had the Vision of the Many Suns (11L p159), along with Monrogh Lantern:
  12. In working with Jeff on cults for a long time, there are a couple of things that have become clear to me. The main one is the overcomplexity of cult writing. You can see this in the history of RQ cults, cults of terror holds some of the worse examples (thanayter, vivamort) and Caladra and Aurleion. Using donander as an example: I'd certainly start with the character gen version of his cult using step 6 in RQG. No mythology need, keeps it simple. What small list of skills and spells does he give What are his runes so he's an entertainer god with a tiny following, other gods exist that fulfil some of his roles - I'm sure there are plenty who teach dance. If you want a spy angle to it, have a cult hero fills that niche, same goes for troll entertainers. Hero cults step on no toes and are very local. Finally I'd go with What does he do Why does he do it
  13. This looks like a lost in translation moment. Too specialist means too specific, too exact... @simonh is correct. for example, if you decided that the shamans hunters' camp should be a place just outside of runegate fort by the river, they'd have to travel there by spirit from where ever they are. By keeping it as any hunters fire makes it much easier to use. Using skyriver titan also gets round that problem as its related to the major waters of sartar.
  14. They expire as they are normally for a fixed time and some maybe renewed under some circumstances, others are one offs. Often you have to sell a minimum to make it worthwhile. there are always many clauses to protect both sides. Some allow early removal of a licence. Ultimately someone has to pay someone else and often there's not the money, or no profit. Have a look at some of the Chaosium licensee kickstarter announcements that have been made in the last year as examples. It is and RuneQuest is owned by Moon Design, who are now part of Chaosium. Look at the info on the RQG info page: Given who are the owners and that they are inside Chaosium, I see it very unlikely that there is licence to expire or loose.
  15. if you like. However I'd suggest keeping it simple. It also depends on the homeland, which Orlanthi? The Praxian places form a giant map that overlays the Middle world and interlink. I'd suggest: Bulldry: Stormgate (also present in Prax) A area where shaman can enter the storm world Daka Fal's Fire: keep this, it could be the original place where orlanthi survivors entered time in the maps in the guide or it's the clan hearth. Earth Camp: keep this - make it a local earth temple or feature - eg. Kero Fin or Shakers temple Hunters' Camp: Keep this, it can be any where there are hunters. - it's always hidden. The Roost: a local spirit place like the chalk man in the Sartar companion Serpent Ground: a river that has some storm mythology. Perhaps sky fall lake, skyriver titan, parent of all the Sartar rivers. If you make it to specialist, when they are away they will have to travel to reach them.
  16. Tapping spirits for magic points (in RQ terms ) was almost certainly the way GLs powered stuff. Shamanism is the practice of dealing with animist spirits. There's clearly a way of dealing with spirits in a sorcerous fashion. Animism says the everything has a spirit (defined in RQ as your POW). sorcery is an easier way to deal with spirits as it avoids the whole CHA limitation..
  17. This balances out shaman and rune levels. I see no problem with this other than the bookkeeping. Having played a kyger litor shaman priestess in RQ3, you certainly need this for snake pipe hollow. Also before you reach this kind of power, you will have started funnelling stuff into your heroquest self, so Id imagine you'd be more powerful. For me - this is RuneQuest.
  18. Before you go to far, currently in the GoG draft Donandar: Donandar forbids no spirit magic or sorcery. The cult provides Bladesharp, Coordination, Glamour, and Heal at ½ price. Donandar provides the following Common Rune Magic to all initiates: Divination, Extension, and Sanctify. In addition, initiates can learn the following special cult Rune spells: Harmonize, Illusionary Motion, Illusionary Sight, Illusionary Sound, and Switch Places. and I think all of the enchantments. No associate cults, but Skovari, Molamin & Drogarsi are subservient.
  19. They are places in the Praxian spirit world, here is an edited down entry for each: Here is the current full version of the Great Herd Many of these places are starting points for cult heroquests. But these are all normal parts of Praxian spirit world (and many more). Hunters camp and earth camp likely exist in other traditions too in their own form. All of these places have an associated Middle world place. The shaman will likely hold a big ceremony at the middle world place and visit then. For example, the Great Herd would be done inside the shaman's clan herd, Bulldry under the Raging Storm, The Roost near a sacred dead tree (there are likely many).
  20. It’s already bookmarked (GoodReader on my iPad)
  21. Generally speaking these kind of sheets only work properly with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. If you have one of them installed, it’s likely you have the adobe plugin installed in your browser, which means the sheet will work there too. macOS’s Preview is a very simple viewer and very unlikely to do anything useful with a sheet such as this, it only supports PDF 1.5 and a few extras, calculating stuff starts at version 1.6.
  22. I love Anathema, it’s great for getting straight in a game of Exalted, all the calculations done for you, I loved its expandability. I hope the RQG one is as good. https://anathema.github.io/
  23. So looking at the two parts of this: That’s the players frame A victory is a victory, the players win. The guards are permanently silenced. marginal to me means they only just did it, it was a struggle. Hands over the guards mouths while the heroes struggle to kill them. Not a clean/fast strike. If you want to take the story with this, perhaps one the guards shouts out before dying, before being silenced. But only if that will add to the story.
  24. I'm using Readdle's PDF Expert and it looks good. A few bugs: Elemental runes can't be more than 100% (the rules give me the impression they can) can't have stats lower than 3 (aging)
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