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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Some of you maybe interested in Greg's take on Wyters from 2002. While an older document, it may give some insight into how wyters work. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/wyter-questions-2002/
  2. The link says Schools. As @jajagappa's link says, they have different areas of expertise. Think of them like historically established universities (like Oxbridge in the UK) with their different colleges, each with their own areas of expertise, rivalry and traditions. Don't forget that we also have other groupings, Completionists who collect and study foreign writings (including sorcery), and Ivalists who destroy all sorcerous writings, plus those who destroy the most dangerous sorcery but study that which is not tainted by Gbaji. See Sartar, Kingdom of Heroes page 163 or HQG page 176. @jajagappa are The Charterists, Ivalists (or is it just a local name for the same movement)?
  3. Not as far as I can see in the three core Pavis books. Brygga is an Ernalda initiate. You're thinking of "Brygga Scissortongue is holding surreptitious Orlanth worship in her home on Rich Hill - general rumor." Where as an Ernalda initiate, she would be participating as a lay member.
  4. TLDR - No. Looking at the Guilds in the three core Pavis books, it's clear they are occupational and semi-political groups. There is of course a spillover into the cults present and some of the guilds appear to be the city version of a normal cult. This is clear in at least the Alchemists, Bronze, Merchant, River & Stonemasons guilds (note that if there is a legal alchemists guild, my belief is that it's still a front for the Lanbril cult, Pavis is too small for two alchemist guilds). The high priest of the cult is likely to have a wyter and so and by association so do those guilds. The other guilds, I would say no. They are headed by initiates of other cults (Hallarax is likely a Donandar cultist or similar, as well as a Zola Fel initiate). Depending on who is head of what will confer a wyter to the guild. For Example when Valerina leaves Pavis, an issaries priest will likely take over, who may well have a wyter. Format Cult (associated cult) - Head of guild (cult membership) - Wyter? Alchemists’ Guild (Lanbril) - Yes, Lanbril. Bronze Workers guild (Gustbran)- Kalf Haldelson (priest of Gustbran) - Yes, Gustbran. Cloth and Leather Workers guild - Byrgga Scissortongue (Ernalda Initiate) - Currently no. Jeweler’s Guild - Kolli the Portly (Flintnail Initiate) - Currently no. Merchant Guild (Issaries and Etyries) - Valerina the Peddler (priestess of Etyries) - Yes Etyries. Minstrel’s Guild - Hallarax the Singer - - Maybe of Donandar based on Hallarax's cult status. Riverman’s Guild (Zola Fel) - Hallarax the Singer - Yes, Zola Fel. Stonemason guild (Flintnail) Ginkizzie (priest of Flintnail) - Yes, Flintnail. Tanners Guild - unknown. Thieves’ Guild (Lanbril) - Yes, Lanbril. Weapon-masters - Derenx the Handsome (Humakt initiate) - Currently no.
  5. Also available here with all the other handouts (clan questionnaire, PDFs, etc)
  6. We also know what he is made of - see the patchwork god in Prince of Sartar.
  7. Here's a map of the UK / Dragon Pass overlaid. It was made by Colin Driver who created the Guide / AAA maps for a map talk at Dragonmeet. It's the UK as the Con we were at was in the UK and Colin and myself live there. I'm sure there's a US and continental European one somewhere.
  8. Just like in Pendragon, passions and runes are guidelines on how adventurers act. Only at 80% can a GM force them to act by getting the to roll a passion. 75% is not a strong passion, the player is still in full control. I would always suggest that players use their passions as to how their adventurer would react. So: ask the player if they have fear Dragons, if so ask them looking at it's value, what do they want to do. In the above case 3/4 of the time they will act fearful, 1/4 not. What do they do now in this situation? It's entirely up to the player what to do confront their fear or maybe run. If they don't know how to react, I alway suggest they make a roll themselves. Then act based on that. If they decide to act, attacking the dragon and win, I'd give them a check on their fear dragons - the understanding being that they can reduce the value or just let them reduce it there and then, either roll a die or i'd give them an amount based on their actions. If they run (or what ever) i'd give them a check, so it can go up. I do have players who do option 2, with honour, or what ever is appropriate, however it's much more "dangerous" as you have two dice to roll and so more chance of it going wrong and mixing it altogether. Pitting a rune against a passion is not a trivial use of a rune.
  9. Once you've built it, inside, the dome is "the shining light of the sky when both the sun and night are absent." It's supported by the prayers and sacrifices and is Yelmalio himself. Once you've got the real world shape up, sanctified it and start worshipping in there, it takes on a structure of its own. I can imagine once the dwarves of Pavis had put the last piece in, the world machine took over and it became the sky dome itself - the perfect sky of Yelmalio.
  10. In the mythology of Glorantha, I don't believe they are separate things.
  11. I mean, all things aside, so's the Red Moon? But the Red Moon wasn't visible at the Dawn. I'm questioning it being a construct. It was there in the sky.
  12. As an associate cult of Odayla LADY OF THE WILD Odayla’s wife provides Transform Self. Her shrines are scattered throughout the wilderness of Dragon Pass and the Pelorian hills. --- While deriving a cult from a single NPC is always a recipe for disaster, in the The Smoking Ruin, Hadra FleetMane is an initiate of her cult. Rune magic is all common Rune spells, plus Axis Mundi (1 pt.), Beastmaster (2 pts.), Draw Beast (1 pt.), Summon Household Guardian (1 pt.). There is also Clatter Hoof, an Initiate of Velhara, the Lady of the Beasts. As a Minotaurs he disdains magic, the NPC has none. --- Looks like there are a few ways of worship her. Minor cult, associate cult and spirit cult. As Velhara is a daughter of Kero Fin (so sister to Orlanth) there's likely a few more shirines around Kero Fin. Maybe some of the Orlanth Adventurous cart temples have a shrine to her with an associate spell.
  13. I recommend Sartar KoH, it covers some major Lismelder mythology including Queen Lismelder, Indrodar Greydog and Indrodar's Necklace. The PDF is only $20 and includes an epic campaign to the Underworld. https://www.chaosium.com/sartar-kingdom-of-heroes-pdf/, likewise the companion, has a Lismelder adventure in it.
  14. See also https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/moondesign-com/old-moon-design-glorantha-questions-forum/the-lismelder-clan-transcript/
  15. The Lismelder clan were developed by David Hall and Jon Quaife in the 90s and were the background for the Tales of the Reaching Moon crew. @Nick Brooke, myself and others played in the campaign of which much was published in Tales of the Reaching Moon. Parts of it have made their way into official publications through arcane path's (Rick Meints did the layout for later issues). Were the Lismelder Lunar pro-Lunar, no. Did they work for the lunars, yes. Was it their choice, sort of yes, sort of no. Was this all part of gaming group nonsense, yes. Do the lismelder have a Yelmalio clan, not when I was playing. But it's your game, do what you want. The Lismelder's strength over the undead is their link with Humakt. He is the tribal wargod and the Lismelder have Indrodar's Necklace in Goodsword Lands. See the whole adventure in Sartar Kingdom of Heroes about the Sword. Was Harvakd the Hairy eaten at the Dragonrise, I hope so. I was Branduan, I should rightly be chief! What! Jeff Richard's game was based around the Orlmarth, the Greydog's enemy. Jeff sullied Branduin's reputation by making him Killer Branduin. David Hall says regarding this:
  16. I'm assuming you've read the section on Dunstop in RQG, page 129. It's the second city of Lunar Tarsh, so yes. As above, Fazzur Wideread of the Orindori clan. They are the sample clan for Lunar Tarsh on page 129. RuneQuest Glorantha Section on Dunstop Look at the 1625 events. Vostor Son of Pyjeem - is from Dunstop Guide to Glorantha Population 5k in 1621. King of Sartar There's some history, but importantly it tells of Annstad, Fazzur's son, who Argrath gives Dunstop to. There's the cool final battle with him and Jar-eel in 1638 (I won't spoil the end). Glorantha Sourcebook Annstad and Dunstop have a small sections here.
  17. That's certainly one of the outcomes mentioned in the scenario: My players did neither. No one wanted broo in their village.
  18. There are likely loads like this, but it's a major archeological dig to uncover them. That said Hardy's site is a goldmine.
  19. We are also fortunate that we have Greg's comments on subjects like this Have a look at https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2010/12131.html https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2010/12171.html https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2010/12178.html https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2007/3779.html
  20. Okay, HQG, page 181, Iphigios the Crafter (Moon, Illusion), also associate god of Hwarin Dalthippa (Jillaro & Glamour). Although you could likely make up your own craft god who could do the same.
  21. If you read through the adventure in the Sartar Companion, it tells where Gringle went after Apple Lane - Nochet. Remember, Gringle is old, he was a was a companion of King Tarkalor and lived in Apple Lane for 50 years, having founded it and Tarkalor had the temple built. Tarkalor was crowned in 1568, so with Gringle aged 20-30ish, Gringle would be 80-90ish in 1627. He's likely moved on, and as he's has been on many HeroQuests, he can likely be found in the Underworld as an Issaries hero, acting as a psychopomp, dealing with hero wars victims and dealing their magic items out of them. If you can find him, I'd have him teach Evaluate Magical item (0%). Or perhaps the shrine in Apple Lane suddenly starts having Evaluate Magic item as a 1pt rune spell (Same as Analyze Magic, but Harmony rune, non-stackable)
  22. I think the clue is the picture on page 66, although that's mould rock, the next step is Breath life into art. I know the answer, but this is more fun - there's one reference to my knowledge of the god and runes, but other references to just the god, who will find it first!
  23. Always put armour on before a fight. If you try to do it at the start of a fight, you will likely be on the loosing side. Although this is specific, it gives an excellent insight.
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