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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Likely as part of her mythology. Hon-eel the dancer likely gained Charisma on one of her many heroquests. You can read up on her in the Glorantha Sourcebook. It's clear to me that's why she has Charisma. It's subject to the Lunar cycle as are all Lunar magics. Rune spells are an expression of a god's mythology. Don't forget Lunar gods are ascended humans, so their mythologies aren't as deep. So a shorter version of all this would have been - I have decided that in my Glorantha the Lunar pantheon should have better access to the Charisma spell.
  2. Yes. Yes. MGF page 6. Bear in mind you have to get near enough Redeye, yes, Rune spells have a range of 160m, but Pig Hollow is dense woodland. You can also boost your Rune spell with mps to give yourself an edge over an identical strength spell (page 248). This would be a cool magic showdown - Xiobalg and Yanioth vying for control of Redeye, while adventurers and tusk riders cower...
  3. My players find Gooseberry the least interesting. Some played in the Sartar campaign in Sartar KoH and it has naturally made them awkward around ducks.
  4. Yes, it's part of their mythology. I don't recall any 7M having a seduction aspect. Hon-eel has it though, along with the Twin stars and the spirit cults; White Bull and Dolphin sister.
  5. I never tell them the value. If they succeed in evaluate, I tell them the name from the Gems/Jewelry Table in RQ2, and give them the range. eg Excellent Gemstone 300-1800L. Then it's down to bargain. Removing the cost stops the D&D players equating it with experience points. I agree
  6. Not yet I worked on the Spirit magic and Praxians in HQG. I continue to work on shamanism in Glorantha. Page 141 deals with when ability rolls should be made: if the answer is no, then it's an automatic success. See also
  7. I'd really recommend you play a game of Fiasco and some Drama System. Look at some TV shows based around village life. My secret is that I use use Little House on the Prairie as my basic model but don't tell anyone... For my players, I slowly introduced the villagers. For the initial adventure, I focussed on Aileena, and used her as the classic "we are helpless villagers save us". The next group they got to know were the tenants. Ma Rotroot is a classic "so what are you going to about that then". I had one of her sons be kidnapped by the baddies and the other has a terrible crush on one of the characters. Hendroste was the next, he looked after the mounts and his wife became the centre of attention during the Ernalda holy week. None of the players realised that she would give birth on the final day and one was literally left holding the baby. Overall I treat it like a TV series, focus on one person at a time and their associated world. Player start to rely on them. One wanted some armour made and they only then realised there was no smith. Then the villagers talk about the previous smith and that storyline develops. I've played a lot of Drama System and HeroQuest, so having each person on a card, and having them in an episode order comes easy. I make notes on their interactions with the player (a text file) and write down their opinion of the adventurer. 1. Defending Apple Lane - Aileena - main contact, Ma Rotroot antagonist 2. Trip to clear wine - Kareena - guide, Asborn don't let the family down 3. Cattle Raid - Heortal - guide and background, Cara general trouble (Cara becomes the thane's serving girl...) 4 etc. Another big part is that some of the adventurers are local Hiordings and related to the chief, the former thane and Asborn. Two are now nobles and expected to step up and deal with stuff. All the village stuff happens in seasonal downtime. I leave the time flexible - it's five weeks so plenty of space. I make sure I have pictures of everyone to put up on screen (in a previous game physical pics), here's the Uleria temple staff: I have the pictures grouped by location. So when they are there I put them up. If they don't remember the names, they start to give them their own: The priestess, the foreign girl and the nose-ring girl. They call Pramble the old guy, and the Praxian in the group calls Jeena, Baby-Mother. So the occupants of each location have a picture and each tenant farm. Likewise with the chief and ernalda priestess at Swan.
  8. A Praxian Daka Fal shaman would have a spirit world very similar to a waha shaman. Where a waha shaman might journey out to meet Waha himself in the Herd Guard, a Daka Fal shaman would work around the great fire at the centre of the herd and summon ancestor there among friends. Waha is the Culture Hero, Daka Fal is the ancestor guide, keep the clan connected with their past. For many Waha is their ancestor. Yes, some shaman can take others with them. They have Shamanic abilities like Spirit Traveller, Discorporate other or even Spirit Snatch. Mostly in great ceremonies, the Axix Mundi is expanded to include all but lay members and everyone is in the spirit world around the fire. Participants never wander off they know they won't return. The Land of the Dead, is a bit more complex as each great/spirit god has their own. They lie beyond Daka Fal's court of Judgement. Even Daka Fal cannot enter another god's afterlife, but he can call them out. You can find more here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/?tab=comments#comment-114593 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/9621-gaining-shamanic-abilities/?tab=comments#comment-141711 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/?tab=comments#comment-114771 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/11950-spirits-in-spirit-world/?tab=comments#comment-182675 Yes, look at a specific version of this from Waha - Call Founder on page 322. A Waha shaman who is also a Daka Fal priest would be able to incarnate a Founder. This is the realm of powerful magics. The summoner would need to be powerful enough to manage it.
  9. See it as feeding them Rune points, they are divine sent so Rune points are ideal food. Once fed they do your bidding.
  10. You only have to roll dice if its a dramatic circumstance, otherwise it's an automatic success, page 141 covers all of this: For example, in my games casting bladesharp before entering combat isn't dramatic , but casting heal on a dying adventurer is. It's really easy to cut back on trivial rolls especially with magic. I've never got my player to roll for repair spells.
  11. Moving this forward. The sorcery depicted by RQ3 was never the Gloranthan sorcery that Greg wanted. As we were preparing the Guide, we started to go through his notes in detail that we now had access to. The West of his early unpublished writing became apparent and one of the key documents we found was the Xeotam Dialogues: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/for-understanding-the-malkioni-approach-to-sorcery-runes-and-gods-the-xeotam-dialogues-written-by/ Ultimately the sorcery of RQ3 will never completely mesh with that of RQG, however you might want to consider: Allowing precasting into an object, so evoke fire (just keep the name) could be stored ready to use in a ring for example and cast on DEXSR plus the usual (RQG and RQ3) plus magic points per SR. Keep it simple Perhaps limit the number of precasts by some factor, and make it a ritual that costs the amount of Free Int in ours so the adventurer has to spend down time doing wizardly things. Just let them have Mastery of the revelant runes and techniques. Just adapt the spells, go through with your player and decide what fits. My players make up spells all the time. Sorcery has not been fully explored yet. You can easily adapt what you have. Keep using RQ3 Sorcery, it won't make a difference, except the 10 / 12 SR difference (maybe) I did too, we initially tested the RQ3 sorcery rules by creating four troll rune levels and doing Snake pipe Hollow. I had an Arkati sorcery who's main weapon was a staff of darkness (form set darkenss) with damage boosting on it. It was still a tough adventure. While I'm sympathetic to problems converting older characters, I'd either just not change or compromise in the conversion. Ultimately is the balance of change worth the effort. In other games, I'm still playing Exalted 2 not 3, Star Wars D6 not whatever the latest version is, MegaTraveller not 5th Ed, it took me 5 years to upgrade to CoC 7th from 4th, etc.
  12. I regularly have sorcerers in my games, they always prepare beforehand. Spells like Boon of Kargan Tor are cast weeks before, Yes. I had a group go into Snakepipe hollow with half the party being sorcerers. Preparation. The Lhankor Mhy sorcerer was really useful at discovering important stuff, no fighting required. We didn't have any runelords. That means they are standing to close 🙂 I've never had one interrupted, they can always make a concentration roll. Depends how your players develop their adventurers. I don't tend to run combat based games, so fighting's never a problem. I regularly ran demo's of RQG for new players, Sorala (the LM sorcerer) is always a popular choice. Here's a third page for Sorala that goes with her Pregen sheet that I use for demos: Once they see Strength + Range + Duration level must be 17 or less, it's straightforward.
  13. It's not even as simple as that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushel... I'd go for a metric bushel, in keeping with RQG, just round it up to 40 litres.
  14. In my games it's only been an issue with beginning adventurers. With three rune points, you can only summon a small elemental and control it. However once you reach 4+, it ceases to be a problem. Squandering rune points using summoning and control was an early learning point for my players. They became much more aware of how powerful the magic was, and how not to waste it. It polarised my players into two types, those that would control and summon elementals, and those who would never bother preferring there magic.
  15. Sword Vale is clearly marked on the Colymar Tribes map of the GM screen pack. It's in the Lismelder lands, the next village south of rune gate on the good ale path. The Good Sword clan are one of the centres of Humakti worship in Sartar (along with the malani and a temple in Bold home). The reference to the Goodsword's, and the six stones temple (aka Indrodar’s Necklace) is on page 55. It's not named on the map, and six stones isn't visible either as it's just off the edge. It's described in Sartar KoH as if you are in apple lane and want an iron smith go there. The other alternative is the Isolting clan of the Malani - page 55 too. However events in Apple Lane may make that difficult 🙂
  16. Is that the tin it comes in and is there a picture with it so as a gift they know what they are making?
  17. Like a lot of (good) small wine producers - I suspect little if any leaves home.
  18. Although Humakt is the only current written source of teaching Craft (Iron) to their initiates, I suspect there may be the odd individual here and there who knows it too. I'd make that a storyline rather than making it a set piece. Humakti, so about 4k in Sartar, mainly in the Lismelder, Malani and Bolhome. You need a minor temple to get all of a cult's special rune magics (enchant Iron), so put a minor temple in each of those places. So that's three plus initiates being trained in blacksmithing, so I'd say 3-6 Swords, plus another 3-6 initiates. Make the blacksmiths the older retired types and that makes sense to me. Yanafal Tarnils can also craft Iron, but none are likely left in Sartar. The Dwarf and his crew will likely smith things for you with a trade or fee. Likewise that's a storyline (see also The Gifts of Stone, for the Dwarf Ridge dwarves in The sartar companion).
  19. By Horsespawn, I assume you mean the Grazelanders, I'm sure their merchant's trade horses when there is a surplus, as would be usual amongst all animal traders - you keep your best. It's going to be regional so I imagine the horse clans of the Colymar export horses too when there's a surplus. The Grazelanders would export south to Esrolia then west as per the trade route map, the Colymar would export north as per the map. They also have different types of horses. FYI, the Guide defines Dragon Pass as Sartar, (Lunar) Tarsh and the Grazelands. The table is a subsection of the Types of Trade Goods section, which defines all the types. Artifacts: Gods Blood crystals, enchanted items, relics of the Gods Age, Truestone, and other magical artifacts are in high demand in every region of Glorantha.
  20. The Guide has Important Trade Goods for al regions covered on page 470. Sartar isn't broken out specifically from DRagon Pass: Imports: Cloth, Herbs, Iron, Spices, Wine, Exports: Artifacts, Bronze, Copper, Horses, Metalworking, Wool.
  21. We've opened up a BRP channel over at the Chaosium Discord for BRP and other Chaosium RPGs - Mythic Iceland, etc. https://discord.gg/cpxhDSGb
  22. https://www.chaosium.com/colonial-terrors-pdf/
  23. Have you considered making this a blog post? and then cross referencing here for comment.
  24. You're right. RQG, page 404, There's a good equivalency of 1 hide = 20 cows = 100 sheep gives 64L surplus after tithe. Ignoring acres is a good idea. I'd like to see other equivalencies for this (geese, goats, fish, etc). Ignoring acres means you don't need to deal with yield per hide, all yields are the same.
  25. As has been mentioned already there is no written form of the language, but some knot writing. I did some sample spirit maps to give some idea of how they work here: Runes are universally used. These are really neat as I did them digitally, but they are likely scratched into a small piece of bone to convey the message, so "Hunting, back in 3 moons" would be the hunting rune and the moon phase. "tribe headed to the Paps" would be the tribe glyph and the Paps glyph. they might have a personal mark before or after or surrounding the message.
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