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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Ah, the new guy! Welcome aboard. I didn't think that Loz had done it.
  2. There is a prize draw, or so I am led to believe. All players (Except for players who are Rune Masters) will be entered into a draw, which will be drawn at the Closing Ceremony. Darren did tell me what the prize was, but I can't remember what it was. Chaosium have been very supportive of the RuneMasters.
  3. I have a real distrust of Yelmalians using short swords as a backup, as he mythically uses spears, he has never beaten up a storm god so wouldn't have taken swords from them. I'd prefer something like the Zulu stabbing spear (iklwa), as it is better mythically.
  4. I wouldn't. Sure, the "normal" way would be for the Odaylan to HeroQuest back to life, but that wouldn't be a HeroQuest, just an ability. By going on a HeroQuest, the Odaylan PC is helping the other PC, guiding him through the Underworld and helping him to return. As a Narrator/GM, my role isn't always to come up with ideas as to why something won't work, as players do that quite happily. Instead, it is to say that something would be difficult and assign an appropriate rating. If the players roll well, then all is good in the world, if they roll badly then they have problems. However, as it's a HeroQuest, which by definition is "Achieving the Impossible", why would I block it from the start? Instead, I'd just make the Impossible a bit harder.
  5. Look at you with all this new-fangled technology. Did your son set it up for you?
  6. Many thanks for this. I'll have to look at the videos.
  7. The beauty of HeroQuests is that you don't have to match exactly. In fact, sometimes you barely have to match at all. Bituran varosh was forced to play Orlanth in the Three Strikes of Anger HeroQuest in Cults of Prax, but he was an Issaries worshipper, so just being a Lightbringer was enough to step in. HeroQuesting, in my opinion, is far more about what you do than what you should be. I know that people say that you are emulating your deity and that you need to follow the HeroQuest exactly, otherwise bad things will happen, but I've been running and playing HeroQuesting for over 30 years and nothing bad has happened to me. Lacking the Movement Rune is not great for a Carting deity, but fine for a Trading deity. use another rune instead, look at what runes the PC has and use them in creative ways. HeroQuests should be dynamic, flexible things, not robotic railroads.
  8. IANAL and Jeff IAL, but I don't think Jeff was trying to shut down the discussion or to shut down people from producing OGL supplements. As long as d100 rules are published under the OGL and the OGL has not been successfully challenged in court, you should be OK to produce supplements or even rulesets. I certainly intend to do so and I am sure other people will. Just don't call them RuneQuest or Mythras, as they are not OGL.
  9. RuneQuestey or HeroQuest, probably, I'm too old to learn a game which wouldn't live up to my expectations.
  10. So, we've got mile long dragons, a giant bat that flies and people are wondering about the physics of using a lance?
  11. Mythras is not OGL and, I expect, never will be. As Loz and Pete span Mythras from RuneQuest 6, it is a very different beast from Legend, which was spawned from RuneQuest 5. I am sure they will tell you why Mythras is better than Legend. The beauty of Legend is that it is OGL and you can write scenarios and supplements using it, without asking for permission from anyone. Mythras has a different licencing model and you must ask TDM for permission to publish a Mythras supplement. Again, I am sure that Loz or Pete will explain the difference and why they have, quite reasonably, gone along that particular line. I am not a Moderator (Too much like hard work and nobody would trust me to do it anyway), but I wouldn't be surprised if the thread was closed, just because Mythras is not OGL and this would be better in the Legend forum.
  12. Yes, as my Signature says, I am Simon Phipp and have been around for, well, a while. I first played RuneQuest in 1982 and, up to last week, played regularly. Hope to resume again very shortly. I wrote the Land of Ice and Stone supplement for Mongoose. Unfortunately, very few people seem to be interested in Old Stone Age roleplaying, which is a shame. I also wrote Merrie England supplements for Alephtar games (RuneQuest, BRP and Revolution, not Legend) and a few things in fanzines and so on. Not a lot, but enough to get started. Mongoose RuneQuest I (MRQI) was released as an OGL set of rules. All subsequent OGL d100 games are based on that OGL offering. In theory, Legend was based on Mongoose RuneQuest II (MRQII), which wasn't itself OGL, but Legend was released as OGL. So, OpenQuest, GORE, Renaissance and Revolution are all based on the MRQI OGL offering. Now, there may be some people who say that Mongoose was not entitled to release either MRQI or Legend under OGL, but it has happened and various games and supplements have been written for d100 OGL games. As for PI and Open Content, you do have to be very careful. I always check which parts of a supplement/rules book has been declared Open Content and which has not. I also am really careful over using certain terms, as terms like "Broo" were not covered under Open Content, so I wouldn;t produce stats for Broo under an OGL, I'd use Chaos Beastmen instead.
  13. In a nutshell, yes. As Legend is OGL, you can use it, or parts of it, or whatever, in another OGL supplement. In fact, you should be able to use bits from various OGL works together, as long as you keep the various acknowledgments. You do not need to ask anyone for permisison to use the Legend rules in a supplement, whether Loz or Pete, Matt from Mongoose or whomever. All you need to do is to include the OGL wording and the relevant copyright wording and you are good to go. It's a shame that Mongoose have not continued with Legend, as I think it's a cracking set of rules.
  14. Hair shirts sound a very Catholic thing to do, I wonder what the Puritan equivalent would be? MIssing Bible Practice, perhaps?
  15. And, as we know, China's a bloody long way ...
  16. So, a WWF mash-up with Steve Austin and Jane Austen taking on Cthulhu, Pride & Prejudice and Bionic Wrestlers, hmmm, not sure if even I could make that fly ...
  17. Fair enough. OK, there's a start, no animals would eat his body, presumably because he isn't dead. So, look at other ways he isn't dead. Dress the corpse in nightwear and put it in bed, perhaps with a partner. Sit the corpse up and give it food and drink. Do not perform funerary rites. Stick him on a horse, propped up, and take him somewhere. All these things show he isn't dead. Sometimes, what happens in the normal world, outside the HeroQuest, is as important as what happens in the HeroQuest. Now, on the HeroQuest, what does it mean to be Dead? You are in the Courts of Silence, so make a noise, shout, sing, bang drums, anything to show you are not dead. Cut yourself to prove you are not dead, as you bleed. Prove that you are alive by showing your manliness/virility, show that you are capable of having sex. Break away from the Courts of the Dead - If you can walk through the wrong door then you must, by definition, be alive. Use Life/Fertility Magic As a bear, show that you are Sleeping, but that might come down to waking up, perhaps use Dream Magic to show that you are Dreaming, therefore Sleeping, therefore Not Dead Make the Court of the Dead into a Cave, Odayla's Cave, by bringing Odayla's cave into the Courts, choose a HeroQuest where Odayla Wakes Up and reenact it in this HeroQuest, thus putting your interpretation on top of the HeroQuest Use Eurmal to wake you up, perhaps by blowing a trumpet in your ear or splashing you with water/ale Don't forget that this is a heroQuest, so uses Magic and Myths. Logic and commonsense go out of the window. If the PC/Player has a good idea then it should work. After all, the alternative, logical, thing is "Well, he's dead so you can't bring him back, as he is not asleep" which is dull, boring and makes the HeroQuest redundant. The whole point of going on a HeroQuest is to do the impossible. You don't necessarily have to have a detailed template, other than "Odayla goes into the Underworld, proves that he is Asleep not Dead, Wakes Up and Returns to the Surface World". Everything else is just fluff, whether it's your fluff or the player's/PC's fluff.
  18. Sounds interesting. One comment before I make some suggestions to your questions, many of the Underworld Journeys share things in common, so there's no harm in sharing things in the two quests. In fact, doing that makes it slightly easier for the players, as they can reuse things and it gives them a sense that they are becoming more experienced HeroQuestors. Having everything new every time you go on a HeroQuest can be a bit dull, as PCs love to use things they have done before. He's a Beast, so perhaps other Beasts? Yinkin on a HeroQuest, Hellhounds, Sky Bears (Dead of course), Lunars opposing Odayla? Add to that the "normal" deinizens of the Underworld, ghouls, ghosts, Dehori, demons, wraiths, chaos monsters, other HeroQuestors and so on. By waking up! Seriously, that might be the simple answer, if he can wake up, using some kind of roll, it proves he is not dead. Alternatively, what can the Living do that the Dead cannot? Can he show that he is breathing? Does he have vitality? Can he have sex? I wouldn't try and think of things that could work. Instead, I'd simply propose the situation/puzzle to the Player and let them work it out. If they can't think of anything, then drop some hints or say "Well, you stay dead, then", if they complain bitterly then drop some hints. If, however, they think of a good way of proving that they are not dead, then let them roll to see if it works, or just accept that it works and carry on.
  19. Well, what do you know? 😉 Thanks for clarifying it.
  20. I know it's a big book, but is Page 2019 accurate? Honestly, I would just assume that 2H Dagger-Axe is an exception to the general rule that 2H Weapons cannot be used when mounted. Keeps it nice and simple. I think you are over-thinking this. People on horseback have used lances for a long time, so I have no problems with lance being used in Glorantha. If they don't use stirrups then they use some other technique. Personally, I don't really care about what techniques people use to get certain effects.
  21. We have a list of games that various players or the GM don't want to play, they currently include: Cthulhu Supers D&D Jane Austen I am sure the list will grow.
  22. Normans often built a motte and bailey castle early on and them built a keep afterwards, so it is quite possible the same happened here.
  23. It wasn't very clear, then, to be honest and I am still not sure if this is the case. That might give him a get out of jail free card, especially if the Doctor reports him to his superiors, only to be given a little chat explaining the facts of life.
  24. There is a lot of confusion between the GM Screen Pack and the GM Book, probably because they both begin with GM. The GM Screen Pack looks like it contains a Screen (Which I will never use), some scenarios and a short version of the rules. The GM Book will contain long-awaited HeroQuesting rules. I am looking forward to the GM Book, but will buy the GM Screen pack if it comes out on PDF.
  25. Sorry you feel like that. I find it a very useful site, with a lot of friendly and helpful people.
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