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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I would run it like a job interview. First, there is the bureaucracy, there must be a vacancy, or opening, unless the Adventurer makes the vacancy. Second, there is the old boy network, which an Adventurer needs to crack in order to get a chance. Bribery works well here, as does proving yourself through words and deeds. Third, there is the Interview. This is abstracted by a test of the average of POW, CHA and Bribery, multiplied by 5. However, I would run it as a proper job interview with interview-like question. "So, Shadwell Full of Rage, what can you bring to the Bull's Bellow Temple? You face a gang of Broo and one runs away, do you chase the fleeing Broo, so it doesn't get away, or do you face the gang? What are the signs of a Vampire infestation and how would you defeat Vampires?"
  2. This is how I would go. For me, it is better for the Adventurers to be at the heart of things, taking part in them, rather than being on the sidelines looking in.
  3. soltakss

    Maran Gor

    If you are interested in the Tarsh Exiles, these are great resources. In my opinion, Maran Gor is THE scary Earth Goddess. Sure, Ty Kora Tek is the Goddess of the Dead, and Babeester Gor is the Goddess of the Vengeful Earth, but Maran Gor is scarier than both of them. She is like the Earth version of Shargash, unruly, violent and vengeful, with a dollop of Underworld magic thrown in.
  4. Yes, it is awesome and can be a really creepy scenario, especially if you use the children in a creepy children way. It can be a good investigative scenario, unless the Adventurers miss all the clues. Yes, that is exactly how I would do it. Assume that the major NPCs have Runes at 70%-90% and make Passions up as you go. It really makes no difference where it is physically located, as long as it is in an out of the way backwater, so you should be fine. I have added Spoilers, as per @Bill the barbarian's request. Bill: You do know that Players can just clock on the Spoiler and they can see the text, don't you?
  5. No, just use them from RQ2 and they should be good. I never liked them, really, as they are useless against people with good armour.
  6. No, but it could be a really cool Ability to gain from a HeroQuest.
  7. That's the way it used to be, and the way that I prefer it. I am not really keen on the "everyone has to have a father" approach, but I suppose Lodril is as good as any. In my Glorantha, though, they have no father. Tada's Cudgel, Lodril's Mattock, Doburdan's Addi, all are representations of the deity's endowment. But, he can still have shrines that a Lodril worshipper can visit. Some large temples have Shrines to Associate Deities that, themselves, have Shrines to their Associate Deities. Yelmalio is associated with Yelm, so a large enough Yelmalio Temple might have a big Yelm Shrine that has a small Shrine to Lodril. Esrola is an Associate Deity of Ernalda, so Ernalda temples might have an Esrola Shrine that contains a Lodril Shrine. Mahome is an Associate Deity of Ernalda, and her Shrine may well have a Shrine to Lodril and to Gustbran and Oakfed.
  8. That looks really good. Don't you add your Masteries to the number of Successes? So, Player A has 10M and Player B has 18, Player A rolls 11, so scores 0 Successes but add the Mastery to get 1 Success, Player 2 rolls 15 so gets 1 Success, so the result is a tie.
  9. Well, that was absolutely fantastic. Our work here is done ...
  10. Many Orlanthi are weird. There is nothing really wrong with this. Messing with dragons is dangerous but not forbidden. Don't forget Orlanthi poetry: Breath is in everyone: all Air is your friend All Air must move for storm or breeze. Answer the call for assistance Then charge what is fair, in your own eye. Pay all debts, even if it breaks you, Especially those gained in emergency. If you demand payment in your turn You will expect to be paid. Give freely! Do not break a friend. In emergencies a fair man will aid But take praise and cheers for pay. Do it free, they will too. Also: Good greetings in ill times, Friends! No person can risk the world alone. Join others you can share with, They need not be like you. So, Breath is in everyone, they need not be like you. Having a Lunar as a friend is not against the Orlanthi Way. As do many Storm Bull cultists, who are associates of Orlanth. That's how I would do it. If they have broken no laws, the Cult Spirits of Reprisals won't come a-calling and everyone is fine. If they have broken the laws, it becomes obvious when they are punished. People can drum up an excuse and force good people to leave. Alternatively, make it into a divine challenge where the Priest has to prove that Tom is bad and needs to be exiled, and Tom needs to prove that he isn;t bad and the Priest is wrong. Maybe. Sometimes the Clan Ancestors will speak against someone, just because they have taken a dislike to them. Perhaps this is the case here.
  11. That isn't really the founding myth of Glorantha. First there was Chaos. Then Chaos formed itself into a bubble, or an egg, or something. The thing moved and changed, forming great dragons, or darkness, or something else. They changed and devolved, making more and more specialised versions of themselves, until they made something new, water, That also specialised and devolved until it created Earth, same again making Fire, forming a Golden Age. Then Fire and Earth made Air that broke the world. Like the others, Air devolved and became more specialised, but broke the world, letting Chaos in and embracing it. Chaos corrupted the world, almost destroying it, until the Lightbringers healed the world and saved everyone, hooray! There are, of course many variants to that tale. Some have Gods and Anti Gods, some have the right and wrong way of behaving and doing things, blaming all problems on those who took the wrong path. For me, much magic works because it is a reflection of the original God Time act that used that magic. So, Orlanthi can control winds because Orlanth controlled winds in the God Time. Aldryami can send the soul of slain plants to Aldrya's bosom because that is what Aldrya, or High King Elf, taught their people to do. Sorcery works differently, of course, because it is all about the Sorcerer forcing things to bend to their will by using techniques and Runes.
  12. Alynxes singing ... https://www.facebook.com/NowThisNews/videos/1961930730563708
  13. For me, much of Glorantha behaves like the real world, maybe for different reasons. So, winds can blow things over, water flows downhill (unless it magically flows uphill), water freezes and boils, and so on. The theories why these things happen have more to do with very early science than modern-day science. However, life is too short for me to try to come up with any.
  14. I have always played that the air there is really thick and hard to breathe in, or doesn't want to be breathed in.
  15. Yes. Tanglethicket burns to produce a poison gas. Stoorworms, Walktapi, Dream Dragons, and Maladors all have poison gas attacks.
  16. Aw no, that can't be so. Heroes that never ultimately fail.... Tell me you are making a joke Shiningbrow. Or someone else tell me he is correct and Orlanthi heroes are never the losers... Or perhaps Orlanthi do not worship thems that lose (either would truly make me sad... my fave sports hero is mighty Casey!)... I prefer to have heroes that can fail! It's what makes them heroes to my mind. Well off to research this, cause ya know, having a "never failing hero trope" sounds... Orlanthi Heroes can, and do, fail. King of Sartar mentions Karsten Fardrosson when talking about the Lightbringers Quest.
  17. We have this in our upcoming Holiday Dorastor: Moon Elves supplement.
  18. One of those was Aringor Darstalsson, who successfully performed the Lightbringers Quest and brought back Narnarra the Greater, however we know little about either of them,. except that they helped defeat the Shadow Empire and God Learners.
  19. Congratulations! We are all looking forward to this. Perfect timing - enjoy your trip. We'll tell you when it goes Copper/Silver/Electrum/Gold.
  20. I am sure that there are illuminated Trollkin who trace their ability to Gbaji's ripping of Korasting's Womb. It probably doesn't help them much, but they recognise that Light and Dark, Law and Chaos are just different ways of hurting them.
  21. Some people here do not have Facebook accounts, for various reasons, so they would find a subforum useful.
  22. soltakss


    The RQG rules, p 66, have the following items in a Healer's Kit: lotions, ointments, salves, herbs, soaps, razor, tweezers, bandage. So, yes, Glorantha does have soap.
  23. What do you think the Vampire of Gork Hills guarded?
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