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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Ernalda is one of the many Earth Deities at the Paps, not the most important one, but she is there. Sun County should have an Ernalda Temple, as many of the women worship Erlanda.
  2. I ran a Campaign for the HeroQuest game, where members of our existing campaign went on a Lightbringer Quest. So, I ran each Station, or sub-Station, as a single session. It worked really well. @jajagappahas pretty much covered everything in his post. I would expand each Station to be a HeroQuest in its own right, to make it a longer HeroQuest.
  3. River Shamans and sea Shamans would be the Water ones. Jakaleel cultists or Blue Moon cultists would be Moon Shamans. Not really. You could impose a penalty when working with an opposed element, so Darkness Shamans might find in harder to work with Fire Spirits, for example.
  4. The P&BR Companion Series did something similar in the Big Rubble. Many minor cults were forgotten, until their shrines were rediscovered and worship was re-established. Dormal himself did this by contacting some lost Spirits and learning their secrets, allowing him to sail the seas. I would expect that some cults would be quickly re-established, in particular those that Dormal had contacted. Others might take longer, especially if their knowledge was actively suppressed after the Closing. But, no doubt, there will be some shrines that remember the names and secretly worship them.
  5. You are probably better off using the Legend SRD, to be honest. It is a better game and is on a slightly better legal footing, I believe.
  6. Whaddya mean? 🙂 Thanks! You think there won't be stations? Or that certain locations give bonuses to entering the HQ? (which is basically saying... Mongoose took the general idea that's been around for decades, and put some rules to them. I doubt Chsosium will go against those decades). I don't know, I have had no involvement in the new HeroQuesting rules. I am guessing that they will drop a lot of the very mechanical Mongoose stuff, for example a spell to bug out of a HeroQuest. I would think that it would become more of a narrative exercise. Not necessarily. High Level Play does not equate to HeroQuesting. You can reach a high level Adventurer without any HeroQuesting at all, and you can HeroQuest without being at high level. There is value in a supplement that does this, but I am probably not the person to be doing it, as I am too rooted in RQ2/3 tactics, rather than specifically RQM tactics. Also, long fights bore me nowadays, whereas they used to be great back in the day.
  7. That was a good description. What the Adventurers didn't do was to go toe to toe against the Bat, its tongues, eye spit and scream. Instead, they HeroQuested for ways to slow it down, killed the Priests and then got a Dragon to kill it. Binding it was a good touch, as that prevents the Lunars from resummoning it.
  8. I know a lot of people don't put much stock in the accuracy of Wikipedia, but this section, on they as a singular pronoun, is very interesting.
  9. I'd be careful, as translations are quite often excluded. Actually, looking at the SRD, translations look to be OK, as they come under Derivative Material, Open Game Content, and Use/Used/Using, in Clause 1. However, DTRPG can withhold permission to sell on their site if they think there is a danger of a licence being misused.
  10. But, maybe reading a book on HeroQuesting that gives lots of advice on how to run HeroQuests might be the answer? That is why I wrote Secrets of HeroQuesting. When I start writing up HeroQuests. I will be doing exactly that, putting in ways of interpreting the Myths. Our Jonstown Compendium supplement How Humakt Learned to Grieve, does exactly that, it takes a mYth and turns it into a HeroQuest with step-by-step guidelines. So, would you like me to go through the Personalities from Secrets of Dorastor and list the tactics that I think they would use in combat? Would that help? We playtested the NPCs in an RQ2/3 Campaign that lasted about ten years. I am not sure how much playtesting I can do.
  11. Yes, but there is nothing wrong with putting the sinews of another deity, or deities, back to heal Mastakos. After all, what's the worst that could happen?
  12. Haghgrim's sword, Ironbreaker, seems to have a variant of this, in that it will ensure the death of an opponent but causing the irreversible death of its owner.
  13. I got impatient, after all I didn't want to be waiting for 40 years!
  14. Again, apologies for the long reply, I don't get to reply every day. The time taken to cast the spell happens before the spell takes effect. So, it takes 16 minutes to cast the spell, which then lasts for 15 minutes. My thought exactly. I let them see a version of the HeroQuest, with the Stations, if they make a Cult Lore or HeroQuesting roll, otherwise they just get a list of station names. Personally, I don't mind if they have the HeroQuest open in front of them, as it will just confuse them when it doesn't go the way it says in the myth. Agreed. I can see a successful DI replenishing the Rune Points in your Rune pool, but not adding new Rune Points. That is why I don't mind Players accessing source material while playing. Agreed. In my games, I tell the Players things that they should know, not as a long, in-game lecture, but just a quick summary. If they know more, then great. If they forget what I told them then I just remind them again. Yes, the game should be fun. If people think that HeroQuesting to bump up skills/abilities/powers is Not Fun then they shouldn't do it. Personally, I think it is Fun and do it all the while. Which is a really good point. Different campaigns have different play-styles. A Campaign that focuses on Diplomacy will have a different feel to one that focuses on Combat. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different. I would have liked them included in the core RuneQuest rules. That is why I write Secrets of HeroQuesting, to allow people to see rules for HeroQuesting, so they could use them now, rather than waiting for "soon". It depends on what kind of HeroQuest you are doing, and also how powerful your Adventurers are. A boost of +50 is great for Adventurers at 50% skill level but is, by and large, meaningless for someone at 250%. So, I vary the benefits according to the power-level of Adventurers. In any case, skill increases pale into insignificance when compared to Abilities. A good Ability is worth much more than an increase in skills. So, for example. someone who gains "Double penetrating damage against Chaos" will be much better in fights against Chaos than just gaining +50 Sword. Yes, GMs vary in what they hand out and what they don't. People's experiences vary a lot. Thanks for the mention. People should find the sweet spot that suits them. My take on HeroQuesting is not the same as other people's take, but maybe they will find something that works for them. Yes, that is a danger, especially with the RAW Brigade. My motto there is "Houserule and move on". If people don't like something about the rules, change it and carry on playing. Yes, that is one route into Dorastor, and a very good one. I am covering Hahlgrim's War in my Holiday Dorastor: Risklands supplement, that should appear later this year. There aren't any. Some people think that you need special rules for HeroQuesting. I don't. Some people think that you need special rules for High Level gaming. I don't. That is my view, too. If a cult says "You must have this to be a Rune Lord" and you don't have that, you can HeroQuest to prove that the deity allows you to be a Rune Lord despite that. I honestly don't know why some people have a downer on High Level Gaming. The Stafford Library has some excellent books that contain more myths than you can ever need. I am eagerly awaiting official rules, so that I can blend them with mine. I am all in favour of cheating, as long as it is done within the rules. Numbers don't mean that much, to be honest. You don't kill the Crimson Bat by fighting it in combat and parrying its tongues, dodging its eye spit and resisting its screams. At least, that isn't the way I'd play it in my games. The Adventurers could try, but there are better ways of doing it. Hmmm just 2000% afaik? (Enough for 100% crit AND completely breaking the game So, god-like Mostali from before Time break the game when used in normal scenarios? Good, I am not surprised. For me, I was told by Greg Stafford/Sandy Petersen/Steve Perrin (I can't remember which one) that Adventurers on the God Plane divided their skills and Characteristics by 10. I thought that was too much, so I divide them by 5. What that means, in effect, that the normal skill levels on the God Plane become: Novice (125% or less): A skill rating in this range suggests a largely untrained skill. The adage “knows enough to be dangerous” applies well here. Amateur (130–250%): Ratings in this range indicate a little talent, some rudimentary training, or dabbling in the skill. Professional (255–375%): At this rating, the adventurer can make a living using the skill. Veteran (380–450%): Skills in this range indicate advanced expertise. Master (460%+): Ratings of 91% or more indicate mastery of the skill. It is very interesting to see what skill level your Adventurer has when on the God Plane. So, a starting Adventurer is but a Novice on the God Plane. The Diamond Dwarf with a 2000% skill represents an God Plane Adventurer with 400% skill, so very powerful regardless. Those are pre-Time Mostali, not Mostali who have gained those skills. If you have three pre-Time Iron Mostali fighting together on the Mundane Plane, then they should be able to take out powerful beings such as Cwim. After all, they are of the same magnitude of beings. My guess, and it is just a guess as I don't know how the new HeroQuest rules are going to go, is that the new rules won't take the same approach as Mongoose did. They are worth tracking down. Secrets of HeroQuesting has a summary of the rules from other publications. I thought about including the Mongoose material but might have removed them. Hopefully, the examples given in this thread have made them more obvious. I think that 4 years and an adventure every week was intended to be player time, not character time. Yes, sorry, I was talking about our weekly RQ game. That's how I approach my campaigns, as a GM. You could play it like that. In my Dorastor Campaign, I did not have kid gloves. The NPCs were pretty much as written in Secrets of Dorastor, and were as deadly as they appeared. The Adventurers took them out using clever tricks, special abilities, combining abilities and heavy combat. As mentioned elsewhere, when I design an NPC I give zero thought as to how the Adventurers will take them out. That isn't my problem, it's their problem. If they find an NPC that is too powerful to take out in combat they go away and come back with bigger guns (cf Heidi the Hydra) or find another way to take them out (cf The Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven). It is difficult to get a TPK at high levels, due to Healing spells and DI, so that is not a problem. I've never been able to crack that in RuneQuest. In HeroQuest/QuestWorlds it is easy. You give each unit of combatants and they fight as Adventurers, with their magic affecting other units.
  15. We complain about everything. Release a smaller version early! Boo, what about the other cults? Release a text-based version early! Boo, what about the artwork? Release a full version with artwork? Boo, I only wanted a text version. Release a prosperida early? Boo, that is just fluff, we want the full version!
  16. Oh, I see. Probably not, apart from the sheer joy of owning such splendid supplements.
  17. It sounds really complicated to me. Some people won't like even that level of arithmetic. What is it used for? What happens if you fail? How do you roll? In the example above, your Weakness Number is 82, do you roll D100? I am not sure what this means. What do you mean by Victory points in the resistance table? If you use the Resistance Table, what are you matching with what? I just don't understand this step at all, perhaps an example would help. Fair enough. Seems a bit harsh, but it is a HeroQuest after all. Do 5 and 6 also lose 2 POW and 2 CHA? Does 7 mean you lose 2 POW and CHA and gain the Fear passion as well? Aldryami strong in the Plant Rune should get a plant form, same as someone strong in Beast getting a beast form. An Aldryami or Beast person strong in the Man Rune should get a Man form.
  18. I have been playing since 1982, and have been waiting for official HeroQuesting rules for that long, so 40 years now.
  19. I would think that it is the same as publishing a free scenario on a website, which is allowed. So, it sounds as though that would be OK.
  20. The preview copy I have says CHA 15 for Priests but does not mention God-Talkers.
  21. Cult Compendium contains Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror, as well as a lot of cults from other sources, including the White Wolf magazine. It is very well worth buying and I can't recommend it enough.
  22. You can still play her by the rules. If she has a Special Ability that prevents her from dying when she reaches 0 HPs, or stops her going into shock when a limb is torn off, for example, then you are still playing by the rules. Personally, I don't play "Dead at 0 HPs", as I think it is a terrible rule for heroic Adventurers. As I said, the campaign was 25 years, or so, ago, so I don't have specifics. Also, specifics change for each Adventurer and NPC in the combat. What works for Soltak StormSpear would not necessarily work for another character. If it has Stats then you can kill it. If it hasn't got Stats then you can probably kill it. Some people have special NPCs that they think are integral to the plot and that they won't let Adventurers kill. I have never understood that, as it means the plot is so flimsy that killing someone derails it. You use standard RuneQuest rules. Using missile volleys, hoping for Criticals, to ignore armour Boosting your skill level to get enough Anti-Parry to overcome their high skill Using Demoralise to reduce their skills Using Fanaticism to reduce their chance of parrying Combined attacks to reduce their chances of parrying Dispelling their spells (As we said in our game, Dispelling them down to their undies) Having Healing and other healing rune spells on tap, using Allied Spirits Engaging them in Spirit Combat Using Elementals against them (Heatshock causes massive damage,. Fear/Madness can disable or kill them, Opening and closing a pit can break their legs, tossing them off a cliff can hurt when they land, Drowning them might be useful) I didn't, really, as both Dorastor and HeroQuesting have played big parts in my Campaigns. But, sure, you can use HeroQuesting as a buff, in case the Secrets of Dorastor NPCs aren't powerful enough for you.
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