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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. OK, from the Gloranthan Bestiary: From the RQG Rulebook: So, all are open to Baboons, except Eiritha, Waha and Yelm. Even Eiritha and Waha are OK if the Baboon becomes a member of the tribe beforehand. The fact that Baboon Religion is Grandfather Baboon does not mean that Baboons can only worship Grandfather Baboon. They can worship other deities but, as is shown with Mello Yello, there can be obstacles to overcome. PC Baboons can overcome such obstacles.
  2. I have always had special rules for NPCs. They often have special powers, gained from HeroQuests, or special abilities as gifts, or spells that PCs don't have access to, or even different ways of casting spells. Is it against the spirit of RQ? No, not at all. We have always used house rules and invented magical items and powers that are not in the RQ rules. If you just go with what is in the rulebook than you miss out on so much. Similarly, if you only use what is in the core books, or books for RQG, or even books for RQ. I am happy using magic items from Plunder, or from threads at BRP Central, or from someone's website, or something that I have made up. For me, making things up is exactly the RQ Spirit.
  3. You can lose some of the spells by removing Common Magic and losing the multiple uses of spells. I would suggest that most rune levels, in RQ2 certainly, reach CHA 21 fairly easily. Have three rune pools and you have 63 points, which fits your PC. So, use the two cults and have a third one for HeroQuesting, or for a SubCult or something similar, and it works.
  4. I hadn't noticed that. In that case, Sunspear is a woadwearer-Killer.
  5. Oops! Thanks, it didn't copy properly from Word. Corrected.
  6. Lhankor Mhy. Baboon. Ape. Librarian. Ook!
  7. Any Healing Temple will sell antidotes. The more common ones will be everywhere, less common ones will be available at specialist or larger temples. So, I would say that Ernalda, Chalana Arroy, Lhankor Mhy and Seven Mothers Temples would sell Antidotes, as would many shamans and wise folk. The forthcoming Book of Doom has prices for various concoctions: Cost per Potency Cost (L) per POT Concoction Training Base Cost Selling Price Acid Professional 6 10 16 Alkali Professional 6 10 16 Spell Potion Rare 10 15 25 Disease Potion Professional 6 1 7 Cure Disease Professional 6 5 12 Fertility Professional 6 5 12 Healing Professional 6 2 8 Immortality Rare 10 Varies Varies Pain-Killing Professional 6 2 8 Pick-Me-Up Professional 6 2 8 Poison Professional 6 4 10 Antidote Professional 6 5 11 Pow-Restoring Professional 6 2 8 Pow-Blasting Professional 6 2 8 Sleeping Professional 6 10 16 Mundane Common 2 Varies Varies And yes, these prices are relatively high. They are effectively magical items for sale and the price reflects that.
  8. Doesn't Woad provide armour, though? Surely the APs from Woad protect against Sunspear?
  9. That's only 2 cults. Compared to humans and trolls (and even Ducks), Baboons are a lot more restricted/limited for choice. Looking at Cults of Prax, they can join Daka Fal, Storm Bull, Yelmalio, the Seven Mothers, Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy and Humakt, even though Eurmal isn't in CoP they could join that cult as well. Plus many of the sacred societies of Prax.
  10. I am the opposite, twice the Rune points twice the power. But, I have always favoured high-powered games.
  11. To be honest, it probably is not an issue. At my gaming table the rule works one way, at your gaming table the rule might work another way. We are both happy until we game together then the GM makes the decision about how it works. Also, bear in mind that it only affects Stackable shared spells, which is a definite minority. Extension is different, as that is common, but I would allow Extension to be cast using Rune Points from 2 Rune Pools. Divination is different again and I would allow it to be cast from different rune pools, but the question is asked of two deities, so casting Divination 6 using 2 Orlanthi Rune Points and 4 Storm Bull rune Points means you get 2 answers from Orlanth and 4 from Storm Bull.
  12. Yes, it is ambiguous. I read this as the number of points in the spell, not the boosted value. That is my interpretation. Other interpretations may vary.
  13. Don't forget that Grazelanders are two people joined together, Grazers and Vendref, or ground people. The Grazers are the descendants of Pentian nomads and are effectively steppe horse nomads, but without the steppes. Vendrefi are slaves, bound to the earth and servants of the Feathered Horse Queen. I remember reading a description of how the Grazers don't farm, so exact their tribute by hunting the farm animals, so their hunting party sweeps in and hunts the captured farm animals that the Vendrefi helpfully take out and let loose when the Grazers come. so, they shoot domestic pigs, cattle and sheep, catch fowl and so on. Then they ride away with their hunted spoils and everyone is happy. For me, Grazers live in yurt villages. Have a look at the excellent Resurrection Ertugrul TV series on Netflix to see examples of such villages and how they work. grazers prepare hides, weave cloth and make carpets. They don't keep herds of sheep but take wool from the Vendrefi and use them to make carpets, rugs and clothing. Vendrefi live in normal farming houses, maybe Orlanthi-type steads, maybe turf buildings or round houses. Theirs are typical farming communties, but they don;t have a militia or warriors, as they are protected by Grazers.
  14. Oh no, not at all. In fact quite the opposite. The Red Goddess frees Malkioni from their shackles, so allows them to use Sorcery, Spirit Magic, Rune Magic and Lunar Magic. All are allowed and all come under the auspices of the Red Goddess, Third Prophet of the Invisible God.
  15. No, I don't think so. Spirit Screen 1 with 7 MPs boost simply blasts through Countermagic as an 8 point spell. If I cast Protection 4 on top of Spirit Screen 1 then the protection should win, no matter the boost on Spirit Screen. At least, that is how I interpret the rules.
  16. In my Glorantha, the Red Goddess makes up the third side of the Law Rune, with Malkion as its base, Hrestol as one side supporting the Red Goddess on the other side. So, the Red Goddess is the final Prophet of the Invisible God.
  17. Interesting that none of those are in the Red Book of Magic.
  18. If you get a chance to watch the excellent Resurrection:Ertugrul series, caravanserai figure prominently, with much of the business deals being don there, as well as meeting with friends outside the clan and for spies to meet. Because the laws of hospitality don't apply in the same way, you can meet different people and do different things at a caravanserai than in the clan. You can also have secret meetings. We had a troll PC in our RQ2/RQ3 campaign, Derak the Dark Troll (DDT), who was a very genteel, urbanised troll. Whenever the party would visit trolls, they would always do this hospitality thing and he would be mortified by it and would always apologise afterwards, especially when they always did the joke of not mentioning something then slapping the hands of a PC who touched it with "That's mine as well". He normally gave us the heads-up beforehand, so that we would not overreact. I m sorry but I don't understand / know this.. Mongoose RuneQuest, or RQ4, depending on numbering conventions. It was an attempt to reboot RuneQuest that produced a lot of useful supplements for the Second Age but was not critically acclaimed.
  19. Jesus f***. I know, Mostali aren't always pleasant.
  20. Is that in 1 casting? Yes, one casting. For me, casting Shield 2 and then Shield 3 ends up with Shield 3, as it is the bigger compatible spell.
  21. If you have the Magic Points and a good spell, casting a big Spirit Screen also stops the opponent from casting Protection successfully. so, if you cast Spirit Screen 8 then it blasts down most Protection, shimmer and Countermagic spells and needs Protection/Countermagic/Shimmer 9 or Dispel Magic 8 to take it down.
  22. That is the kind of mystery that Adventurers can solve. As a GM, I like to throw things in for the Adventurers to solve without having a clue about what they mean or how the Adventurers can solve the puzzle. They can uncover secrets through play and tell me what is going on, or at least find things that I explain to them on the fly.
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