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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. But, do we need to know how many Strike ranks it takes to glue two things together? Or, rather, should that be in the rules? Personally, I don't really care as, to me, it is not really important. Other people might care and would like it to be in the rules.
  2. The Deities of Glorantha are bound by The Compromise. The Compromise prevents deities from seeing into the future, as they are bound to Time. So, any prophecies that allow you to predict the future must be done outside the Compromise. What lies beyond the Compromise? Chaos. Where is Chaos? Outside of Glorantha. How do you do Prophecy in Glorantha? You go outside Glorantha, through the Chaos and re-enter Glorantha, recording what you see and returning. Who has done this? Dayzatar climbed up the outside of the Sky Dome, looking into the Chaos. He may have taught this to his children. Cragspider seems to have done this, but it is unclear how, maybe she manifested Arachne Solara, who exists outside the Compromise as she made the Compromise. Some Troll Gods might be able to, for example the chap who looked into the Primal Chaos where it gained entry into Glorantha and saw its secrets.
  3. There was a Magical sword Shop in an early fanzine/magazine, it might have been Different Worlds. Basically, you went there to purchase a magical sword with various powers. It felt a bit D&D-like, but was pretty good for Rune Level PCs.
  4. For me, you learn Rune spells by performing rites and rituals that enact how your deity gained the power that allows it to teach the Rune spell. This is effectively a very minor and danger-free HeroQuest. Effectively, you are going to Sunday School to learn about what your deity did and, in doing so, learn to replicate using the magic. Interesting take, that you are depositing more and more of your soul with the deity. similar to shamans storing their POW on the Spirit Plane. Expect the Canon Police to bust down your door any minute.
  5. Interesting, I must have missed (or forgotten) this, where in the rules is this? I am not sure if it is specifically stated, but is definitely implied.
  6. If a spell has been given by an associate cult then it is freely available, as per the terms of the donation. Orlanth provides Flight to Issaries, so all Issaries Initiates and higher can sacrifice for Flight and cast it using their Issaries Rune Pool. It effectively becomes an Orlanth spell. I suppose you could say that Orlanthi actually learn it at the Issaries shrine in an Orlanth Temple, but that still works OK. An initiate of multiple deities that share spells can cast it from either Rune points. In the case of shield, they could probably combine Rune Pools and cast a really big version.
  7. Whatever the GM thinks best and whatever works narratively in the game at that moment. I have use the following. Player: I <do something> GM: Ok, roll <Skill> but with a penalty as it is difficult Player: OK Instead of Player: I want to <do something> GM: Hang on, I'll check the rules. No, the rules don't say you can do that. Player: Oh So, the Adventurer wants to stick the ladder to the side of the Cradle, fine, roll POWx5 but make it -20 because the ladder is moving a bit so it is harder to get right.
  8. Lanbril is a god of thieves, He basically stole his place among the deities. Eurmal performed the Great Theft, that of Death, so he is also a god of thieves. There are also other deities of thieves. Not all thieves need to worship the same deity. Because he does. Why are there several war gods or earth goddesses? Glorantha doesn't just have one deity per function, most functions have multiple deities.
  9. In my opinion, get the new version of RuneQuest (RQG). RQ2 (RQ Classic) and RQ3 were great games, but RQG is better, in my opinion. Sure, there are issues with some areas of the rules, but it is a better-rounded game than RQ2 or RQ3 ever were and has more Gloranthan atmosphere than RQ2, which is sayig something. You can use the RQ Classic and RQ3 Scenarios with RQG with a bit of squinting and handwaving, normally done on the fly, although some GMs prefer to really convert NPCs (Seems a waste of valuable GM time to me).
  10. It stops you gluing lips shut to stop the casting of spells, or gluing eyelids shut to stop seeing, that sort of thin. Soltak Stormspear used to have Glue 9 and a 9 Point Enhancer, so could cast Glue 18, I used to have loads of fun sticking things together and assuming that nobody could overcome the huge STR that it generated. Using it with Extension in RQ2 was good, too. We had a magic item in one campaign that allowed Glue to be used on living flesh.
  11. There was a lot of good material in the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion series, but that is really hard to get hold of.
  12. Sometimes, but Players often think it cheapens magical items, making them easily available rather than being treasured items. RQ2 had prices for buying Magical Items, Griffin Mountain might have had them at Gonn Orta's Castle. You could take those prices and divide them by the recommended amount in the RQ Conversion rules. Yes, that can work, but you have to use Charm, Bargain or some other skill to persuade them. Now, to read the other comments ...
  13. Welcome and I hope you enjoy being here and taking part. Yes. It might work better if Players play multiple PCs, either at the same time or have PCs that can rotate in and out. With fewer PCs you get more chance of being injured in a fight. With a 6 member party losing 1 means 5 to go, with a 2 member party losing 1 means you only have 1, which can be dangerous. Get lots of healing spells, potions and so on. With 2 PCs you have a small number of skills and spells to rely on, so you might have to become jacks of all trades. Our current RQ group now has 4 Players, but used to have 3, with one often being absent for work, so we had 2 PCs, a PN acting under the control of the 2 Players and an NPC. It worked really well, but we noticed that the third Player gave a lot of input when he could join.
  14. A lot of people do bad things in Glorantha. The Sky Burn and Moon Burn were awful things. The Kingdom of War is very bad indeed. Sheng Seleris was one bad dude. Arkat razed part of Aggar so that little grows there even now. Nysalor/Gbaji cursed a whole species to bear deformed children. Pentians and Praxians kill each other with glee. The Windstop causes widespread starvation and kills a bug chunk of the population. The Dragonrise killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. The Crimson Bat can eat hundreds of people at a time. These things happen. What happens in play, though, is decided by the GM and Players. You are here during the windstop? Do you emphasise people becoming cannibals to survive or people helping each other through the hard times? You are here when the nomads sack Pavis? Do you show the looting and killing or do you help some people escape or calm some nomads down so they don't loot and kill?
  15. As a GM, I am fine with that. Why should I put things in place to restrict Adventurers? Again, I don't see a problem with that.
  16. Nab him! Jab him! Tap him! Grab him! Stop that trollkin now!
  17. No, it was a theme well before that. One of the premises in my Imther campaign (which I started way back in 1987) was that not all Lunars are bad/evil! I particularly focused on Lunars being very human (mix of good and bad) and the majority of the PC's were part of Lunar cults. Lunars have always been the bad guys. We played Dragon pass in the early 80s and our RQ2 game had a big theme of pushing the Lunar Occupiers from Sartar and Prax. In both cases the Lunars were bad guys, although not inherently evil, that was reserved for Chaos and for people we didn't like.
  18. On the matter of art budgets, for a full colour front/back page and 10 black and white interior illustrations, you are probably looking somewhere around $500. If you sell at $10 and sell 100 copies then that will break even. Adding editing on top of that could add another couple of hundred dollars, so the supplement needs to be more expensive or sell more copies to break even. Using public domain artwork reduces the cost. However, maps are not going to be public domain, so are probably in the $500 cost. It can be really daunting at first, at least I thought so.
  19. From a fiction point of view, Argrath is great. He is a mover and shaker, he frees Pavis, mobilises Prax, liberates Sartar, conquers the Lunar Empire, suffers setbacks, goes on the LBQ, brings back Sheng Seleris who gets rid of the Red Emperor for him, and brings down the Red Moon. What's not to love? From a RPG point of view, Argrath is a real pain for GMs. Sure, he does all these things, but what do the Adventurers do? Just follow him around and meekly do what he says? Watch him from afar? Take part in his stories but only as bit-parts? Not interfere with the Great Story, as interfering changes it? As a GM, I have allowed the Players to interact with Argrath and to take part in his story. In one campaign, the Adventurers killed Argrath and bound him to a Lunar Hell as he was a rival to one Adventurer's ambitions. In another campaign, the Adventurers did many of the deeds that Agrath was famous for, so they took the Cradle down to Magasta's Pool, freed Pavis, found the White Bull, became King of Dragon Pass and killed the Red Emperor, leaving Garrath Sharpsword crying into his mead that "I could have been someone of it wasn't for those pesky River Voices".
  20. Absolutely, in can be an adventure. I see each day as being a ceremonial reenactment of important events in Ernalda's life. Some days have reenactments of multiple events. Adventurers can take the roles of the participants in the reenactments. This would be like a very small, short and non-challenging HeroQuest. Think of it as being like the Christmas Nativity, a Thanksgiving reenactment or something similar. But, leading up to it, you can have many fun and games. Who is taking part in the major reenactment? Can you undermine the initiate who is playing Young Ernalda and take her place? Who is going to be Ernalda Bull-Bride's husband and can you take that part? Does the same initiate need to play Ernalda throughout the day or can you have multiple initiates, playing each part separately? Does your clan have a story about Ernalda that nobody else have? If so, can you sneak elements of that story into the Holy day worship? What happens if some key materials are missing? So, what if a flask of sacred oil has been stolen? Can you find out where it is and get it back? someone drops Ernalda's Crown and breaks it, just before Ernalda is crowned Queen of the Gods, can you repair it or make a new one very quickly? Humakt can be a guard for the Holy Days, or can take part as Humakt in some of the reenactments. Storm Bull can be a guard, can be Ernalda's Bull-Husband and can kill Chaos, or at least pretend to. But, there is more to it than that. If things happen during the Holy Day preparations they can help solve them or find things out. They can hunt down the person who stole a flask of sacred oil, repair a broken sword, butcher meat for the sacred meal, help drill the militia so they look good when parading and so on. Think of the Holy Week as the culmination of a scenario. The scenario does not need to start at the beginning of the Holy Week, it can start weeks before, as everyone jockeys for position. There are lots of politics in deciding who plays which role, for example. "Hansa the Gentle shouldn't play Voria, for she was seen cavorting with Milla Cherry-Picker and probably no longer qualifies", or "Kella the Bountiful has adopted all her children so should not play Ernalda the Mother".
  21. In our last campaign, he was the drunkard in the tavern, crying into his mead that he could have been someone if it hadn't been for those River Voices stealing all his glory.
  22. That is exactly what Yelmalians do, in my experience, whether or not they have such geases.
  23. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/bathe?s=t says: bathe verb (used with object), bathed, bath·ing. to immerse (all or part of the body) in water or some other liquid, for cleansing, refreshment, etc. to wet; wash. to moisten or suffuse with any liquid. verb (used without object), bathed, bath·ing. to take a bath or sunbath. to swim for pleasure. So, according to the first definition, yes and no, for the whole or part of the body is being immersed in water, but not for cleansing, refreshment etc. What would actually happen is that you would get out, go to your Priest and argue your case. One of the PCs in our RQ2 campaign had Never Seek Shelter from Storm and was surprised by acid rain, part of Ragnaglar's Breath, so he quickly stripped off his iron armour, tossed it to another PC who was running for shelter and stood their hoping that his shield 4 lasted until the shower finished. I dread to think what would have happened if he had also had Never Bathe.
  24. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/139266/Legend-Land-of-Ice-and-Stone?affiliate_id=66807
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