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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Sorcerers don't generally adventure. I would wait until we get a pack based on the Malkioni. There are some Jonstown Compendium supplements based in the West, but I don't think they cover sorcery particularly.
  2. I use Keywords for NPCs, so a guard might just have Guard 60%, but might also have Humakti 70% or Stupid 90%. Anything guard-like comes under that instead of having to have many skills. It should work OK for PCs as well. You might use some Breakouts for important features, or you could just have skills to identify things the PCs can do well.
  3. I love the bit that says "The old bushel is equal to 2 kennings (obsolete), 4 pecks, or 8 dry gallons". Imperial units are great!
  4. Elder Secrets of Glorantha. It has a hilarious description of dwarven reproduction, where a male and female are taken into a closed room and given instructions, then they grind away for hours on end using their "mortar" and "pestle", before emerging totally embarrassed.
  5. Finding a True Mostali would be a wondrous thing, as they are very rare and very powerful. An Iron Mostali might be mechanical, or might be like an animated iron statue, or might be an animated stone statue shot through with iron. If you want to be real-worldy, ironstone is a beautiful orange colour, so having an orange statue with flakes of rust might be good. An Iron Mostali who is a Clay Mostali in an iron sect would be just a flesh and blood dwarf like any other. These are just warrior dwarves.
  6. I am playing a variant of RD100 at the moment and I am, apparently, miserly with experience. My Players sometimes increase skills but usually add Traits and Stunts (I allow them their 10s digit in Traits and up to the same for Stunts within Traits, as I have a free and easy attitude to these). One Player does not spend on skills at all, merely adds to Traits, although that is because we use one pot for Hero Points and Experience Points. I much prefer RuneQuest-style magic, across all D100 systems. In my current game, I handwave magic anyway. 1D6 per Might seems fair to me. However, I have not checked the RD100 Magic rules for a while. For quick and easy, I use Opposed rolls, it works reasonably well. For more demanding situations, I use the mental conflict rules, but it has to be done quickly. That is exactly what I do. Each Faith or Magic School is a Trait with Stunts for spells. I have them under Concentration or Passions. We use Toughness and it works really well. But, we also count the number of blows that did not exceed Toughness, for the purpose of wearing down opponents. To be honest, combat rarely gets to that point in our game, as an Advantage means the opponent soon loses. PCs use Hero points to do things like reroll or flip the dice results, which gives them the edge anyway. I would keep the Skills/Traits/stunts from RD100 in any D100 game that I GM. There are some things in RD100 that are truly excellent and that I would love in any game that I GM. There are also things that I ignore or don't use. However, this is not particularly a criticism of RD100, I have played enough D100-style games over the years that I have picked bits from each of them to make a game that works best for me.
  7. Spirits are bound to you by the force of your personality. When you die, that force no longer binds them. I suppose you could enslave a spirit and bind it permanently, if that's the way you want to go.
  8. I haven't seen this posted at BRP Central, but there is a Go fund Me fundraiser for Luise Perenne, whose illustrations graced many of the early RQ books. For me, Luise's artwork really captured what RuneQuest and Glorantha were and I am proud to use some of my Jonstown compendium royalties to support the Luise and Steve. https://www.gofundme.com/f/care-for-the-phoenix
  9. I haven't seen this posted at BRP Central, but there is a Go fund Me fundraiser for Luise Perenne, whose illustrations graced many of the early RQ books. For me, Luise's artwork really captured what RuneQuest and Glorantha were and I am proud to use some of my Jonstown compendium royalties to support the Luise and Steve. https://www.gofundme.com/f/care-for-the-phoenix
  10. Maybe the reasons have been lost in the mists of time. They could have stayed loyal to raven, or tried to kill the spirit and failed. It could be. My theory, generally, is that the Founder Bird Spirits could have had children who are also similar, so the first Raven could have had Raven children, one of whom might have helped the Locaem. It could equally have been the Raven from Prax.
  11. It's probably something to do with game companies not wanting to promote such behaviour. As a Player or GM, I have happy for these kinds of PCs to be played.
  12. I have just downloaded it, even though I don't play Call of Cthulhu or buy CoC supplements. Is there any reason why it is 60Mb in size? It doesn't look as though it has any hidden sheets, as far as I can tell, or any complex macros, again as far as I can tell. By the way, I am not knocking the size, just curious.
  13. Hur, hur hur! Unicorns are all male, so what do they use to make Unicorn Kumis? 😲
  14. When I think of this kind of stuff, I often think of what they have in Russia/Bashkiria. They eat/drink an awful lot of dairy products, for example butter, cheese, kumis, curds, whey, kefir (like a very thin yoghurt), ayran (kefir mixed with water, or a fermented drink if you're posh), smetana (sour cream) and a lot more that I either haven't tried, or tried once and never again. Add to that various types of cottage cheese and dairy products from other countries (Lassi etc) and you have a lot of things you can eat and drink. Yelmalians and Elmali might raise horses, so lots of kumis or other rich milk products. Sartarites raise cattle and sheep, but also have Praxian beasts. Praxians have their own beasts, which produce various types of milk. Are there camels in Glorantha? I forget. Camels have very rich milk, so maybe High Llamas have similar milk. Also, if you get biological, fermented milk is normally low in lactose, or so I am led to believe, so lactose-intolerant populations can consume fermented dairy products.
  15. Yeah, this happens when the network is slow, or the response is slow. I sometimes copy my reply, or reopen the thread in a different tab, to see if the reply made it in, otherwise I edit the duplicate post away, as you did.
  16. You've been a busy boy! I am sure that this will be useful for Call of Cthulhu fans. We have had something similar for Jonstown Compendium for a while and it has proven really useful for both authors and Customers, as it shows ratings and other information that is not always that easily accessible. Nick - You probably need a little helper to do the work of going through all the titles and extracting information to update, as doing this for hundreds of titles might be a lot of work.
  17. Pleased to hear it. I never know if people are actively using things, so it is great to hear when they do use the rules. Always! If you PM me your email address, or we can connect on Facebook, that would be great. I am building up a set of artists that I can work with, I have three for Cover Art and a few for interior art, but more is always good.
  18. soltakss


    I'm guessing that the Atroxic Church will be changed. The HW version is all about austerity/dourness/purging of sin and that kind of thing, I am not sure if that fits in with the current RQ/Glorantha vibe.
  19. "May the light of Yelmalio light up your life" "And up yours"
  20. The Yelm-Oslir rite is used by sun domers to woo river spirits, to get irrigation etc. Orlanth and the Scarf of Mist could be used to woo a water sprit. Vadrus and the Blue Woman could also be used, but it might be too rough. Orlanth Frees Heler might work, although that is freeing a trapped water spirit.
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