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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Very soon, I am just finishing the layout now, need to add a couple of things and it is done. I would hope by the end of January.
  2. If you could send me an email to soltakss@yahoo.com letting me know what you have found, then I can make the corrections, if I agree with them. Heroic Casting means that you can use your personal Magic Points to cast certain Rune Spells. Basically, your POW becomes a new Rune Pool for casting those spells. It is effectively an ability. You have to know the spell in order to cast it Heroically. The Rune spells are just normal Rune spells, so you cast them and use them in the same way as normal. So, casting shield 8 Heroically costs 8 Magic Points and goes off at SR1, the same way as casting Shield 8 from your Rune Pool. In my games you can use points from your Rune Pool and Magic Points together, also from two different Rune Pools. Heroic Casting of Spirit Magic costs 1 MP no matter what the spell is, so if you have Heroic Casting of Fireblade it costs 1 MP to cast, Heroic Casting of Bladesharp 8 costs 1 MP to cast. Heroic Casting of Sorcery would cost 1 MP to cast, no matter what the strength of the spell. It takes as long as the normal sorcery spell takes to cast. Heroic Knowledge means you know the spell but it doesn't count against CHA, for Spirit Magic spells. It also means that you can cast a spell without knowing it. On a HeroQuest, you might get Heroic Knowledge of a spell, while on the HeroQuest, so you can use powers that were used on the HeroQuest without knowing them. I have reformatted a lot of these for the Book of Doom, reworking many of them to fit in with RQG better. At some point I'll take them off my website and link to the Book of Doom instead. The Craft spells increase your skill for an activity now, so more useful.
  3. I've asked a similar question already in a different thread, and the answer was So it's not an offical book ... It will be an official Jonstown Compendium supplement. No, but a badly needed one! Thanks!
  4. Yes, but the Red Goddess is a mask of many deities. She is also a mask of the Invisible God, for example. Yes, she does that as well. Being a mask of Wakboth doesn't mean that she is Wakboth. It just means that she knows what Wakboth is and has taken on a form of Wakboth. She can be a mask of Wakboth without wanting the destruction of Glorantha. Indeed.
  5. Easy solution - Use zombie animals. Do the gladiators help the crops grow or is the mystic power used in some other way? In my Glorantha they take the blood-soaked sand from the arena and spread it on the fields. The sand contains the mana produced by the sacrificial combat.
  6. I vote the opposite. The future of Dragon Pass is a guideline. GMs can choose to follow it slavishly, not allowing PCs to deviate, use it as an idea of what is coming or ignore it completely. I prefer to use it as a guide, sometimes using the events, although not always in the same order as they appear, with PCs taking the prime roles and changing things.
  7. Boldhome is the capital of Sartar and was built in a day. On its own it would not be sustainable but is supported by the surrounding clans.
  8. Thanks! A lot of typos? I'd be interested to see what you think are typos. Have you downloaded the latest version? That Table is simply a shorthand of all the various rules about holy places on p315 in the RQG Rules. If you succeed in your Worship you get the first set, if you fail you get the second result.
  9. It's like Marital Arts all over again!
  10. Ha! I was just coming here to say that... There is one worse job though, even worse than being posted to Dorastor, and that being sent to serve wherever the Bat happens to be. Meh, Dorastor isn't that bad ...
  11. They definitely had them in medieval times. The Trojan War tells of both sides asking to retrieve their fallen and of the consequences of dishonoring the dead, so I can see it being applicable to Glorantha. Maybe, but that is one of the consequences of acting with honour.
  12. it's not in the rules, but if you don't do it, you have to buy down your 80% beast rune. It sort-of is in the rules, as the Glorantha Bestiary says the following under Baboons: You could assume that what the assistant shaman does is the same as what all baboons do.
  13. I haven't seen most of these before, thanks for sharing. From left to right, Top Row: Three of the first group appear to be charioteers, although it is not clear if they are part of Ronance or the Sun Domers. The second group appears to be a Walking Fort, Rocket and Balloon, although I have no idea what they are. The third group is the Spider with her webs. I think she appeared as a figure in Wyrms Footnotes or maybe Drastic Darkness. The fourth group appear to be Wasp Riders, or Bee Riders, but I am not sure who the standard is supposed to represent. The fifth group looks like militiamen from the Sartar Fyrd, from Dragon Pass, but you already have those, so maybe an earth force. The sixth group looks like knights, perhaps from Knight Fort on the borders between the Holy Country and Prax. From left to right, Middle Row: The first group appear to be mounted warriors, although it is unclear who they are. The Hero looks like the Only Old One. The second group appears to be a trolls, perhaps the Only Old One's army. The third group contains a Hero and a Super Hero, not sure who they are. The fourth group is the Free Army, so are they from the Holy Country? From left to right, Bottom Row: The first group appear to be Walktapi, Swim and the Hydra The second group appears to be some kind of serpent and maybe a morokanth spirit The third group contains Ghosts or Wraiths The fourth group are mounted warriors of the Free Army, I would guess. That is fantastic to hear. I love the Nomad Gods and dragon Pass games and have developed some variants of them. They look really good. Have you seen the counters in Wyrms footnotes and the Books of Drastic Resolutions? They have figures that might not be on your sheets.
  14. Each of the tokens in the Nomad Gods game really represents a clan. The Ostrich Tribe, I think, has one token, as do many of the other Independents. The Impala Tribe have shedloads. I once used the Grazelanders as a tribe in Nomad Gods, representing the Pure Horse Folk, they are a pitifully small tribe in comparison with the 5 Great Nations. The Dragonewts can hold their own, though, they match the Great Nations.
  15. Jesus f***. Here is one for bigger Aldryami.
  16. The Cult of Silence preaching about being trapped in a prison, or box, of your own making is especially poignant, as is the struggle of pushing against an unmovable object.
  17. Ah, line numbers in an editor, I remember those! Save it and open it in Word, or some other office suite, most allow you to open RTFs.
  18. In the real world, people were given the chance to retrieve the dead from the battlefield. There were groups of people whose job was to collect armour and weapons from the fallen. So, the rules of war probably allow you to do that.
  19. Castle Kartolin is a hidden castle, on the edge of Dorastor. Orathorn Tower may or may not be a hidden castle. The Hidden Greens are hidden oases, as are the oases in Greydust in the Wastelands, but I am not sure if they count as hidden castles.
  20. Undead must sacrifice POW, so cannot join. Broo and Scorpionmen can join Chalana Arroy and Humakt. Some cults might have restrictions against Chaos joining as lay Members, but that is not described. Some cults will be easier than others. Grandfather Baboon, sure. Hunter no problem. Lhankor Mhy, go a beard, knows how to read or knows a Lore, fine. I am fine with making it difficult because it is unusual, but not fine with Baboons can only join Grandfather Baboon because that's what it says in the rules. It is a game, games are meant to be fun. GMs can be dicks about it, making it not fun, or can set challenges to be overcome, which makes it fun.
  21. I used these for Sorcery spells in Secrets of Dorastor and the Book of Doom. I think I had to fiddle with them a bit to make them transparent and resizing them is a pain, but they work OK. They would be much better and easier to use as characters in a Font, though.
  22. Tag-Team ceremonies. You just pass on the leading of the ceremony to someone else, so you have a permanent ceremony going.
  23. For me, one of the biggest problems we have with Sorcery in RuneQuest is "Who gets it?" By that, I mean that the normal explanation is that Sorcery is available to Malkioni and Mostali, with a few others. However, not all Malkioni get Sorcery, not all Malkioni use Sorcery and Malkioni don't always use Sorcery. There are many sects that mix magics, with some using Sorcery and Spirit Magic, some using Sorcery and Divine Magic and some using Sorcery and Shamanism. Until we get supplements that cover these different areas and have new rules about how they use Sorcery then any discussion will be hamstrung by having to use the RQG bare-bones rules on Sorcery.
  24. The Bestiary says that Baboon Religion is Grandfather Baboon, not that Baboons can only worship Grandfather Baboon. Yes, I would apply CHA-10 for some interactions, but they can probably buy it off with good cult service. Pure prejudice. Mello was not allowed to join the mercenaries. In our campaign, he joined the Outcasts Militia and used that as a way in. Eventually he became Ambassador Mello, Golden Dragon, Dragon Emperor of Peloria, Companion of Genert, Companion of Tada, Companion of Pavis, Companion of Shan Agar, King of Dragon Pass, Constable of Pavis, Constable of Sun County and other titles that he has forgotten. But, that might not suit you.
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