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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I would. Anyone stupid enough to believe an Eurmali telling them about a change in their geas deserves to be punished. I wouldn't make their sword shatter, though. Yes. A geas is a geas and it doesn't matter how or why it was broken. The penalty should be not as harsh as someone deliberately breaking the geas, though. A better use of Lie would be "No, that isn't bird, it's goat", then sharing a bird-meal. Then the Chalana Arroy Healer has a choice. Either obey a commend that seems to be coming from Chalana Arroy or don't and suffer the consequences. Not killing the baby means that you have obeyed cult restrictions but disobeyed a command from Chalana Arroy. You go to your priestess and tell of your sin of breaking the command and accept the consequences. Or, you go to your priestess and tell her that you obeyed the command but, in doing so, broke cult restrictions. Either way, there is good roleplaying mileage.
  2. Maybe going off and finding things out about Orlanth's Ring? You don't always get what you expected/wanted on HeroQuests. My opinion is that Argrath used Kallyr as a patsy and manipulated her quite a bit. She caused the Dragonrise but Argarth wanted it to happened, or was not disappointed when it happened.
  3. I love Fantasy/Mythic Earth, so have written things for D100 games based on Medieval Britain and the Old Stone Age, so those settings work for me. RQ would work for them. Conan and similar Swords and Sorcery fit the RQ rules really well.
  4. I think that is absolutely forbidden and impossible by the rules and Geases of the cult, and Humakti magic would normally prevent it happening. And by forbidden and impossible I mean, of course, that they must Illuminated heretics. Or technically Umbarist, which is basically Spolite Illumination for goths. Of course it is not allowed by the rules, which is what makes it more fun when it happens. It really annoys Players of Humakti, which is even better.
  5. In my games, Vampires are either nobles or thugs. Nobles are refined immortals with long-term plans, temples around them and worshippers who fawn on them. Thugs are the kill-crazy, rip them to bits vampires. Dorastor, of course, has both. Sure, why not have vampires turning into bat or wolf form? Some might turn into other forms as well, just to surprise Players. All vampires are automatically members of the Vivamort cult, whether or not they actually join. However, some may have never heard of Vivamort and might have been created by lone Vampires or mages. Not everything has to be done the same way. Delecti is a Mage of Vivamort, but not a vampire himself. I have Vampires in Carmania. They live in stone towers, or castles, with each Vampire supported by a family. When the family Humakti become Swords they are transformed into immortals who can fight at night. Some people might not like the idea of Humakti Vampires, but I have always loved the idea. Of course, they follow Sword Man, not Humakt, and Dark man, not Vivamort, but the spells are the same. There is a Vampire Legion rumored to be fighting for the Lunars. The Red Emperor used to have a squad of vampire bodyguards, but I am not sure of that is still canon. Some members of Yanafal Tarnils have absolutely no problem with becoming Vampires and serving the Empire forever. Oh, that's Ok then. Secrets of Dorastor does that, with them having spells to drain Rune Magic and use blood to make enchantments. Gods and Goddess of Glorantha will probably do it differently.
  6. These are much clearer here than on my phone using Facebook, Nick, although I suppose I could have checked the Facebook posts on my laptop.
  7. Extended Contests don't really work for me, so I rarely use them, except for a climatic event. But, if you use them and the Adventurer is engaged in a contest and some orcs come running around the corner, it all depends on how you see this: The Orcs come screaming around the corner and the Adventurer looks over at them, shrugs and casually tosses off a Fireball at them. Just roll for the effect of the Fireball against multiple opponents, or treat the Orcs as a single target, see what happens and narrate if any of them survive based on the result of the contest. The extended contest continues as it did. The Orcs come screaming around the corner and the Adventurer looks at them, shocked by the sudden reinforcements, breaks off the fight, turns to them and fires off a Fireball. The Fireball contest is done as above, but the extended contest stops, maybe the Adventurer loses the extended contest or the opponent gets to run away or to act.
  8. An Eurmal cultists worried about the consequences of their actions shouldn't really be an Eurmal cultist, or is already in chains.
  9. That is pretty much how Revolution does it, with slots for powers.
  10. I have a few times. The PCs can: Run a parallel but intersecting HeroQuest, where they have stations that intersect with the HeroQuest to be interrupted Run the opposing HeroQuest in full, i.e. they play the part of the opponents on the other HeroQuest on their whole journey Dip into a Station, again acting as the opponents, but only for that single Station Do something else entirely In the example given, Kangharl is performing a HeroQuest which puts the lover into the target, as the Red Goddess. The Adventurers could oppose that by looking at the Stations on the HeroQuest and inserting themselves into those Stations. I don't think they would know the full HeroQuest of the opponents, if there is such a HeroQuest. Rule One issue 11 has the main part of Yanafal Tarnils's HeroQuest: He decides to leave his post and search for Teelo Estara(The Adventurers could oppose him and remind him of his duty, preventing him from starting the HeroQuest) He walked through God Time Myths, slaying or imprisoning anything that opposed him (The Adventurers could attack him here, acting as the opponents who were slain or imprisoned, hopefully changing that outcome) He met the goddess Ak, who had birthed Death and defeated it (The adventurers could be Ak or her companions) He travels to the Fields of Waste (The Adventurers could ambush him on this journey) He confronts Teelo Estara and makes a decision to replace her on the Stake (The Adventurers could try and persuade him to remember those he had abandoned, those who were dying because of him, to remind him of his duty) Teelo Estara must choose which of her fallen companions she can bring back to the surface, she chooses her tormentor and, by doing so, allows the others to return with her (The Adventurers could interrupt the choice, persuading to choose another and leave Kangharl trapped in Hell) Just some ideas.
  11. That is what I was thinking of, thanks. I have it as a thin document by Greg Stafford 2006, but was not aware that it was available as an online document.
  12. There is also some prep work in the Boatrising Scenario, where some of the NPCs hop off to talk to dragonic creatures in Orlanth's Ring. The PCs in my last Gloranthan campaign did this themselves and awakened their Inner Dragon, gaining a Dragon Rune and some cool powers that they developed later on, resulting in them transforming into True Dragons and fighting the Chaos Dragon from Secrets of Dorastor, then Mello Yello becoming the Golden Dragon and transferring the Great sister's Utuma ritual to himself, causing the Golden Dragon to die and be reborn as the Sun Dragon Emperor and the Red Emperor left there looking like an idiot.
  13. You should write this up for the Jonstown Compendium
  14. I think it was in one of the short Stafford Library supplements, but can't remember the name. It did not describe the whole myth, but gave a lot more than we had before.
  15. Well, I have now set up some Macros in my Monday night game. D100 and some for NPC names. Also have added a Hit Location Chart and basic Characters. Slowly getting there.
  16. Well, no, Classic Fantasy allows you to run D&D-style characters and classes using the Mythras rules. Mythras does have some Fantasy supplements. Check The design Mechanism out on Drivethrurpg.
  17. I think that Argrath has reawakend some of the secrets of the EWF and has become a bit of a dragon mystic. After all, he uses the EWF War Banner,. has the dragontooth Warriors and helped awaken the Brown Dragon, although some say that it was Kallyr. I am sure he uses more later on, even though this might not be documented. He probably left out Orlanth the Dragon, as that would probably be a step too far. He probably asked them for permission and got it, so it is nor forbidden for him.
  18. Probably because the rules didn't allow it. Now, if you can whack away with a sword it makes sense for everyone to gang up on the spirit. I would have it also damage the person engaged in Spirit Combat as well, just to prove a point.
  19. My PDF is dated 2012, perhaps it came out earlier.
  20. There are several ways of doing this: Adjust the aging threshold from 40 to 400, or whatever Adjust the frequency of aging rolls from annually to every 5 or 10 years, to age more slowly Just don't have aging rolls and assume the character does not age There are werewolf stats on p 350 of the 2012 edition of Basic Roleplaying. Alternate Form (p149) works as well.
  21. Yes, the relevant quote is from the various forms of the Magic Point Enchantment, so it doesn't apply to spirits. But it does mention that MP enchantments don't regenerate as they don't have POW, implying that Bound Spirits can regenerate as they have POW. I just assume it's at the same rate, 1/24th per hour. So, a POW 12 Spirit regenerates 1 MP every 2 hours. Why make it more difficult?
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