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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. Raleel


    I would go for a book that covers that period better - mythic Constantinople. In there we find Puncturing – the weapon has a significant metal spike, usually slightly curved and designed to penetrate stiff armour. Can also apply to ammunition. Ignores a specific number of armour points equal to half the maximum damage capability of the weapon but only against rigid armour. So a puncturing dagger (1d4+1 damage) ignores 3 points of rigid armour. said military pick would then gain 4 points of armor piercing, which would mean he could get through the plate 50% of the time.
  2. Raleel


    Against someone in the best armor available as this argument has been set up as? Die. Said articulated plate armored guy moves in, axe guy hopes to trip him and get a bypass armor. Knight guy likely has a better combat skill, parries with his hand, ignores the damage attempts to move in to punch average peasant man in the face. spear man may get lucky with an impale, but it won’t stop knight guy. All that armor is going to stop most anything shy of a polearm. on the other hand, if average man is going against someone with, say, a chain jacketed chest and abdomen, chain coif, and a gambeson on his arms, he’s going to do much better. He can pick bleed and have a 3/5 chance of getting an arm or a leg with the shot that goes through the gambeson pretty much by default. If you bring a tank to the battle field, you can’t expect to damage it with rifles. Average people don’t rush knights with one handed weapons. They use great axes, long spears, and glaives.
  3. Raleel


    Did you miss the stabbing section? The page is annoyingly hard to read with an atrocious font color and background. It continues on a bit, but there is even a picture that is captioned with "not so impressive, but more deadly". They acknowledge that brain penetrating injuries are fatal, but then go on to talk about how the entire chest cavity is death to get stabbed in. The slashes in the pictures, while impressive, are not actually all that deadly compared to being hit by a spear in the torso. Now, one might argue that spears should get Drop Foe special effect (in Mythras Imperative and in Firearms), which is designed to emulate said shock, but that would make them even more potent, by quite a bit. Mythras specifically avoids damage escalation on a larger scale. If you want to reflect this with a lower damage die, armor piercing works well. Several variants of the trait can be found, but essentially it's half the max weapon damage, rounded up. I've found this to be an exceptional way to deal with armor without escalating damage, and works well with military picks. Escalating damage a bunch (like doubling it) tends to lead to rocket tag. Styles with axes could potentially take Shield Splitter, a trait on p89. Roll twice, take the best, apply damage to the shield when using the damage weapon special effect. Now the 1h battle axe is doing more than 4 points of damage 75% of the time, and 6 55% of the time Sunder applies specifically to armor, because the armor doesn't have hit points, just armor points. and here in lies where the spear has a weakness. it's L reach is great, but gaining a special effect can get you inside it's reach. This is less doable (actually mostly impossible armed) against M reach weapons. Mythras has a lot of nuances in it. It is balanced on a lot more axes than a lot of other games.
  4. Raleel


    https://www.netvike.com/wounds-from-combat.html The above link is filled with graphic imagery, so caution, but it talks a bit about the different kinds of wounds from slashing (axe) and stabbing (spear) weapons. Specifically, it speaks about how a stabbing weapon has a far greater chance of hitting organs. I’m digging around for some more medical papers, but thus far the consensus has been that the force of the strike is much more focused in a stabbing scenario. Consider that you are bringing the mass of the weapon as well as your strength into a singular point. https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1520915/7/Pope_YJASC-S-15-00816 extracted.pdf (Thank you UK weapons nerds) points to spear thrusts being in the 1000N range at peak. I’ve been unable to find a study on it, but https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/angular-momentum with a 1kg axe at 2m is more like 71N. Having another study going at it with axes and swords would be great. the other thing to consider is armor scaling. At the point you make spears d6+1, they cannot pierce articulated plate without a crit or a damage mod. This may not be an accurate reflection of reality.
  5. Raleel


    nope. they've been doing d8+1 since at least RQ3. I doubt it's a typo, unless it's been carried through RQ3, MRQ2, RQ6, and Legend, which seems unlikely. Why shouldn't it to d8+1?
  6. there is a mostly complete al-qadim conversion on the discord in the resource links channel
  7. If you are taking about a starting barbarian warrior, he can get 15% from his culture, 15% from his career, and 15% bonus points into a cultural combat style, plus his str and dex. That can put him around 55-75. That’s about the highest without altering rules. A civilian scholar is unlikely to have more than 40 or 50, and even then, they spent some points. I would say you are not correct, because higher skill also affects the opponent. I don’t necessarily think it’s all that much higher anyways.
  8. I keep looking at the third one. I could swear I've seen that. I keep thinking FASA, but I don't think that's right. The style looks vaguely british rpg to me. edit: I could swear the third one is warhammer lizardmen. The axes on the two front guys have some sort of glyph on the head. the front one looks like saurus, and the back one like mage priest.
  9. @Yorgan I would ask on rpgpub.net. A lot of diverse gamer knowledge there.
  10. @Mjollnir owns it. it's in his content on here 🙂
  11. I use the Mythras imperative rules, which have you roll endurance every couple of rounds. Failure imposes a skill penalty at first, and is fairly quick to recover (15 minutes). Another failure hits your movement, then another hits your initiative and steps up the others, etc. eventually you end up losing actions as well. The recovery time increases as well - two failed rolls has you tired for a few hours, and another gets you for 6, another is 12, and so on. ENC impacts the endurance roll a bit. In practice I’ve found if you get to the second level, you are pretty done.
  12. Someone did this with Mythras combat too and it was quite unique. Pretty high action with a lot of special effects flying. Would it make a difference to just subtract the amount over 100 the highest skill is from both skills and then just compare rolls? 110 vs 90 would be the same as 100 vs 80, say. 13th age does something similar, where mooks are in groups with shared hit points. Defeating one requires meeting the minimum for the particular mook itself, but any extra damage spills over to another. There is explicit encouragement to find an inventive way to make that happen narratively.
  13. I got to play it at GenCon this last year at the Epic level (X men power). I was quite surprised at how well it did, and it very much felt like supers.
  14. I would largely take the pieces I like from each. I prefer Mythras’ combat system as a wholel but I would look pretty strongly at RQ’s strike ranks. I like the flatter curve of Mythras as a whole though. and me, in montana, USA
  15. Thank you both, @Mugenand @Lloyd Dupont. I’ve also seen a bit of struggle with my group who came from years of roll over games adjusting to the blackjack style. They intuitively thing lowest under the skill is the best, but that is not correct 🙂 as for the tweaking, augments as Loz points out, are the choice I go with for small increases. The peasant may love his land, and his Passion augmenting it up by 12-20% may help a lot.
  16. Ya, Mythras also offers multiple parries, but felt I shouldn’t belabor the point overly.
  17. Where abouts? That’s when I was active as well, though active might be an overstatement. For these you can easily import a variant. Mythras has a flatter damage table, starting at d2, for example, and doesn’t deal with that bookkeeping outside of dramatic moments. Ya, also available in variants. Mythras has an outmaneuver action to do this, and sundering shields is a thing. Others no doubt have their own versions. a nice feature of the family to be able to largely mix and match.
  18. No picking of fights here, but I’m curious as to the unhappiness and frustration. I have some suspicions, but I don’t want to put words in your mouth
  19. A little late to this discussion but there are some clear similarities between pf2e and Mythras that should make it feel a little more familiar. Pf2e is more bonus focused, I think, but there are lots of options.
  20. My apologies. Early, no coffee, no glasses and typo with autocorrect. Yes, you CAN is the right answer 🙂
  21. Yes, you can use it. There are a few discussions out there on this, but the changes were largely typographical. The animism chapter was rewritten, but is clearer. worlds United will work just fine with either.
  22. I think more specifically you couldn’t make a cthulhu game and expect it to have BRP on it. I don’t believe it actually stops d100 cthulhu.
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