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Everything posted by Runeblogger

  1. Here's a review I wrote: Review of Brace Yourself! Combat Training Module ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  2. I'd say passions can also augment or decrease due to narrative reasons. For example, if the Varmandi burned your family's stead to the ground, the GM can tell you to increase your Hate Varmandi 60% passion by f.ex. +20% or 10+2D10%.
  3. Not sure. The adventure started with the disappearance of Orlaronth Dragonfriend from the Great Library of Nochet. It was pretty fun.
  4. I played a one-shot set in Nochet last year. Unfortunately, I don't remember the GM's name. I think it was on the online convention @pookie organizes.
  5. Ionara's folio: - "Now she wander these" should be "Now she wanders these" Mago's folio: - His name is "Son of Barossus" but in the text it says twice "Barosus", so I think it should be written with just one "s". - "his grandather Harion" should be "his grandfather Harion". - "Mago joined in the infamous" should be "Mago joined the infamous". - "He participated in liberation of Sartar" should be "He participated in the liberation of Sartar". Makario's folio: - In his background text, "Lankhor Mhy" should be "Lhankor Mhy". - "a High Healer. but froze to death" should be "a High Healer, but froze to death" (comma instead of full-stop) - Makario claims his snake "sought those who could rescue me" but later on the text just says it "protected him and tended to him until he could be found", which is a different thing. - In the "How to play Makario" section, "an intelligent creatures" should be "an intelligent creature". Narres' folio: - His/Her magic points are 27, OK, but in other characters who own magic crystals (for example, Vasana) the summation is specified, so in this case it should also be specified as "27 (15+12)". Varakos' folio: - In the background text, "for two year, then died" should be "for two years, then died".
  6. Aranda's folio: - She has 2 riding horses, but neither is described in game terms, same as Harmast's zebras. - In the "How to play Aranda" section: +"You are skilled fighter" should be "You are a skilled fighter". +"pleasure and plain" should be "pleasure and pain" - She has 7 points worth of Spirit Magic, is that intended? Usually PCs start with 5 (although Nathem has 6).
  7. What surprised me the most about the movie was how similar the plot was to Game of Thrones. I guess G.R.R. Martin was a big Herbert fan!
  8. I wish they had left Valley of Plenty on sale with a note that it won't be continued. ๐Ÿ˜ข
  9. What if the Aldryami had also achieved a special success in their first Bargain roll?
  10. We need scenarios that explore exactly this. Your humaktis, babester goris, orlanth adventurous and storm bullies will be of almost no use, and the ernaldans, chalana arroys and issaries will take the lead.
  11. OK. Does it make sense then for a Seven Mothers Runelord to be fully initiated into Yanafal Tarnils to have access to the Truesword Rune spell?
  12. Since the book will include Yanafal Tarnils and the rest of the Mothers as proper cults, can anyone please tell me if Yanafal initiates have access to True Weapon? Also, could a Seven Mothers Runelord have access to True Weapon through some sort of Yanafal Tarnils subcult? I guess Seven Mothers initiates can transition smoothly to the proper Yanafal Tarnils cult if they pass the tests, but do they then start a separate Rune point pool? How does that work?
  13. It looks like a pumpkin because that's the way a terrified farmer described the misshapen, horrendous head of the jack oยดbear. See the poster of the horror film Pumpkinhead, for example. It does not look like a pumpkin at all, but someone, trying his best to describe it, used the word "pumpkin".
  14. I play jack oยดbears as the pumpkin head is only a rumor, a product of a horror-stricken person's description of the monster. As the monster in the film "Pumpkinhead". The art in the RQG Bestiary agrees with this "it only looks like a pumpkin" theory.
  15. If you still want to use Jeff's new numbers, you could say that in your Glorantha, Sartar has +3000 population, all of them worshipping Redalda. As for my Glorantha, Uralda worshipers (Eiritha) are as numerous as Chalana Arroy's. ๐Ÿ™‚ The videogame is to blame.
  16. I love this topic. ๐Ÿ™‚ Here's 5 ways of doing that, from different D100 systems: 1. Revolution d100's extended conflicts: Paolo Guccione transforms HeroQuest's extended conflicts into an easy D100 mechanism suitable for adding more rolls to a single dramatic action: chases, climbs, debates, infiltration, negotiation you name it. Basically each side has a pool of attrition points by adding up two characteristics. Each "attack" on the other side inflicts 1D6 "damage". There are some more bits to this basic frame. The best part is that depending on the level of points each side has lost at the end, they each have to concede smoe degree of victory to the other side. 2. M-Space extended conflicts: based straight away on the mechanism explained in Revolution d100, but a bit more simplified. 3. Mythras' item crafting rules: can also be used for high stakes debates, as the rulebook itself explains. Each side rolls their skill. Each success makes you advance 25% towards your goal, a critical 50%, and a fumble -25%. Whoever reaches 100% first is the winner. 4. Mythas Companion detailed rules for social conflicts: a bit more involved, but usable both for convincing an audience or "destroying your adversaries' social standing". They map onto the Mythras rules for combat, with "combat" effects to choose from a list after each unopposed successful attack or successful defense against a failed attack. 5. The Clash of Cleverness: a homebrewn extra system devised by Deliverator and based on Mythras/RQ6 combat and Burning Wheel's "Duel of the Wits". It's cool how it teaches the player the different approaches they can take in a debate. I have used them all at least once in my games. As they are D100-based, all of them can be stolen for your RQG campaign.
  17. Jeff has shared more art by Ana Orlova on FB: Argrath: And Vamastal Greyskin, King of the Sambari and city rex of Wilmskirk. According to Jeff, he is half-mad and has grey skin due to a harrowing heroquest through hell.
  18. Yes, Chaosium is integrating the Starter Set into Fantasy Grounds.
  19. I love the idea. I wrote this short guide to get started in Glorantha in general some time ago that may be useful. ๐Ÿ˜€ And here there are some of my reviews so far: - The Broken Tower - GM Screen Pack - Yozarian's Bandit Ducks! - Jorthan's Rescue Redux - Treasures of Glorantha - Pookie and Andrew Montgomery have plenty of good reviews in their blogs as well.
  20. Wow, this is awesome. Have you got more of these???
  21. Wow. Show us some of those mockups, please! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  22. I loved listening to the "making off" or thinking process behind Beer with Teeth's scenarios! That and the GMs talking about how they run RQG was really interesting. ๐Ÿ‘ The Motel of Mysteries is fun, as well! I have also sometimes thought about archaeologists of the future digging in the ruins of our current cities and towns, so that's been like seeing my imagination in print. ๐Ÿ˜„
  23. A picture of Enerava Chan, the young High Priestess of Ernalda in the Colymar tribe. I love this depiction way more than the one in the GM Screen Pack. By Anna Orlova.
  24. What is that Hunter and Hunted quest like? An Odaylan myth? And how did it differ in you campaign from the Lunars just normally chasing the adventurers? So what would trigger a Dark Trail? Just a dark trail in the woods could actually lead you to one of those?
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