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Everything posted by Runeblogger

  1. Cults of Glorantha. It includes brief rules for heroquesting (two pages) and myths for heroquests of every major cult, briefly described. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9824353-cults-of-glorantha
  2. Artists often work on a larger format than the one it is later printed so they can work with more ease.
  3. Sunhead could be Lightfore and the purple woman might be Gorgorma, Dendara's sister. And do you recognize the following three (also by Agathe Pitié? 😋
  4. Mostal, by Loïc Muzy Sky Gods (a piece of the whole), by Agathe Pithié: The Red Moon (another piece), by Agathe Pithié: Storm Gods, by Agathe Pithié:
  5. For those who don't have Facebook accounts: Uleria by Loïc Muzy A Yelornan, by Loïc Muzy: Lodril, by Loïc Muzy: Grain Goddesses, by Loïc Muzy: Humakt, by Loïc Muzy:
  6. Perhaps, see this other thread:
  7. But the Resurrection spell has the Fate rune... 😵
  8. Inspiration for Hyalorings/Pentians/Grazelanders:
  9. How long till the Spanish edition? BTW I have included the news at the bottom of this post. 👈🙂
  10. Has the GM Book that is referenced in the rulebook now dissolved into an Equiment & Weapons book and the Heroquesting Book? Or will it still be published at some point?
  11. Standing ovation!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Maybe when they use the Infinity Rune against Harrek he becomes the Bear God and is therefore forever secluded in Godtime?
  12. Well, if we wanted to explain why it requires a full week, perhaps you can acquire the spell in an instant, but it takes a week to fully internalise that piece of a spirit you just melded into your own spirit in order to use it as a spell. Perhaps shamans need less time because they are more used to using their spirit in this way than theists.
  13. Would you equate him to Hyalor or would you change the text on the HeroQuest Voices so as to make him (Hyalor) who convinced Arandayla to ally with his people. And then, how would you model the cult of Hyalor? Perhaps he would be the ancestor cult, and only provide some special spirit magic related to horses and riding?
  14. What do you think of the differences between the Grazers' great spirits in HeroQuest Voices and the ones described in RQG? The Grazers part of HeroQuest Voices (written by David Dunham) mentions Dastal the Hunter as the one who first allied with Arandayla, with no mention to Hyalor, while RQG mentions Hyalor the Rider as a Grazer deity, just as in Six Ages Ride Like the Wind. HeroQuest Voices mentions Golden Bow as a sort of group of expert archers, while RQG claims it is the Grazer's shaman subcult of Yu-Kargzant. RQG also mentions Yelmalio as an associate god of Yu-Kargzant. But do Grazers worship Yelmalio (under a different name)? Is La-Ungariant how they call Maran Gor or Ernalda, or both? Would you model the cult of Folorene on the cult of Eurmal? What cult would a Grazer woman follow if she decides against all odds to become a warrior? 🤔
  15. Yes. In order to create an initiation ritual, you could for example figure out what is the most basic tenet of their cult and turn it into a vivid story of how the main deity learnt that, so when the individual passes the rite, she is on the same page as the rest of the adults of their community.
  16. This is Saga or Ferenasa, initiate of Engizi: https://elruneblog.blogspot.com/2021/01/creating-duck-character-for-runequest.html You could also use it as an NPC. 🙂
  17. When I ran it I created four other villages that had something peculiar in them, just so the PCs would have a harder time figuring out which one was the bad seed.
  18. The same happens when the rules say "the skill is halved", as that is more negative for high-skilled characters. What I do is to apply a -50% instead. Perhaps you could apply a malus like -20% to the Characteristic x 5 instead of using an inferior multiplier.
  19. What stats/special skills do your Warlocks have? 🤩
  20. I like that idea a lot, although I would need to test is first. I would probably only allow it for initiates who already have all their deity's spells as described in RQG, to represent the fact that they have had some experience with their deity's magic. You could, for example, let PCs who have Rune points in excess of the available special Rune spells improvise Rune spells in a given situation, which then become fixed to one or two of those Rune points in excess of the available Rune spells, so that would mean they learnt the spell when they sacrificed for the Rune point. This ties with my assumption that every time you learn a new Rune spell, you actually undertake a mini-heroquest in which you reenact some deed of your deity.
  21. I like it that baboon shamans can be so powerful. 🙂
  22. And apparently he was!!! I just found this on Facebook today, posted by him: A NEW ALDRYAMI MYTH In the late '90s and early '00s I was working on what eventually became a pair of books about the Aldryami, one for Issaries (and HeroQuest) and one for Mongoose (and their variant of RuneQuest). As part of my preparation for that work, I wrote about 20 short Aldryami myths, most of them in service to theme issues of Tradetalk magazine. I am now once more starting work on an Aldryami book, this to be the be-all and end-all, for my preferred Glorantha system, Chaosium's original RuneQuest (yay!). And as part of that I've decided to start writing new myths, which I'll post here every few weeks (and maybe someday collect and publish in the Jonstown Compendium, or something, but that's a topic and a tangle for another year). So here's the first. If you enjoy it, you can pay me back with a writing prompt (in the comments). Tell me a person, place, thing, topic, title, or something similar that you'd like to read an Aldryami myth about. Like the topics for those Tradetalks of times past, they'll help me to approach the myths of the Aldryami from a wide variety of directions, and to consider a wide variety of things. (No promise I'll use all the prompts, but if I do I'll be sure to thank you in credits, and also send you a compilation of the myths I wrote 15-25 years ago. And I'm the most likely to use a prompt if it gives me the scope to write about something big or notable.)
  23. So this weekend an improvised virtual con consisting of panels to talk about Gloranthan and non-Gloranthan topics was advertised and organised on Facebook and conducted on Discord. And I missed it completely 😫 even though I had been forewarned! So, if you managed to attend, would you mind sharing what interestings bits you learned from it? ☺️ (pretty please?)
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